Chapter 4: Sean

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Kat's POV

Once Bella was on the road with Jacob, Edward was practically seething with anger. I could see it was suffocating Jasper. Me, as well. Jasper and I walk over to Edward to give him comfort, but that wasn't enough.

"Don't worry, Edward. She'll be safe." Jasper tries to assure him.

"You know, as well as I do, the wolves cannot be trusted." Edward hisses at us.

I sigh and cross my arms over my chest, "Ok, that's enough. Both of you. Yeah, you too, Jasper." I scorn at my love who gives me a confused look. "You both need to deal with this stupid grudge against Jake and Embry and the pack. While you and the family were gone, they were all we had for comfort. Bella was in a very bad spot when you left, Edward. You guys are mates, for god's sake. How did you think a human would feel if her mate just up and left her. A vampire or an elemental mate, we still hurt, but a human..." I lick my lips and grab his hand, squeezing it as I send him the bitter memories of Bella's behavior while she was gone.

Edward inhales sharply, his body stiffening where he stood, and gasps as the memories stab into his brain. Bella's broken face. Her zombie like appearance in school. Her screams of pain as she was trapped in the nightmares. I think the screams got to him more. Her cries for him.

Edward opens his eyes and I could see nothing but pain inside as I let him go slowly. His lip trembles, but no tears were shed. I could see he wanted to cry for his love.

"I did that to her?" His voice breaks.

I sigh softly, I couldn't say yes, and I couldn't say no. He could see the truth written on my face and he just looked so hurt and ashamed of himself.

"I know you were trying to protect her, but she needs you more than anything. The feel of the mate's pulls is very strong with her because she's human. She craves for you. So, next time, think about what I just showed you if you ever decided to leave her again." I say.

He rapidly shakes his head, "I'm never leaving again. I promised her. I don't ever want to lose her."

"Good." I sigh when I hear the bell ring, "If you want, I can skip school to check on her." I offer.

Edward immediately loved the offer, but Jasper strongly protested.

"No. You're not going to the rez." Jasper growls.

I roll my eyes and turn to my love, stroking his cheek, "Jazz, they can't harm me. It's against the laws of my kind. Don't worry. I promise it'll be ok." I whisper.

Jasper's jaw clenches in anger, but he knew as well as I did that I spoke the truth.

I looked around and made sure no one could see us. I take Jasper's hand and guide him towards the woods. When we were far enough, I placed my backpack down and look back at my love.

"Don't worry, Jazz. I'll be back before you know. I promise." I say.

Jasper doesn't say anything, but gives me a hard, disappointed look. I sigh and turn, calling forth my wolf and feel my body transform. Inch by inch, my human form melts into my white wolf. I turn back to my love who looks at me in pure awe and admiration. I let a soft yip and take off in the other direction towards the rez. Leaving Jasper in worry. I didn't want to do this, but I honestly was doing it for myself more than Edward. I wanted to see Embry. Maybe clear up the bad vibes between us if possible.

I rushed to the Rez, racing against Jacob's motorcycle. He may be fast, but I'm faster. I leapt over boulders and small hills, bumps of grass.

Wasn't long till I finally reached the familiar setting of Sam and Emily's house. I could hear and smell through the delicious aroma of Emily's cooking their scents and laughter. I walked over in my wolf form just as Bella and Jacob walks up to the house.
"Are you sure this is a good idea? I'm a 'vampire girl', remember?" Bella mutters which make Jake laugh.

Pretty soon, the pack comes stumbling out of the house, pushing each other out of the way to run up and greet Bella while eating fried chicken.

"Look who's back." Embry smirks.

"What up, Bella?" A familiar voice speaks up. I couldn't believe it. And I could tell Bella couldn't either.

"Quil, you too?" Bella asks in surprise.
"Yep. Finally made the pack." Quil smirks.

"I'm glad you're here, Bella." Embry smiles and looks around, I'm guessing for me.

Bella catches that and shakes her head, "She didn't come." She says.

"I wouldn't be too sure about that." Jared scoffs and nods over to my direction. Everyone turns and sees me in wolf form.

Bella frowns in confusion, but gasps softly in awe, "Kat?"

I let out a small whine and slowly walk over to them, transforming back into my human form.

"And here I thought, I could get away with it." I stuck my tongue at Jared and he rolls his eyes.

