Epilogue: Greg and Helena's Visitor

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(^^^^ Helena and Greg when they roamed the earth in the 1800s)

Greg's POV

Greg sighs as he gaze at the old pictures on his shelf. He picks one up, one of himself and his wife, Helena when they were in New England in 1840. That was the year when he turned. He remembers it like it was yesterday. When Helena found him, alone and dying in the streets after his best friend betrayed him.  The one he considered as his brother.  Greg closes his eyes as the memories of the past cloud his mind.

He remembers the pain of the bullet wound in his stomach. A man who he called his friend, close to him as if he was his brother. As if he was blood. But, he betrayed him that night he shot him in that alley. Greg could feel his life slowing leaving his body, but he wasn't ready. He still had so much to do with his life. Find a wife, raise children together. Provide a stable life for him and his family. But, that was gone. His dreams were dying with him. His breaths were coming out in shallow gasps in the cold air, the blood around him cooled and nearly froze against the pavement. But, before he knew it...he sees an angel before him. A beautiful woman with fire in her hair, blood fire. Eyes that were clear and crystal like emeralds. Skin that looked so soft touch and just lose yourself into the comfort of it's feeling. Greg gasps as he feels her touch his cold cheek, blood dripping from his lips.

"You're dying. But, I can change that. I can give you the power to live once more. To seek revenge for the one who has done this to you. You have been chosen, Gregory Chambers. To live and show our children the way through this lonely life. But, we'll never be lonely. We'll have each other and together, we can show our children the way. All you have to do is take my hand."

She spoke so softly, like a siren. Her words wrapped around him like a warm blanket. To live and take revenge. He reaches out to take her hand, but his hand falls limply against hers and his body slides to the side as he falls into the snow covered ground. Feeling his life finally leave him. He didn't want to go. He wanted to be with his angel.

With a loud gasp, Greg pants out a fresh breath of air. When he opens his eyes, he finds himself on an altar in a candle lit cavern, with his angel straddling him. His clothes were removed, but he still had his pants on. He shirt was ripped open and when he looks down to see his wound. It was gone. As if it never happened. He frowns and looks up at the woman, his angel. She strokes his face lovingly, smiling so big down at him. She looked so beautiful in that black dress.

"Am I in heaven?" He asks softly.

His angel laughs, "No, far from there. You live again, Gregory. You have been given a second chance to live your life. But, there are rules to this new life. You might not like them, but if you want to live again and see more in life, you must follow...or you'll die again."

His breath catches in his throat. The idea of death always sent chills down his spine. He never wanted to die. Never wanted to grow old. Call him vain, but the idea of being frail and weak always scared him.

"What do I have to do?" He asks his angel.

She gets off of him and helps him off the alter, catching him and helping him lean on the alter for support.

"You must seek revenge first. You have been given power to find him and do whatever you wish to do with him. But, you must feed or you'll die." She says.

Feed? Gregory was confused at first, but when she showed him the way, he understood.

The discovery of his new found powers were more amazing than he ever dreamed of. Having his so called friend up against the building where he was doing odd jobs for a gang, the power and strength he carried excited him. His 'friend' babbles crazily that Gregory was dead, Greg just laughed at him and feels his teeth sharpen. It startled him, but he realized that was what his angel meant. To feed.

Gregory snap his eyes open at the echo of the past, the screams. He smirks and turns to find his angel entering the room, smiling at him as she walks up to him and wraps her arms around his waist. Helena was and always will be his angel to guide him through his dark times. When he first laid eyes on her that night, he knew he would love this woman forever. Not saying anything, he turns to face her, holding her close to him and kissing her softly over her lips. Venting out his love for her in every pore, in the kiss.

She smiles against his lips and pulls away, "I love you, too."

Smiling down at his wife, Greg presses his head against hers, feeling her love for him as he touches her. With the kids gone, this would be a great time to...


Greg snarls as his eyes glow in a eerily, cold silver. Helen hushes him and soothes him to dim his color back to human.

Sighing softly, "He always had a knack for popping up at the wrong time." Greg bites out.

Helen chuckles, "I know, my love. Better let him in so the faster we hear what he has to say, the faster we can get him out of here to..." Helena smiles flirty.

"I heard that!"

Helena and Greg turn to the door as the voice of an old friend calls out. Gregory walks towards the door and opens it wide to greet a very, very old friend.


Dorian, child of the west, stood at their doorstep. His scaled blue-green skin shined in the light as the rest was covered in a leather jacket and biker leather pants. His black boots taps gently against the floor. His greenish hair was curled in snake waves that stuck to his skin. his eyes were slit like a snake and yellow. He blinks sideways and sends them both a smile of greeting.

"S-s-s-s-so nic-c-c-ce to s-s-s-see you two again." Dorian hisses softly and walks in as Gregory moves to give him room to enter.

"What brigs you here, Dorian? I sense a great disturbance from you." Helen frowns.

Dorian hisses softly and moves to the middle of the room.

"I've heard a rumor floating around that the Volturi are after us-s-s again." He says.

Helena sighs and nods, "That's true. The Elementals found their mates. Who are vampires. The Volturi are very interested in two of them, but once he learned that the elementals are with them. He's determined to have them on their side."

Dorian snickers, "That'll be a cold day in hell." He hiss softly. Soon, his smile lowers, "But, that's-s-s-s not all I've heard. Aro is hunting."

Gregory frowns, "Hunting for what?"

Hissing with worry, "He's-s-s s-s-s-searching for a blade of the damned and a Butcher."

Helena's eyes glow brightly as well as Gregory's glowed with such anger. The whole house shook as Gregory growls loudly.


(So sorry I took so long with this last chapter. But, I got a job a few weeks ago and it's exhausting me. I'm trying as hard as I can to make time to update my stories. Soon, I'll be starting my new book Dusk IV which will be a Breaking Dawn part 1 Fanfiction. Hope you all enjoyed Eclipse. Be sure to leave me votes and comments. Love to hear what you guys say. Be sure to check out my True Anchor series as well. I'm working on Rise as well. Love you all.)

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