Chapter 1: You're Cordially Invited...

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Helena's POV

There is a saying from this era, 'Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies and Death is a distant rumor to the young.' But, death, to me at least, is merely the beginning to everything.  Never have I ever imagined that there was more waiting for me.  Never have I ever dreamed of being here right now before my daughter, adopted or not, she'll always be my daughter.  Watching her and Bella walk in their wedding heels as they practice.  Katherine walked with grace with her beautiful heels, Alice has such great taste and knew what was perfect for my Kat.  I smile as she giggles, I can practically feel the excitement radiating off of her. 

(Katherine's Wedding shoes)

Her heels tapped as she practiced her walk in front of Alice.  Alice smiles big, happy that Katherine looked so cute with her shoes on.  I could see how she was picturing Katherine in her dress.  But, her smile drops when Bella awkwardly walks in front of her.  Her shoes scraping at every step, she quickly catches herself when the shoes slide.  She sighs in disappointment and turns to Alice.  Alice puts on a smile anyway for her. 

"You just have to break them in." She suggests.

"I've been breaking them in.  For three days."  Bella reminds her and puts on a begging face, "Can't I just go barefoot?" She asks.

Alice's jaw drops, "No, absolutely not."  She scoffs. 

Bells sighs and turns towards the yard, gesturing at the setting.  Flowers everywhere and wooden benches were being placed where the guests will be seated.  Carlisle and Dax both carried more seats.  Oriel was helping Esme with the flowers.

(Kat's Outfit)

(Dax's outfit)

(Oriel's Outfit)

(Cin's Outfit)

"Just thinking it's a little much, you know?  The dress and the shoes, and all of this."

I simply laugh, "Bella, dear, this is a wedding.  A wedding must always be something to always remember forever.  It's never too much at times like these."

Alice smiles big, enjoying the fact that someone agrees with her, "Exactly.  It's exactly enough.  Tomorrow will be perfect."

Cin and Emmett walk by, carrying huge logs, "I have to disagree with that.  Bella does have a point.  I think you're going a tad bit of Bridezilla here, Alice, while Bella and Kat are the brides...remember?"

Alice rolls her eyes, "Just continue what you're here for."

"See, Em?  Bridezilla." Cin snorts and continues to walk with Emmett following him.

"Where do you want them, boss?" Emmett asks, teasing Alice with her bossy ways. 

"On either side of the aisle." Alice says as she points the way.

Rosalie follows the boys and scoffs as she carries a small log with moss all over it, "What aisle?"

"Does no one have vision?"  Alice scoffs and goes to help them.

Bella laughs softly and bends to take her shoes off, Kat leans close to her, "I'll bring some flats so you won't be tortured." She whispers.

"Thank you." Bella praises and squeezes Kat's hand in thanks.  As she was slipping on her shoes, she stops and looks  up into the house.  We follow her eyes and see Edward in his room, gazing at the yard.  I could see how anxious he was. 

Katherine's breath catches in her throat as Jasper walks in Edward's room.  Both of them were looking out towards the yard.  Talking softly and smiling. 

Suddenly, Alice pops up in front of them, "You two, go home and get lots of beauty sleep.  That's an order." She scorns at them playfully. 

Katherine laughs and takes her shoes off, handing them to Alice.  Alice takes both pairs as Bella nods at her.


Alice and I watch them take off, I catch her smiling dreamily.

"Has Dax asked you yet?" I ask her, startling her with my question.

"Not really and I haven't seen him made that decision yet." She frowns, "I think he's hiding his decisions from me.  Has he said anything?"  She asks.

I simply smile and bop her nose, "You might be a visionary, Alice, but some things are worth it when you can't see it."

She laughs, "I guess you're right.  I admit, I would love it as a surprise than see it coming.  But, can't help but to expect it." 

I take her hand and pat her hand gently, "I know my son loves you dearly and one day, when the time is right, he'll ask.  And soon, we'll be planning your wedding."

Her smile grows big and she hugs me tight, I give her a hug back.  I wish nothing more than for happiness for my children.  Safety and happiness.  My heart grows with worry every day for them.  Ever since we have heard what Aro has been planning...


Katherine's POV

(Katherine's pjs)

"Ta-da!" I sing as I show off my wedding dress for Bella.

Her jaw drops as she sees my dress hanging around my neck from the hanger.  I made sure the curtains were shut tightly so Jasper couldn't see it from my windows.  I spin around, making the bottom of the dress fly around me.

(Katherine spins around like that while holding her dress against her)

"Kat, that's so beautiful!" She exclaims. 

"You think?  I really wanted to go for an old fashioned design cause Jasper is from the 1800s.  I wanted to have it a sort of Victorian vibe and all." I smooth out the white silk cloth and brush my fingers over the flowers that covered the top and neckline. 

"It's perfect.  Jasper will love it." Bella smiles.

I couldn't help but, smile back.  I take the dress off around my neck and place it back into the dress bag, placing it back into my closet.  I turn around and see how nervous Bella was. 

