Chapter 3: They're Gone

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Katherine's POV

The whole ride home was filled of silence and tension.  I could see so much regret and pain in Edward's eyes.  I caught Bella looking over to Edward a few times, but he wouldn't look at her.  Edward finally parks Bella's truck in front of her her house, but neither of them moved. 

I sigh softly and look over to Dax who carried pity for the two of them.  He gets up and helps me out of the back of the truck and we walk over to Bella's side. 

"Hell of a party." Dax laughs, trying to lighten up the mood, but wasn't working.  Bella gives him a small smile while Edward scoffs lightly.

"Edward?"  I gain his attention. 

"Yes?" He looks over to me. 

"Will you please tell Jasper...that..." I stop to sigh.  "Will you tell him to call me later?  I...I just don't want him to feel bad.  I still don't believe it was his fault.  None of yours.  It just...happens." 

Edward sighs, not really believing my words, but he nods anyway. 

I give Bella a small smile, "I'll see you tomorrow, ok?" 

Bella nods, "Ok." 

I reach in and hug her gently, careful not to hurt her arm.

I turn and give Dax a chance to hug her and together we left them to talk.


(Katherine's outfit for the day)

(Dax's Outfit for the day)

Jasper never called me.  He wouldn't even take my calls.  I was extremely hurt by this.  Why is he ignoring me?  I just wish he could...ugh, just talk to me.  When it was time for school, I was going to confront him and talk to him about why he's so distant.  But, he and his family never showed up.  Dax and I were both worried, and I could see that Bella was concerned, too.  Where are they? 

After school, I decided to go and see Jasper and find out what's wrong.  Dax managed to skip a period to see Alice.  I hope he can get an answer out of her.  But, I had a terrible feeling something was seriously wrong.  And my instincts were right when I ran into Dax outside.  He was sobbing like a broken man.  Blood tears pouring down his face.  I rushed him inside before anyone could see. 

"Dax, calm down, what's wrong?"  I try to sooth him.

"They're gone.  They're gone, Kat." He sobs. 

"What?"  My heart jumps.

"The Cullens.  They left." 

I furiously shake my head, "No, they...they wouldn't just leave us."

"She's gone." He sobs.

"NO!" I shout and run out the door, running as fast I can through the the woods to get to Jasper's house quicker.  My heart was breaking at every breath I panted out.  Why did he leave me?  Why?  Anger and pain filled my soul once again.  I haven't felt like this since I was betrayed by Connor.  With a furious roar, I cross a boulder and jump into the air.  Transforming into my white wolf to run faster to the house. 

When I finally get to the house, I see a for sale sign on the property.  I couldn't stop the whimper erupting from my chest.  I pace over to the door, sniffing around.  They were here.  But, the scent was fading.  Whimpering more, I move to look through the large windows and see nothing but an empty house.  Nearly everything was gone.  The furniture was covered with blankets.  He was really gone.  He just...left....without even saying good-bye. 

I walk slowly away from the house, but I look back at the memories.  Why when we just found each other?  We were mates...why just give that up? 

Whimpering, I let out a mournful howl, crying out my sadness to the earth as it wept with me. 


Third person's POV

Whimpering as she lies in the leaves in her wolf form, Katherine couldn't figure out why Jasper just up and left her behind.  Was it because of what happened last night?  She just wish he gave her time to tell him what she is.  Night was falling and she couldn't stay out.  Even though, she wanted to.  To just be alone.

Suddenly, she hears something.  Her ears perk up to the noise.  Crying.  She gets up and paces to the noise.  Following it as it became louder.  Katherine skids to a halt as she sees Bella curled up in the leaves, crying softly. 

"He's gone.  He's gone.  He's gone..." She repeated over and over in soft whimpers.

Whimpering, Katherine's heart broke for Bella.  She was suffering as much as she was.  She must have been out here for a while, she could see Bella shivering.  But, it didn't look like Bella was gonna get up any time soon to go home.  Walking over to her carefully, not to disturb her.  She didn't want Bella to freeze to death, so she sat down and laid on her belly, resting her head on Bella's shoulder.  Whimpering softly with her. 

Bella didn't even noticed the wolf snuggled up against her.  She felt numb.  A hole was forming where her heart was.  She just wanted to stay here and hope Edward will come for her.  But, he never did.  Bella sobs quietly and closes her eyes.  She felt so tired.  And cold.  But, ever since Edward, the cold never bothered her.  In a way, it was comfort. 

