Chapter 5: Friends...or More?

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Katherine's POV

"AAAAAAAH!" The man screamed under me in pure terror and pain as I feast on his warm blood.  I gulped his stained soul into mine, taking his life like the lives of all those poor victims he has killed.  All those children by his hands.  I let out a ferocious growl and yank my fangs out of his neck.  With a harsh snap of his neck, the killer falls dead on the cold ground.  Panting, I could feel the warm blood dripping from my lips, cooling on the dirt, turning into black mud. 

Dax kneeled next to his meal, drinking down the warm blood, practically licking up every last drop like a kitten drinking milk.  With a deep sigh, Dax throws his head back as his fangs retreat.  His eyes rolling back in pleasure. 

"So, you say Jacob is crushing on Bella?" Dax pants out. 

I pick up my victim and begin to drag him to a fire pit, "I could smell the lust rolling off his pores from a mile away." I throw the victim into the pit.

Dax snaps his victim's neck and stands up with blood staining his face, dripping from his lips, "He won't be able to steal her heart.  The mate's bond is still strong." He bends down and picks up his victim like he was a sack of potatoes and throws him into the pit, on top of mine. 

I grab my backpack and take out a few wet wipes and begin to wipe the blood off my face, "I know.  It's the same with me.  I mean, Embry is nice, but I can only see him as a friend.  It's nice being around him though." I turn and face him. 

Dax sighs and nods, "Yeah, I know."

I throw him some wipes and take out a mirror to make sure I got rid of the blood.  So far so good, I'm clean. 

"Did I get it all?" He asks.

I point to his chin, "Still got a few drips."

He wipes them away and gives me a look that asks, 'How about now?'  I give him an 'OK' sign and throw the bloody wipes into the pit.

Oriel and Cin come strolling out of the shadows, blood trailing down their necks and staining their clothes along with their victims bodies in hand and tosses them into the pit. 

"But, you need to be careful, Kat.  Try not to lead him on." Oriel warns as she calls forth the fire.

With a flick of her wrist, she sends a fireball into the pit.  Fire roars and explodes from the deep pit, burning the bodies that laid in dirt.  I sigh and moves towards the bushes to undress.  Splashes and mists of blood stained my clothes.  I couldn't couldn't risk being caught by Bella or Charlie if she had blood on my clothes. 

Slipping my shirt off, I throw it out of the bush and Oriel catches it, stuffing it into a bag. 

"I know, I know.  I'm trying hard not seem like I'm leading him on, but it's just nice to have a shoulder to cry on now and then.  I've been telling him that I'm not ready for a relationship." I reassure them all, but I could feel the doubt they had in their hearts.

(Katherine's change of clothes...^^^)

I sigh deeply and tied my hair up.  I could feel a little bit of blood drying in my hair, so I decided to take a bath when I get home. 

(Dax's change of clothes...^^^)

Dax pulls his shirt down over his abs and brushes off the dirt from his pants.  He sighs and looks over to me with a concerned look in his eyes.

"Dax, I promise.  I wouldn't do anything to mess with my bond with..." I couldn't even say his name, it was too painful so I swallowed back the hard lump of despair and take a deep breath to calm my fragile heart.

Dax could see the pain I was holding back, I wasn't in the mood to cry again.  I just wanted to go home and go to sleep.  Oriel walks over to me and gives me a side hug and a soft smile.  Cin walks over towards us and pulls me into a bone crushing hug. 

"You know, we love you girl." Cin sighs and pulls away, looking at me and Dax with a serious look that we rarely see on his face, "We can't stand it when you guys are hurting.  We might not be related by blood, but we're best friends.  More than that.  We're practically a family.  I have a good feeling that they'll be back.  Once they are ready.  Especially Edward.  So, don't be so broken.  Smile..." Cin reaches up and pushes my lips up to form a smile.  "See?  I miss that smile."

I couldn't help but laugh.


(Kat's outfit for the day ^^^)

Wasn't long till we made it back home, and when we did, screams filled the night's air from Bella's room.  The nightmares were still there for her.  My heart honestly broke for her.  I just wish we could take the nightmares away, but I had a feeling only Edward can do that for her.  If they'll ever come back.  My chest continued to hurt every-time I even think about the Cullens.  Even Jasper.  It just hurt so much being so far from him.  I pray to Mother and Father that they'll come back.  And soon. 

