Epilogue: Greg and Helena's Concern

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(Short message from Greg and Helena...)

Helena sighs softly at the sight below her and her love, Greg.  They watched Jasper kneel before their daughter, expressing his love for her.  Just for her and asking her for her hand in marriage.  Smiling warmly, she turns to face her husband and snuggles against his chest as they watch together. 

"Now, that the Cullens know, hopefully, all is well now." Greg says as he holds his mate close to him. 

"I still see the coming of enemies in the future.  The female vampire, Victoria, will stop at nothing to come for the Cullens and Bella.  Not to mention Katherine and Daxter." Helena states.

Greg smirks knowingly, "Good, let her come."

Helena chuckles, "Won't she be in for such a surprise."

Greg lets go of Helena, but takes her hand and, together, they begin to walk down the stone path. 

Greg sighs as he looks far off into the sky, seeing the stars shine above them, "Do you believe the Volturi will take our warnings seriously?"

Helena scoffs softly and shakes her head, "Knowing Aro, he will will stop and nothing to get what he wants."

Greg pulls his mate in his close and scoffs in agreement, "Face it, my darling, Aro never backs away from power.  He's too hungry for it."

"Hmm, true, my love.  He's very well known to be power hungry."

"We won't let him touch them, nor the Cullens." Greg promises.

Helena turns to look up at Greg with a loving gaze and kisses him softly, smiling up at him as she strokes his cheek, "I know, my love."

Pulling out of his arms, they continue their walk and head on towards their home. 

"If Aro doesn't take our warning seriously, his power hunger may cost him his head." Greg sighs.

"Which I will take great pleasure ripping it off." Helena smirks.

Greg sighs, "We should send another message to the Volturi soon if he doesn't step away."

Helena smiles and nods, "I agree, my darling.  But, tomorrow is another day.  Let the children enjoy now."

Greg smiles and guides his wife into the house, but turns towards the open door and with a wave of his hand, the door slowly shuts and locks itself. 

(And that is the end of Dusk II...next I will be working on Dusk III which will be based on Eclipse...If you guys like my Dusk series...be sure to check out my Teen Wolf series: The True Anchor.  I will be doing my final True Anchor book as soon as the next season of Teen Wolf starts.  I pray to everything Holy that no major characters will die next season.  I have a horrible feeling that Scott might die at the end of Season 6B...I'm praying he won't.  Anyway...don't forget to leave votes and comments on my Dusk series and True Anchor Series.  I love to hear everyone's insights.  Thank you and lots of love to all)

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