chapter 2

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Heya sorry about not being able to speak or write this it's been a while but I really want to continue it so I will give it another go

Cherrystar sat down her lean dark ginger tabby tail moving neatly around her paws her eyes trained on each cat as her tail flicked up and down in-patiently

"and you are sure it is her?" Spoke Cherrystar she was sitting in the cool darkish medicine cat den her eyes slowly shifted from her clan mates to her medicine cat

"...Positive starclan may not have told me if she is but I am more then sure she is" he looked away a little as if slightly guilty but shook his head

"Then if that is what you think Branchpelt, she shall be punished-" suddenly the leader was hushed with a tail pushed to her muzzle and passed some strange berry's the leader looked at the medicine cat he shakes his head

"Don't worry these are to make you stronger since you have been getting really weak reasently" he says as he sits next to his leader who smiles at him and eats the berry's

"You need to exile her for what she has done she will be punished by exile" spoke the medicine cat it seemed the medicine cat had more control then the leader who ducked her head and nodded

"Yes if that is what you want" she spoke as she hopped onto the high rock, her shiny Brown pelt shining in the warm sun as she had jumped onto the rock Larkrush and rockpaw had just entered camp each with the apprentice's siblings and mentors

"Every cat that can catch a fish come to the high stone for a clan meeting!" Hissed the leader as she sat down the deputy taking her place underneath

"We have three things to talk about first we have a apprentice who needs a new mentor, lostpaw since your old mentor walks with starclan you shall now be mentored by Darkflower I hope Misttoe a proves my chose, know we have a few apprentice's ready to become warriors, rockpaw" she spoke Rockpaws name as he dashed forwards a look of pride on both his and his mentors face

"I, Cherrystar, leader of Lakeclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice.He has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend him to you as a warrior in his turn." She spoke he looked so happy you could tell by his tail as it moved quickly right to left as he sat and tried to stay still making a few warriors purr at his antics even the leader a little bit

"Rockpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?" She spoke kindly to the apprentice who nodes very quickly

" I do, i Do promise Cherrystar I won't let you down I swear!" He spoke with pure pride in his mew his eyes big and wide Cherrystar purrs with a smile and shakes her head slightly

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Rockpaw, from this moment on you will be known as RockCliff. StarClan honors your hunting skill, kindness and loyalty, and we welcome you as a full warrior of Lakeclan." She purrs with a bright smile she then rests her muzzle on the newly appointed warrior Rockcliff head, he purrs as he licks his leader's shoulder. She then looks at Breezepaw

"I, Cherrystar, leader of LakeClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice.He has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend him to you as a warrior in his turn." He looked away with a big smile he was very shy but very fast

"Breezepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?" She asked Breezepaw who was quick to answer

"I do" he bows his head slightly to his leader as she smiles at him

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Breezepaw, from this moment on you will be known as Breezewing. StarClan honors your speed and quick thinking and we welcome you as a full warrior of LakeClan." She purrs to BreezeWing as she then rests her muzzle on Brezzewings head, and the former apprentice licks his leader's shoulder with glee. She then looks at shellpaw

"I, Cherrystar, leader of lakeclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. she has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend her to you as a warrior in her turn." The apprentice looked at both her brothers Brezzewing and Rockcliff

"Shellpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?" She asked with a small the young apprentixe only nodded slightly

"I do!" she shouts with glee her shy personality intently is gone

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Shellpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Shellleaf . StarClan honors your smart mind and loving heart as we welcome you as a full warrior of Lakeclan." She purrs to the young apprentice then she rests her muzzle on the apprentice's head, and the former apprentice licks the leader's shoulder a little red but still beaming with pride.

" Shellleaf, Rockcliff, Breezewing, Shellleaf, Rockcliff,Breezewing" the clans cheered for the apprentice's

"And the next thing to say, we have found the killer of Misttoe that happened 3 moons ago and she shall be exiled My deputy Larkrush, you shall be exiled!" She hissed at her deputy

"But that's not true she was training me that day! How is that possible!" Hissed Rockcliff to his leader defending his old mentor and deputy

"Many people have said she has done it to name a few  Branchpelt, Darkoak, Darkflower and many others" after saying this, the deputy looked outraged

"But I haven't done anything!-" spoke Larkrush only to be hushed by Branchpelt

"Be quite clan cat killer!" He hissed to the deputy she looked shocked and scared as she looked at her leader

"Please, don't do this to me!" She spoke to her leader her eyes widen, she looked scared as her clan mates hiss at her and try to push her away

"I'm sorry but I have to, if you are seen on our territory ever again we have the rights to kill you" she spoke as she looks away from her deputy

"I'm going with you! To help prove your innocents!" Rockcliff spoke as he hopes to her side

"Traitor!" Hissed Breezewing as he looked at his brother as if he had just killed his own leader

"I-im sorry brother!" Whispers Shellleaf as she jumps at her brother only for Larkrush to push her off of him

"Come on, Rockcliff!" She spoke to her old apprentice as he nods at his old mentor as they ran into the forest, Flamepaw looked at the cats as they ran. And followed staying hidden by the shadows

"Stop both of you I know you are innocent, I don't know who has done it but I know it wasn't you so I will help you anyway I can" spoke Flamepaw as she looked at the old deputy and warrior

"Consider me the inside information you need" she smiled at them both and licked her Chest fur

"Thank you Flamepaw we owe you" purred Larkrush as she dipped her head in thanks

"Y-ya thanks Flamepaw" Smiled Rockcliff as he looks at his old mentor bow so he also bows in thanks

"It is no problem now go to another clan starclan has given my a prophecy life will change just you see" she looked at them both as she lead them to the Iceclan border once they where at th border she looks back

"Us Lakeclan cats can swim so try to get ride of your sent and try to join iceclan and come to me at the gathering okay?" She asked as they both nodded

"How can we thank you?" Asked Rockcliff to the medicine cat apprentice

"No need you will repay me when the time is right" she smiles as she jumps back into the forest of Lakeclan, both the other two cats nod to each other and ran into the border

How is this? I hope it is okay ^^ have a nice day or night

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