A few days have passed and wasn't long till the bikes were finally done.  But, Bella never told me when she was leaving to try out the bikes, I had to find out the hard way.  After grocery shopping, I went by Charlie's and heard that Bella left to go to Jacob's already.  You could imagine that I was very pissed off to hear that.  I guess she knew that I would stop her from riding the bikes.  I can't help but worry about her.  How far will she go to see Edward again?  That's my fear. 

I tried to call Embry to ask about Jacob and if they were riding since no one was answering at the Black's.  But, funny thing, Embry wouldn't come to the phone when I spoke to his mom.  She even sound worried.  I tried to call again later, but no one was there.  Why wasn't he answering. 
Finally, I hear the familiar rumble of Bella's truck and look out the window to see her getting out, but I saw a bandage wrapped around her head.  I took off out of my house and ran up to her.

"Bella!  What the hell happened?" I exclaim in shock.

She waves me off, "It's ok.  I...I lost control of the bike and hit a rock.  I'm fine."

I look at her in disbelief, "What the hell, Bella?  Why did you leave me when I told you to let me know when the bikes were done?"

She looks down in shame and sighs, "I know.  I just figured you would stop me from riding it.  But, it worked...for a while." She looks up at me with sad eyes.  I knew what she was talking about.

I sigh and rub my tired eyes, "Just please, don't do this again.  Next time, you want to do something stupid and dangerous, tell me.  Please?"

She nods, "Ok."

I reach and pull her into a hug and feel her hug back.  When we pulled away, I reached up and touched the bandage, "Does it hurt?"

"Not anymore.  Jake gave me some aspirin.  Hey, have you talked to Embry lately?"She asks.

I let out a grunt of frustration, "No.  I tried calling him earlier to ask about you and Jacob, but his mom didn't know where he was and she was worried."

"He was with Sam Uley.  Jake and I saw them cliff diving near the beach." Bella says.

I stuttered in surprise, "Cliff diving?"

"Come on.  I'll tell you what Jake told me." She guides me into the house and basically breaks it down for me as we have tea. 

I sip my tea and look at her in disbelief, "Jake thinks Sam is leading a cult?"

"It's what he called them.  But, they're not like a gang of misfits that cause chaos, according to him.  They seem more like hall monitors for the Rez.  Like Neighborhood Watch or something.  But, I'm worried about Jake.  He said Sam is creeping him out.  He keeps eyeing him like he's waiting for something to happen.  I could see how badly this shook him up." Bella sighs. 

The pressure was back on my chest.  Like something was pressing weight on top of me.  Sam was an Alpha and the ones around him were his pack.  I know that.  But, hearing that Embry joined the pack...that was a shock. 

Wasn't long till Charlie came into the house with a groan.  Sounded like he had a rough day. 

"Hey, girls." He mutters as he passes us in the kitchen.

"Hey, Charlie."

"Hey, Dad."

Charlie grabs a beer and turns towards us, one look at Bella had him in shock and concern, "What happened?"

Bella stutters and touches the bandage.

"She tripped and fell.  Her head hit a rock.  Don't worry, she's ok.  I've been keeping an eye on her." I give him a reassuring smile.

He sighs softly in relief, "You need to be more careful, Bells."

Bella nods, "I know.  I missed my stepped.  I'm ok though."

"Hey, Charlie.  I was about to ask Bella if she wanted to sleep over tonight.  Will that be ok with you? I mean I know it's a school night, but..." I trail off.

"No, no, I don't see why not.  That sounds good.  Tomorrow is Friday anyway, why not make it a weekend thing?" Charlie suggests.

Bella was baffled with his reaction and stutters in surprise, but I give her hand a tap, "That sounds like fun.  We could hang out over the weekend."

Bella swallows hard, but nods, "Ok.  I guess I do need a weekend of fun.  Just with friends." She gives me a small smile and gets up to go upstairs to pack for the weekend. 

Charlie sighs and leans on the kitchen counter, I could see the relief in his tired eyes. 

"Don't worry, Charlie.  We'll take care of her if she has nightmares."

His head snaps up to me in surprise, but he shouldn't be surprised, "You could hear the screams, too?  I wouldn't be shocked if the whole town heard her." He slaps his fist against the bottom cabinet door.  "I knew Edward was no good." He bites out.