Bella stutters in amazement and I laugh softly, "I know. I know. One of the benefits of being an elemental." I gloated.

Bella chuckles and swallows roughly, "I never seen you as a wolf before. Nor seen you transform."

I shrug, "Now you have. Hope I didn't give you a brain fart." I pat her shoulder and move to stand in between her and Jacob and look up to see Embry staring at me.

Embry walks up to me and spared no second as he pulls me into his arms, hugging me tight. I sigh softly and hug him back as well.

"I'm sorry." He whispers.

"I know." I whisper back and pull away. "You got a lot of making up to do, but I forgive you." Sending him a small smile which he returns me one.

"Now, maybe we can get a break from their obsessive inner monologues." Paul teases. From the corner of my eye, I can see Embry and Jacob rolling their eyes. "'I wish Bella would call'. 'I wish Kat would come by'." He laughs.

"'I wish Bella wouldn't call'." Jared teases. "'Please don't let Kat come by'."

"'Maybe I should call Bella'. 'Maybe I should call Kat'." Paul's laughter grows, turning into snorts.

"'Maybe I should call Bella and hang up'. 'Maybe I should just go see Kat'." Quil joins in.

Everyone begins to laugh more at Jacob and Embry.

"Alright, you can shut up now." Jacob laughs bitterly as he blushes.

"Yeah, or we will tell the girls about your thoughts, Paul." Embry smirks with a cunning sinister look that had Paul's teasing smile dropping in a heartbeat.

I look over as I hear the door open and close and see a depressed, young looking Native American female. Short, black hair that reached her high cheekbones and dark brown eyes that looked at Bella and I with a cold, hard glare. Ok, what's her problem?

"Bella, Katherine, this is Leah Clearwater." Jacob introduces to us both. "Harry's daughter."

"Hey. I'm really sorry about your father." Bella says with sympathy.

"If you're here to torture Jacob some more, feel free to leave." She says bitterly at Bella then turns to me. "And so can you." She snarls.

I growl in warning as my eyes glow bright green.

Embry gets in my way, "Katherine, calm." He soothes.

Leah frowns, but she didn't seem too impressed with my anger. Who cares, this elemental is pissed!

"Leah! Don't disrespect Kat. She's your creator. So show respect." Sam steps forth on the porch which had Leah backing down, but she still looks at me with hatred and moves to stomp off.

"Fun, isn't she?" Jacob says sarcastically.

"Oh, yeah, tons of fun." I scoff.

Emily starts to come out of the house and smiles big at us, "Bella, Katherine...Hi." She walks over to Bella and hugs her tight and then, me. I greet her with a big smile as my eyes dimmed down to my regular human green.

"Hey." Bella smiles.

"Hi, Emily, it's so good to see you again." I smile at her.

"I was wondering when we'd see your face around here again."

"Yeah, same here." Bella laughs softly.

Sam walks up to wrap his arm around Emily's side, "Sam, we're good?" Jacob asks.

"We're good. She won't be getting through our line anytime soon." Sam says.

I knew they were talking about Victoria. I wonder how many times she has been invading the rez just to get to me and Bella. I look over my shoulder, watching with Bella, as Leah sends us another glare and transforms into her wolf as she takes off. Bella looks over in shock, then to me. She could see I wasn't as surprised as she was.

"You knew?" She asks.

"I can sense werewolves. I knew she was part of the pack as soon as she walked out that door. I don't understand though why she doesn't like me." I frown in confusion.

Soon, Jacob took Bella out to his place and Embry and I walked around Sam's place. Just to talk.

"Why doesn't she like me? It's nagging me." I ask.

Embry frowns and looks at me, "Who?"

I scoff and nod behind me.

Embry laughs, "Oh! Leah."

"Yeah. Leah. When did she join the pack?" I ask.

Embry sighs, "Around when Harry died. Her brother Seth, also phased. He's only fifteen." Embry says impressively. "One of the youngest we've had. Sam keeps him home studying, but he's chomping at the bit." He says. "Honestly...wish it was Leah who'd stay home." He scoffs softly.

"You don't like her either?" I ask.

He laughs softly, "No, it's not love/hate thing. It's the love triangle interfering with the pack telepathy. Leah use to be with Sam. But, Sam is with Emily now. Leah...she's bitter to everyone because of that."