"Hey, you ok?"  I ask as I sit on my bed, next to her. 

"Yeah, I'm...I'm fine." She bites her lip, but I could see right through her. 

I scoff softly, "Bells, you can tell me.  What's up?"

Bella sighs softly, "Just been thinking.  About the wedding and all."

"You're not having cold feet, are you?" I ask, worried if she was.

She shakes her head, "I'm more worried if Edward might have cold feet.  With the...transformation more than the wedding." She murmurs.

I sigh softly, "Honestly, Bella, I can't say that I blame him.  You're giving up so much, but..." I cut her off before she could protest.  "But, I can see how much it's worth it for you.  For love, for Edward.  I know I voted 'yes' that night, I just want you to be happy."

Bella gives me a small smile, "Edward makes me happy.  Being in this family makes me happy.  I know what I'm giving up...and I've made my peace with that." She sighs deeply, "I'm ready.  For everything."

I smile at her, I admired her bravery and I can relate to her.  But, my choice to give up so much, was taken from me.  But, be with Jasper, I would give it all up to just have him in my life. 

Soon, Bella yawns softly and I saw that as a sign.

"Ok, Future Mrs. Cullen-Swan." I tease her and get up to pull her to her feet, "We have a very big day tomorrow and Alice is right, we need our beauty sleep.  Last thing we want is the pictures to show off our matching luggage." I tease. 

Bella frowns, but I point to our eyes, "Bags under our eyes."

Bella laughs and rolls her eyes, "Ok, I'll try to get some sleep.  You sleep well, too, Kat.  Thank you for the talk." She gets up as I do and hugs me tight before heading off. 

I sigh deeply and move towards the window and open the curtains, I let out a loud yelp when I see a face looking back at me.  I cover my scream and sigh in relief when I see it was just Jasper.  He frowns and winces in guilt.  I open the window for him and let him inside. 

"Jasper, you scared the crap out of me." I place a hand over my pounding heart.

"I'm so sorry, my love.  I didn't mean to scare you."

I sigh, but frown, "Wait a minute, you're not even suppose to be here!  It's bad luck!" I exclaim. 

"Only if you're in your dress." He points out.  "Besides, I wanted to see if you were having cold feet."

I laugh out a tiny scoff, "Toasty warm and ready to be tortured in high heels tomorrow." I tease.

Jasper gives me his sexy crooked grin and sighs, "Good.  Because I've been waiting for so long to marry you, Mrs. Hale."

"I'm excited to finally be yours always and forever." I wrap my arms around his neck and tip toe to kiss him passionately.  He wraps his arms around my body and drags his hands over my back, holding me tight against him.  I squeal when he picks me up and wraps my legs around his waist to carry me to the bed.  We fall against the mattress and continue our make out. 


We both gasp soft and look towards the door and hear Mother's voice speak up.

"Katherine, dear, please tell Jasper to leave before your father comes home.  Both of you need to be ready for the ceremony tomorrow.  I'm sure you both can wait till then.  Good night, Jasper." Mother calls out.

I stifle out a giggle as Jasper laughs soft and calls out, "Good night, Helena."

He gently lets go of me to stand close to the bed and pulls me to my feet, but holds me close.  He licks his lips and smiles.

"It'll be hard to wait." He says softly.

"I know, but it'll be worth it." I smile. 

A soft thud is made by my balcony and I see Emmett standing at the door.  He opens it and peeks his head inside.

"Dude, come on, we need to get Edward from Bella's." He says.

I frown, "Where are you going?"  I ask.

"Think of it as a bachelor party for vampires."  Jasper smirks.  "A few bears.  Maybe some mountain lions.  Deers."

I sigh softly and laugh, "Ok, I get it.  Have fun, boys."

Emmett jumps off my balcony and Jasper walks out, but turns as he stands near the edge, "I'll meet you at the altar."

"I'll be the one in the veil behind Bella." I laugh.

Jasper smiles and turns to jump from the balcony.  I move to watch Emmett tease Jasper and both take off towards Bella's.  I sigh softly and watch my love and Emmett finally get Edward out of Bella's.  I couldn't help, but think of Embry.  After the Army, I finally told Embry that I was going to marry Jasper.  His reaction could have been handled better, but it wasn't as bad as Jacob's reaction to Bella's engagement.  In fact, no one has seen or heard from Jacob since after his improvement.  After his bones healed up, and when Billy gotten the invitation to our wedding, Jacob took off in a fit of rage in his wolf form.  I guess it was just too much for him to handle.  Embry stayed behind, but we hardly talk.  I just hope I'll see him after the wedding and make amends with him. 

I turn to my bed and pull the covers over me.  Shutting off the lights and see Midnight sleeping in her bed.  Tomorrow...I'm marrying the man of my dreams.  Mr. Jasper Hale Whitlock.  Smiling, I close my eyes and welcome the darkness and the dreams. 

(First chapter! Hope you guys like it so far.  Will update as soon as I can.  Please leave me comments and votes. Always love hearing from you.  Lots of love.)

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