I sigh deeply, "Charlie, Edward wouldn't leave Bella unless there was a good reason." I tried to get him on his good side, but dealing with the constant screaming, the depression, basically he was watching his daughter slowly waste away.  How can you get a father like him to see the other side of this story?

Charlie scoffs, "Good reason.  Right.  What was the reason he had for leaving her out there in cold rain, lost in the woods and miles away from town?  Hmm?"

"He wouldn't.  Bella told me they were only a little way out from the house.  About mile.  Edward took her there to...try and break up with her.  But, I guess Bella, being her stubborn self, tried to follow him after he left, thinking she could just walk back home.  But, she doesn't." I watch his expression change from anger to realization, but change back to his bitter vibe towards Edward. 

"I still don't like him." He mutters.

"At least Bella had a chance to say goodbye." I say sadly.

Charlie frowns at my words, but soon realizes what I meant and shock fill his eyes, but before he could say anything, Bella comes down with an overnight bag and her book bag in tow.


(Kat's outfit for movie night^^^)

That night, we were all awaken by Bella's screams.  Mother rushed to her aid and calmed her mind while she was still trapped in the nightmare. 

And soon, Bella was quiet and at peace.  We all sighed in relief as she finally slept.  I was tired.  Tired of seeing Bella in so much pain.  I suffer as much as she does, but I'm use to suffering.  It still hurts though to watch her...and Dax suffer.  He may think I don't notice him not sleeping as much.  I can hear him at night as he sits outside, crying for Alice.  For Remy.  She was the only one who finally brought peace to his bitter soul since Remy.  Now, he lost her.  I hope we will get our mates back.  And soon. 

School breezed by and soon, it was lunch. Bella, Dax, and I walked through the cafeteria.  Oriel and Cin were already at the table with Eric, Mike, Angela, Jessica, and Britney, who apparently have been sending me death glares since that night at the movies.  Send all you can, honey, cause I'm already dead. 

As we drew closer to the tables, Bella hesitated when we reached the Cullen's old table.  I could see the pain in her eyes as she stopped in front of it. 

"I did see something in the woods." I snap my head to our old table as Angela was trying to tell her friends something.  I could hear Eric and Mike scoff at her.

"Sure, baby, I believe you." Eric assures her.

"No, he doesn't.  He's just trying to get lucky."

Giggling erupts with laughter. 

I look over to Bella and see her shake herself out of the depression and walk up next to me with a small smile as we move to our old table with our 'friends'.

"It was jet black and huge.  On all fours, it was still taller than a person.  A bear, maybe?"

"Or an alien.  You're lucky that you didn't get probed."

"Oh, yeah."

"Well, I saw it." Angela pouts.

Oriel and  Cin turn at us and smile as we approached the table.  I could see Jessica's smile dropping into a frown and Britney sends me a deadly glare.  Bella turns to her old friends and finally speak up for the first time since...

"You're not the only one.  My Dad's been getting reports at the station." She says to them all which makes them freeze in shock.  Shock that she was talking to them again, sitting with them again.  I place my bag down next to my feet and sit next to Bella as she sits in her chair.  "Like five hikers been killed by some bear.  But they can't find the bear." She says.

Angela gives Bella a smile for sticking up to her, then she turns to smirk at Eric who chuckles meekly.

"Last time you clowns doubt my girlfriend." He scoffs at them all.

I simply laugh and shake my head at him. 

"I think you're in the doghouse, bro." Cin laughs and eats a fry. 

Angela smirks again, as if she was agreeing with Cin.  Eric stutters and tries to save himself.

Something catches my eye from afar...Dax...He moves and sits down where Alice use to sit.  He was still hurting bad.  I watch him place his hand on the table and closing his eyes.  He was searching for the memories of her in his mind.  Feeling her emotions.  Everything a person touches, they leave an emotion.  We can search into the deepest void of the mind and see what people were feeling.  My heart cracked more for him as the pain grows worse in his eyes.  Why was he punishing himself?

We all jump when Dax suddenly slams his chair back and paces out of the cafeteria.  I was about to get up, but Cin and Oriel stopped me and Oriel gets up to follow him.

Mike strikes up a conversation to Bella and me. 

"So, I mean..." Mike clears his throat and scoots his chair to lean in closer towards us.  "Bella and Kat are back." He stutters nervously. 