I wince for her, "Ouch. So, she's stuck with being in a pack with her ex-boyfriend as the Alpha and constantly hearing the lovey dovey stuff that he feels for Emily. That's just awful." I look at him in horror.

Embry shrugs, "That's how it is in the pack. Leah is just going to have to accept that Emily is Sam's imprint. You can just give that up."

I frown, "Imprint?"

Embry stops to lean on a boulder and turns to look at me with a soft smile, "Imprinting on someone is like...Like when you see her, everything changes. All of a sudden, it's not gravity holding you to the planet. It's her." He smiles as if he was relieving a distant memory. "Nothing else matters. You would do anything...Be anything for her." He sighs softly.

"Like mates." I whisper.

"Similar." Embry says.

"That's how it is with me and Jasper, Embry. I've been alone for so many years. Do you have any idea what its like to have everything you've wanted then to see it's not something you expected. To have it all, every little thing you've ever cared or taken for granted, ripped away from you at your dying breath?" I ask with pain in my eyes. "That's how it was before I met him. I had to relieve that pain every day since I became what I am now before him. Everywhere I go, a memory of my old life haunts me. But, he....he keeps them away. I can't just let go of that, Embry. I want you...I need you to understand that."

He sighs sadly, "I do understand it, Kat. But, what I feel for you. I can't ignore it. I feel a strong connection with. I don't want to let go of it."

I shake my head, "I can't give you what you want, Em. I don't want to lose you either. You helped me when he left. When he was trying to protect me. I'm thankful for you. But, remember, we're just friends. Friends only."

Embry gives me a hard look, like he was trying to process everything he heard, but didn't like the results.

So, I did the one thing I knew that would help him understand. I grabbed his head and forced my bitter memories to fill his mind. My past. The pain. The betrayal.

"Look at we got here, boys! Let's have some fun!"

"NO! Stop!"

"Sorry, babe, but they wanted payment. And all I have is you."


"We're losing her! Get the paddles!"

"Clear!" ZAP! "Charging to 300. Clear!"

"It's no good...she's gone."

Embry nearly falls back on to the ground, but he quickly grabs a tree to steady his balance. Gasping in shock and anger. I could see him struggling to keep his wolf at bay. He looks back at me with hallow tears in his eyes. Anger in his voice.

"How could any man do that to their loved one?"

I sigh softly, "A monster."

Embry gives me a hard pained look and I take a deep breath and let it out slowly as blood filled my eyes.

"And fate has put me in this path to find my soul mate who labels himself as a monster, yet he's far from one. He protects me as much as you do. I can't give him up. Even for you, Embry. I'm sorry."


Dax's POV

After school was over, Bella and Katherine were still at the Rez and I could see how much tension Jasper and Edward carried. They were deathly worried for their mates. No matter how many times we assured them both, they still couldn't tame the jealously that stirred in their guts.

As night fell, Alice and I lay in her bed. Or maybe I should say our bed since I practically sleep there next to her. Holding her in my arms. Her head against my chest. It always felt complete with her. We don't even have to make love. We are love. Together as one. I kiss her cold forehead and pull her closer into my arms. I'm sure I'm smiling like a goof, but I don't care. I have my love. Nothing else matters.

Suddenly, a faint screeching is made from the dark woods outside. I knew that screech. I sit up quickly with Alice frowning in concern next to me.

"Daxy? What's wrong?" She asks.

I place my finger over my lips to shush her gently. She frowns and listens, then I watch her body jump at the screech.

I get up from the bed and pace to the living room with Alice in tow, worried for how I was acting. I needed to listen more than to explain why I'm bothered.

I hear footsteps of the Cullen family coming our way.

"Alice, what's going on?" Edward asks with Jasper and Esme and Carlisle in tow. Rosalie and Emmett walk into the room, watching us with curiosity.

"I don't know. Daxy and I were in our room and we heard a..." A screech cuts her off.

"What was that?" Esme asks.

I move to the patio, opening the door to stand in front of the woods. Hearing my children cry out to me.

"What is it?" Jasper asks as he scans the woods.

I look up into a tree and see one of my children calling out to me. Warning me.

I point at him, showing the Cullens what I see. My child of the night lets out another warning screech, full of fear and spreads his large wings.

"Oh, my god." Rosalie gasps softly.