Katherine whines softly as Bella becomes quiet.  She wasn't going to last much longer out here.  She could turn human and help her out of here, but she snaps her head as she hears growling coming from the shadows.  Katherine gets to her feet quickly, ready to protect Bella.

She lets out a warning growl to the intruder who stood in the shadows.  Stepping out of the dark, stood a large jet black wolf, larger than hers.  She sniffed the air and realizes, it was a werewolf.  Possibly one the pack members from La Push.  The werewolf lets out a growl at her.  Katherine bared her neon green eyes at him, alerting him that he was in the presence of an Elemental.  The Werewolf goes quiet, frowning at her.  Katherine's eyes go back to normal and she backs away from Bella, but watching him closely.  The Werewolf moves to go behind a bush.  Wasn't long till she hears footsteps and sees a man.  A muscular Native American with short black hair.  Possibly mid 30s.  Dark eyes.  Wearing only dark shorts.  She has seen him a few times, but wasn't sure who he was.

"I mean no harm to the girl.  I just want to take her home." He says cautiously. 

Katherine eyes him, but nods, giving him permission to pick up Bella. 

With hands up in surrender, he slowly gets down and picks Bella up, carrying her back to safety.  But, Katherine followed him to make sure he keeps his word.

Back at the Swan's, Charlie had gathered a full search for Bella's whereabouts.  No one knew where she was and that scared him to death.  With the hikers being killed by possibly bears, he didn't know what to think.

"I'll try to call Cullens place again."  He mutters as he gets out his cellphone. 

Billy stops him, "The Cullens left town, Charlie." 

"Good riddance."  Harry Clearwater says bitterly as he goes over the map.

"Where did they go?" Charlie frowns.

Harry straightens and pats Charlie's shoulder in assurance, "We'll find her, Charlie."

"Thanks, Harry."  Charlie sighs.

Jacob looks behind him and sees Sam Uley carrying a body.  It was Bella!

"Charlie!"  Jacob cries out. 

Charlie perks up and everyone looks over to see Sam carrying Bella towards them.  Fearing for the worse, Charlie rushes towards them.

"She's alright."  Sam assures them all. 

Charlie takes her from Sam's arms, giving him a look of 'thanks', but eyes him weirdly when Charlie notices Sam wasn't wearing a shirt.  It was freezing cold out, and he wasn't even shivering. 

"I got her.  Thank you, Sam."

Harry sighs in relief and nods at Sam, grateful for his help.  Sam nods back and looks over to Jacob who eyes him cautiously.  Jacob couldn't shake off this weird feeling he had with Sam.  It scared him to death. 

Katherine watches from the woods, relieved that Bella was safe and sound.  But...Jasper was gone.  Alice was gone...Edward was gone...Her family was gone.

Whimpering, she trots over to her house, sneaking around back to transform into human, back into her clothes.  She was a zombie as soon as she stepped into the house.  Oriel and Cin sit up as they hear the door shut. 

"Kat?"  Oriel says carefully, but Katherine just passes by her.  No emotion shown in her eyes.  She felt...empty. 

Katherine walks up to her bedroom and slams the door, sliding down the door and finally just breaking down into blood tears.

Cin and Oriel jump at the slam, sighing in sadness for their sister.  Greg and Helena walk into the living room, seeing their children broken for their brother and sister.  Throughout the house, it was filled with cries.  Heart-wrenching, agonized cries. 

"My poor children." Helena sighs sadly. 

"Why did the Cullens leave?"  Cin asks. 

"They thought they were protecting their mates by leaving." Greg says as he sits down, listening to the weeping in the other rooms.

"Why couldn't you two just lift that restraint?  You knew they were going to leave?  Why didn't you let them tell the secret?"  Oriel asks furiously.

"My child, the Cullens weren't ready.  They still aren't.  But, given the circumstances..." Helena sighs.  She lifts a hand in the air, calling forth the power inside her.  "Verba Omnes Liberant." Her voice echoes through the house.

Cin and Oriel sigh in relief as they feel the restraint lifted from their throats.

Dax grunts as he feels the spell lifted, he was now free to tell the secret. But, it was too late. Alice was gone, she'll never know.

Katherine laid on the blood soaked pillows as her cries sustained. She gasps as she feels the restraint lifted. What's the point anymore?

For months, Dax, Katherine, and Bella mourned for the loss of their mates. Katherine could see though that Bella suffered more because she was human. The bond between Edward and her was too much for her to handle with the separation. At night, the elementals could hear Bella screaming in her sleep. Her soul was practically calling out for her love to come back...but he didn't. None of them did.

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