I frown at him suspiciously while Bella nods, swallowing anxiously and lets out a chuckle.

"Yeah, I guess so.  We're back." She shrugs.

I sigh, "One day at a time." I take her hand and give her an assuring squeeze.

Bella gives me a smile and turns back to Mike.

"Huh, that's...Well, welcome." He puffs out an exhale and leans on the table, "So listen, not now that...You know, you're talking and...eating again, you know?  You gotta get that protein in there." He squeezes her arm.

I look over to Cin and roll my eyes and he snorts a scoff. 

Mike clears his throat, "I was just wondering, if you wanted to go see a movie with me."

Bella's brows arch in surprise, but I could see she wasn't feeling much.  Not what Mike was feeling.  You could smell the lust all over him for her. 

"Yeah, sure.  Yeah, I do." Bella nods.

Mike looked like he could barely contain his excitement, but played it as cool as he could, "Cool, um, let me see...We could check out 'Love spelled backwards is love'."

Uh-oh, I could see Bella getting uncomfortable as soon as he brought that up. 

Mike rolls his eyes when he said that movie, "Yeah, it's a dumb title, but, um, it's a romantic comedy.  I mean, it's supposed to be."

Bella shakes her head rapidly in disagreement, "No. No romance.  How about 'Face Punch'?  You heard of that?"

Mike stutters in surprise, "Well, it's an action movie." He awkwardly points out.

Cin mocks Mike's awkwardness and I tried so hard to hold in my laughter.

"Yeah, it's perfect." Bella nods, "With guns...'s my thing."

Mike has an unsure look in his eyes and scratches the back of his neck, "Okay."

Bella leans on the table on her elbows, "We should get a bunch of people to go." She suggests, but before Mike could protests she turns to all of us.  "Do you guys wanna go see 'Face Punch'?"

Eric suddenly has excitement written across his face as he perks up, "'Face Punch'? Yeah!" He smiles big, then turns to Mike.  "Mike, hey, we were supposed to watch that? Remember the trailer's like...'Punch Faces'."

Brittney rolls her eyes and scoffs with Jessica, "Movie night with Bella!" Jessica cheers sarcastically.

I grunt uncomfortably, thinking about the last group movie night we had.  I take a swig of my bottled water, barely catching Bella's conversation.

"We could invite Jacob and Embry too."

PFFFFFFFFTTTTTTT! I spat out my water in shock...and luckily all over Britney. 


I didn't want to be here.  I don't want to be here.  That's all I could think as I stood on the sidewalk with Mike and Jacob. Embry wasn't here, but Jacob said he would be here.  At least Jessica and Britney weren't here with us.  Or I would have punched the bitch out this time.  Especially after screaming at me that I would need to pay for the dry cleaning of her clothes.  Cin, Oriel, and Dax weren't up for the movie, so I took one for the always.

I turn and watch Jacob chatting with Mike, Mike didn't look so well.  I sniff towards his way and scrunch my nose in disgust.  He was sick.  God, how desperate is this guy?!  I move away to be closer to Bella, watching her pay for our tickets, till I feel someone behind me.  I turn around and see Embry standing before me. 

Embry smiles, but the smile didn't reach his eyes, "Hey, Kat." Even his voice was deeper.  He looked...different.  I could smell the wolf's power rolling off of him. 

I give him a small smile and reach to hug him.  He sighs and pulls me into a hug, I could hear him breathing my scent in.  We pull away and just look at each other. 

"It's good to see you again, Em.  Where have you been?"  I ask.

He shrugs, "Been sick for a while, but I feel better."

I nod, and gestures at his new haircut, "Wow, um, why the haircut?" 

He chuckles softly and runs his fingers through his short hair, "Felt like I needed a change.  Mom was actually happy with that.  Said I looked like a homeless rocker with the long hair."

I chuckle with him and smile, "Well, I'm glad you're feeling better.  I really missed you. "

He sighs softly and pulls me in for another hug, "I missed you too." He whispers. 

We pull away once more when Bella walks up to all of us, tickets in hand, "Jessica and Britney bailed..."

"Thank god." I couldn't help to praise.  Embry chuckles at my reaction.

Bella frowns, but laughs softly, "And Angela's got the stomach Eric's taking care of her.  So, it's just us five."

"Great." "Great." Mike and Jacob say. I could see how disappointed that either of them weren't going to be alone with Bella. 