"What's wrong with him?" Alice asks.

"He's warning me. Someone is here and they're at my house." I say with a hard glare.

Edward gasps, "Bella and Kat." He breaths out.

Jasper and Edward stiffen and take off to my place and to check on Bella's house as well, I'm sure.

I hold my hand out and click my tongue to gesture my child to come. He screeches one more time and flies to my hand.

"Shhh, it's ok. Thank you, my child. Thank you for warning me." I stroke his head and back gently as he snuggles against my skin and grips my wrists with his wings.

Alice gasps and moves closer, smiling at the bat like he was a beautiful creature.

"He looks so sweet." She says softly.

"They are. They are given such a bad reputation as rabid monsters. But, they can't help it when they carry the virus. This little guy doesn't have it. He's strong and healthy." I stroke my child's chin and lift him up to fly away.

Alice gasps softly as she's pulled in her vision, "Edward is bringing Bella soon. Emmett, you should meet up with Katherine and Jasper. They're going to the house to look around." She says as she's snapped out of her vision.

Emmett nods, "Ok. Whoever it is, we'll find them." Then, he was gone in vampire speed.

Now...we wait...


Kat's POV

Running through the woods towards my home, I could see the faint light of my room glowing in the distant, but something forced me to skid to a halt. Have me frozen from where I stood. I snap my head towards the frighten whispers of the earth. Something was here. Something...that wasn't Jasper. I sniff the air and I could smell the faint scent of human blood from someone's breath. Their victims pain. A human drinking vampire was here, in the area. And it smells like...he was in my home.

I growl lowly and take off towards my house, transforming into my human form and rush to the door, bursting it open and stop to hear anything. Mother and Father were away for now and Cin and Oriel were hanging out in town. I was alone. I slowly and quietly shut the door and tiptoed through the house, keeping my senses open for anything. The scent was strong in the house. It was a man. Freshly turned, maybe. I could barely smell any sweet decay. The older the vampire is the sweetness in their scent is strong. But, this one, you can barely smell it. I asked Jake once what a vampire smelled like to him. He said like pancakes and bleach. I could smell pancake-like, but the bleach must be a wolf thing. Jasper smelled like fresh rain and sandalwood to me. I love his smell. Snap out of it, Katherine. Focus. There's a unwanted vampire in the house!

I rush upstairs as quick as a flash, but a loud whoosh was made and my window was wide open. They were gone. I rush to the window and look out into the distance. I could see a faint blur running from the house. I growl lowly in annoyance. I hate it when someone invades my territory.

Midnight snaps me out of my thoughts with her loud barks. She sat outside in the yard, barking in worry to me.

"I know. I saw him too." I snarl.

Another whoosh is made from behind me and I quickly turn to strike, but sigh in relief when I see it was Jasper.

"Don't ever sneak up at me like that." I sigh as I place a hand over my pounding heart.

"Are you alright? Dax said someone was here." He asks, his eyes were pitched black.

I nod, "Yeah. I'm fine. But, he's gone. He was here, but, he's gone."

Jasper growls lowly and sniffs around, "Smells like he was here just a minute ago."

"He was. He ran when I came up the stairs. Do you recognize the scent?" I ask.

Jasper shakes his head, "No, I don't know who this one is. But, it's definitely a vampire."

I look outside and see a familiar car race towards Bella's house. Edward. He rushes to the house and I could see Bella letting him in. I turn back to Jasper.

"I'm gonna guess he was in Bella's house, too. No way, a vampire that young can resist Bella's scent." I say.

Jasper frowns, "You can tell how old a vampire is?" He asks in shock.

I nod, "Mm-hmm. This guy has to be freshly turn. Maybe a year."

After Edward takes Bella back to his house, Jasper, Emmett, and I sneak over to Bella's house to look around her room. I was right. The scent was very strong in here. Especially, around the dream-catcher. I touch with my finger, feeling the love and lust Jacob has for Bella. The brother/sister love Bella had for Jake. And...

I, suddenly, begin to feel lightheaded and almost lose my step if it wasn't for Jasper to catch me.

"Woah." I say, gripping my head.

"What is it?" Jasper asks with worry.

"The vampire. He touched the dream-catcher. So much rage. And hunger. He took something." I saw his hand gliding over Bella's bed. I followed his movements and touched the end of her bed. "A blouse."

"Why would he take a blouse?" Jasper frowns.

I shake my head, "I don't know. And I'm gonna guess he took something of mine as well." I look up at Jasper with worried eyes. Seeing his furious rage in his eyes.

After following the scent, we lose it after 5 miles. So, we head back to the house to tell everyone what we found.
I could hear everyone talking from the living room.

"Who was it?"

"Someone we know?"

"Just a stranger. I didn't recognize his scent."

"A nomad passing through?"

"A passer-by wouldn't have left Bella's father alive."

Jasper and I walked into the room with Emmett behind us, "His scent disappeared about five miles south of Bella's house."

I look around and see Dax holding Alice and Oriel and Cin were there, too, looking just as pissed as I was.

"How could he enter our domain without Mother's protection barrier hurting him?" Oriel frowns.

"I'm gonna guess that Mother took it down for the time being. She knew this was going to happen." Cin says.

"Mother wouldn't danger her children like this." Dax protests.

"She did it before." I say.

"But, it was a test. Maybe she's doing this to end the one who could be orchestrating this?" Dax hints.

"Victoria?" Bella asks with worry and fear.

Alice shakes her head, "I would've seen her deciding."

"It has to be the Volturi." Edward suggests.

"I don't think it's the Volturi either. I've been watching Aro's decisions, too." Alice protests.

"So we keep looking." Emmett states as he stands near Rosalie.

"We also take shifts, guarding Bella at her house. And Katherine, too."

Before I could protest, Rose speaks out with a scoff and a sneer, "Another protection detail?"

"Rosalie." Carlisle scorns her.

"No, she's right." Bella speaks up. "You can't protect me, Katherine, watch my dad...and search for the intruder."

"And for Victoria." Rose adds.

"And keep yourselves fed."

"And you don't have to protect me. Remember, Dax and I can protect ourselves, and with Cin and Oriel, whoever the intruder is, won't stand a chance against us." I say.

"I'm not leaving you here defenseless." Edward protests towards Bella.

"Well, I'm not gonna let you starve." Bella states.

"What if the intruder is stronger than you are, Katherine? Remember, you told me about the Butchers." Jasper says.

I shake my head, "A butcher has a keen scent. It's like an Elemental's scent. But, it smells more like dog' mixed with wet fur."

"And I wouldn't be unprotected, I have..." Bella's voice trails off.

"What?" Edward asks, almost afraid of the answer.

"She's talking about her mutts." Rose sneers.

I hold my finger up in warning, "Rose, now, remember, I'm the creator of those 'mutts'. Watch it. I like you as if you were my sister, but watch what you say."

Rosalie sighs, but shuts up at least.

I suddenly had an idea, but I knew the other elementals weren't going to like it.

"We might need more eyes with this intruder. We're not even sure where he came from. But, there have been issues with Seattle. Edward, you said so yourself. What if that's where he came from?"

Carlisle thinks about this, crossing his arms over his chest, "It's possible. But, we can't risk sending one of us or you to Seattle." He says.

"We don't have to." I turn to the elementals. "We could ask him."

"Him?" Alice asks.

"Him." I hint at the Elementals.

Oriel was the first to react, "Oh, no! NO NO NO NO NO and NO! Hell, no! I'm not talking to that little..." She grunts in frustration as Esme sends her a warning look.

"Oriel, we have no choice. We need eyes in the city." Cin states.

"But, why him?!" She growls as her eyes glow blood red.

"Who's him?" Emmett asks.

I scrunch my face up in annoyance, "Rat-man."


(Kat's outfit)

(Dax's Outfit)

(Cin's Outfit)

(Oriel's outfit)

Jasper's POV

The next morning, Katherine, Dax, Alice, Bella, Edward, Oriel, Cin, and I took a trip to Seattle. Dax drove us deep into the city and to an abandon warehouse? We all get out of the truck and I could feel confusion from Edward, Bella, and Alice.

"Why are we here?" Bella asks.

"This is where Rat-man lives." Oriel scoffs as Dax breaks open the large wooden door and escorts us all inside. Inside, the building looked rotten and damp from the rain. It looked like an old fish canning warehouse. Machines were covered in cobwebs. Doors hanging off the hinges.

"Who exactly is Rat-man?" I ask.