Bella scratches her head awkwardly and, together, we head inside the theater. 

"...Put the gun down.  Put your gun down or I'm gonna blow your freaking head off." 

"Both of you!  Put both of your guns down or I'm gonna blow both of your freaking heads off."

"Alright, let's do this!"

I watch the movie in utter dispair.  It was TERRIBLE.  I look over and see Mike being bored out of his mind, but he had his hand out on the arm rest.  I look over to Jacob, who seems to be into the movie, but his hand is out, resting on the arm rest as well.  I watch Bella look at both hands as if they were bear traps waiting to be snared.  She looked really uncomfortable. 

I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn to look at Embry, "You enjoying the movie?" He whispers.

I shake my head and roll my eyes, "Hell, no." I whisper back.

He laughs softly and nods his head as a signal to 'let's get out of here'.  So, I took the offer and  snuck off into the lobby with him while Bella sat with Mike and Jake.

I take a deep breath of relief as I reach the lobby.  All that crap in that movie, smelling the lust rolling off on Jake and Mike towards Bells.  It was suffocating. 

"Hey, you ok?" Embry asks with worry.

I give him a smile of reassurance, "Yeah.  Yeah, I'm fine.  Just..."I sigh deeply and point at the door. "Mike and Jake.  Didn't you notice?" I laugh.

Embry had a look of bitterness and uncomfortable vibe, "Yeah. I noticed all right."

"You got a problem with Jake trying to make a move on Bella?  Should I be jealous?"  I tease.

He gives me a little smile, "No, but, I don't think it's a good idea for him to try."

I frown at him, "Why?"

He sighs and turns to sit on a bench, looking up at me, struggling to figure out what to say, "I don't think Bella is right for Jake.  No matter what he says."

I move to sit next to him, crossing my legs, "How come?"

He rolls his eyes and frowns at me, which kinda disturbs me, "She's not right for him because she's dangerous.  Brings nothing but, danger to all around her.  And so are you."

I scoff at him, "What?"

"You and Bella...falling for...Cullens." A look of disgust forms over his face.  "I always wondered why Sam and the others hated them.  And now, I know.  And things are so much more clearer to me.  But, what surprises that they went this long and didn't kill you both."

I inhale sharply at his words and get to my feet, "You don't know a damn thing about the Cullens."

He gets to his feet and meets my height, "And you do?"  He scoffs at me.  "I thought you were better than this, Kat.  But, to actually be with a bloodsucker..."He snarls.  "That disgusts me."

I tried all I could to keep the growls from escaping my lips, but it was hard. 

"Why?  Hmm?  Why him?  Of all people, why a Cullen?  I could be so much more better than a lowly being like him."

My fangs begin to poke from my gums, I grit my teeth to prevent them from protruding.

I snarl softly, "You wouldn't understand.  You idea..." I growl lowly. 

He scoffs in my face, "You're right, I don't.  As much as I hate the fact that you were with him, but I don't want to lose you.  I love what we have.  This friendship...this...connection I can feel between us.  I don't want to lose that."

I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself, but it was hard, he pissed me off. 

"Embry, I don't either...but, you..."I hold a warning finger at him, "You have no idea what is going on.  Why for all that matter.  I'm willing to share...if you're willing to tell me about you.  Like who told you about the Cullens."

Embry sighs, he opens his mouth to finally speak, but Mike busts through the doors, covering his mouth and rushing to the bathrooms. 

I sigh in annoyance and look at Embry for his answer, but before he could speak again, Jake and Bella begin to walk out of the theater, laughing at Mike. 

"What a marshmallow!" Jake laughs.

Embry rolls his eyes and looks over to me, but I couldn't look at him.  I needed to inform Mother and Father about this situation.  So, I turn to Bella and Jake.

"I'm gonna go.  Don't want to get sick.  Besides of the movie." I tease. 

Bella laughs and nods, "Ok.  I'll be there soon as I can.  Once I know if Mike will be ok."

I give her a thumbs up, then turn to Embry and frown at him, "This conversation is not over." I warned him. 

He nods, his eyes telling me that it was far from over.

(I apologize for taking such a long time to update.  This book is really hard to write.  I don't have this much difficulty with True Anchor.  But, I'm gonna finish it for the same of my fans. Will update as soon as possible)

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