Bella, suddenly, screams and jumps. Everyone quickly turns towards her as she moves to stand on a chair.

"What? What is it?" Edward asks.

"A rat." She says in disgust.

The rat hops as he runs to another side of the building and, suddenly, his appearance melts and transforms into a man with ginger hair that was tied in a pony tail. Like a rat's tail. Bright blue eyes, a pointed nose and faint trail of a ginger goatee and beard.

"Hey, I resent that tone of yours." The man spoke in an Irish accent.

Dax laughs and moves to give the man a bro hug, "Rat-man, you sneaky son of a bitch." He laughs and pulls away.

"Everyone, this is Rat-man. Or you an call him Sean." Dax introduces us.

Rat-man laughs and pats Dax's shoulders, "Long time no see old friend." Then, he turns to us all.

"Sean O'Riley." He bows to us. "Guadian of the rodents, you might say. I am a child of the Darkness. Very close to Mother of All. I'm what you may call a spy of some sort." He explains then turns to Dax, "Ah, I see you brought visitors. And females." He purrs at Alice and Bella.

Dax pulls Alice into his arms and Rat-man got the idea, "Ah! Congratulations! You found your mate!" He looks over to Katherine and sniffs. "You, too! Aw, Kat, I thought you were going to wait for me." He pouts.

I growled lowly at him, but Katherine scoffs and rolls her eyes, "Sean, no. Never, ever, would I ever. No."

Rat-man, or Sean, laughs and fake cries, "You don't know what your missing." Then he sees Oriel. "Oh! Hello, O."

Oriel growls lowly at him.

"Aw, still pissed about what happened 2 years ago? And here I thought you forgot." Sean teases.

"How can I forget you sending your rats to my children?" She snarls.

"It was just a joke!"

"And me eating them was an appetizer. Ready to be the main course?" She snarls as she takes a warning step, but Cin pulls her back.

"Easy." He warns.

Sean holds his arms up in surrender, "Hey, now, remember you're in my domain. So what's up?" He jumps to sit on a machine and crosses his legs as if he's waiting for the juiciest gossip.

Kat sighs and moves to stand in front of him, "An intruder invaded our territory last night. We think he could have came from here in Seattle to us. We need you to keep an eye out for anything. Especially with the unsolved cases that's been happening here lately."

Sean frowns at this information, "Hmm, an intruder, huh? I'm guessing he or she is a vampire, hmm?" He asks.

"Yes, freshly turned in a year, we assume. Have you seen anything?" Dax asks.

"Actually, I have been noticing a lot of disappearances lately in my neighborhood. Police are completely clueless with what's happening. If this intruder is in my territory, I'll let you know first before I take the first bite." He snarls as he shows off his rate fangs.

"No biting, Rat-man. He's ours. We think he could be in the league of a rogue female vampire named Victoria, or he could part of the vampire law-keepers called the Volturi." Cin says.

"Volturi? Huh, those assholes? Pffft," Sean waves him off. "I've ran into those little bitches before. One tried to use his powers on me. Boy, did that tickle. However, I didn't." He smirks as he holds up a hand with the Volturi's symbol branded of a ring on his finger.

"That's a guard's ring!" Alice exclaims.
"Like it? Was a little gift from the Volturi, if you get my drift. Mother's orders by the way. They sent a spy to keep watch of you all. Something about a human that's suppose to be turned. I'm guessing it's you, young one." He points over to Bella.

"You could say that." Oriel says. "So you gonna help us or not?" She asks impatiently.

"No need to get your panties in a twist. Of course I'll help." Sean says, ignoring Oriel's snarls.

Kat hands him a piece of paper, "That's our addresses. As soon as you see or hear something, come find us."

Sean takes the paper, "You got it, sweet cheeks." He smirks.

"Don't make me punch you again." Katherine scoffs and turns to leave with Oriel.

"Love you, too, baby." Sean blows a kiss to her.

I couldn't help it, this guy was pissing me off. So, I get up in his face, glaring at him.

Sean just simply laughs at my anger, "No need to be so grumpy, vamp. I can smell how much Kat likes you. Keep your mate safe. All of you." He looks at Dax, Alice, Edward, and Bella, then back to me. "Think vampires are bad? Wait till you see what other enemies are out there." He turns and places the paper in his pocket and transforms back into a rat, hopping off into the darkness.

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