Chapter 11: Thirsty...

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Kat's POV

The words Mother said earlier never left my mind.  To turn Bella into an Elemental.  It's crazy.  But, not only an elemental, but as a vampire as well.  She could become the first vampire/turned hybrid.  But, as what?  What would be her element?  Thinking about the consequences was making me dizzy.  I clutch my head as I stumble a little.  I tried blinking a few times to gain my sight back, but it wasn't working.  What's wrong with me?  Soon, my eyes felt like they were rolling back and I felt my body go limp, but before I could hit the floor, I feel like someone was catching me. 

When I came to, I found myself on the couch, surrounded by worried looks.  Especially, Jasper's as he sits on the edge of the couch and looks down at me.  He strokes me cheek softly and I blink to shake away the grogginess.

"What happened?"  I ask.

"You passed out.  Are you ok?" He asks.

Clearing my throat, I rub my head.  I felt a small headache coming, "My head hurts a little."

"Your blood count is dropping more.  The lack of blood loss is making you weak.  But, we can't give you a transfusion without knowing which blood is damned and which is not.  If you continue to lose blood, you could die by the time you give birth.  Really die, Katherine." Carlisle explains. 

Me?  Die?  No, I can't die. 

"We can get her the blood.  We can make a stop at the blood bank and I can sense which is damned and which is not." Father speaks up.

"What about the pack?" Esme asks worriedly.

"The pack won't dare to cross me.  I'll make sure of it." Father says.

I sigh softly in relief and rub my stomach as I feel my child move again.  Jasper places his hand over mine and looks at me in relief, but I could feel worry coming from him. 

After a while, Bella comes down from her bath, all dressed in her comfortable clothes, but she was looking more and more like a skeleton everyday.  She curls up on the couch and Carlisle hooks her up to an IV to keep her hydrated. 

As the boys were watching football, trying to relax, but I could see all of them so stiffed.  Dax was snuggling up to Alice while Oriel and Cin were outside with Leah and Seth.  Camping out on the property. 

"Washington driving in the red zone.  Almost stripped of the ball.  He stood up and Calvin finally..."

The TV was blaring softly in the background, but it didn't stop the sound of Bella's teeth chattering.  I watch her pull on her sweater in discomfort as she shivers. 

Edward looks over to her with worry and moves closer to her, "Are you cold?"

Grimacing in severe discomfort, Bella nods and continues to clutch on to her sweater. 

Jacob was sitting on the couch with her and frowns in worry as he moves closer, "l got it."  He scoots and places a arm over her legs.  Bella's cold arm touches his and, suddenly, she smiles as if she was finally feeling comfort for the first time. 

Jacob shakes his head, "Don't do that."

Bella looks at him in confusion, "What?"

Jacob smirks teasingly at her, "Smile like I'm your favorite person in the world."

Bella smiles again, "You're one of them.  Feels complete when you're here, Jake."

Jake smiles back at her, but I could see Edward's jealousy in his eyes. 

Suddenly, Bella gasps in pain and sits up fast.  Edward rushes to grab a bowl and holds it close to her.  Everyone looks over to her with concern as they watch her reject her meal once more.  She vomits and coughs up everything from her stomach.  Even when her stomach was empty, she was forced to vomit.  A little bit of blood came out as well.  Bella whimpers as she dry heaves.  Jacob rubs her back, trying to comfort her as much as she can.  Finally, Bella sighs and falls back weakly on to the couch. 

"We need to find a way to get some food into her system." Esme says, worriedly.

"If I could only see the fetus..." Alice says, but Rosalie cuts her off gently

"The baby." She reminds Alice softly.

Alice sighs, "...maybe I could figure out what it wants."

We all begin to think, but Edward, suddenly, nods at Jake, "Think you might be right."  Everyone looks over to him in confusion.  "Jacob just had an idea." He explains.

Jake shakes his head and scoffs softly, "It wasn't an idea. It was a snide comment."

"What were you thinking?" Jasper asks as he holds me close to him. 

"That it's probably just looking for someone to sink its teeth into." Jake says.

Everyone almost gasp in realization, they completely forgot about the vampire side of the babies. 

Bella sighs as she looks over to Edward in realization, "He's thirsty."

"They're both must be thirsty.  Katherine's baby is draining her from her own blood.  And yours as well." Carlisle says.  

"If it's craving, it's not gonna want animal blood." Edward says.

Carlisle gets up, "l have some O negative laid aside for Bella."  He goes into his office and brings out a bag of blood. 

Jasper looks over to it and swallows roughly, but I take his had and help push his thirst away.  Protected them all from it.  Jasper sighs in relief and turns to run his fingers through my hair. 

"I love you, my darling." He whispers. 

I smile at him, "I love you, too, cowboy."

Carlisle tears the top open and begins to pour the blood into a glass which startles Jacob as he watches with wide eyes.

"Wait, wait, wait.  You're gonna make her drink that?!" Jacob exclaims.

"It's the fastest way to test the theory." Carlisle explains. 

Edward looks over to Bella, gently, "Only if you're comfortable with it."

Bella looks at the glass full of blood, and nods, "I'll try anything."

"Just hold on." Edward gets up and gets a Styrofoam cup and straw, transferring the blood into it.  Hiding the site of it for Bella. 

Jacob scoots back over to his seat as his face, suddenly, turns green, "I think I'm gonna be sick." He gags. 

Edward kneels in front of Bella as she sits up, "This might make it a little easier to take."  He holds up the cup for her. 

Bella smiles at him, loving how he cared about her.  She takes the cup and, hesitantly, begins to sip from the straw.  The blood slow goes up and Bella begins to drink the blood.  She sighs in softly and stops.  Her lips and teeth stained with blood. 

"Tastes...good."  She says and licks her lips. 

Edward smiles, relieved and watches Carlisle sits next to her as he takes her pulse.  Bella drinks more and closes her eyes as if she was tasting the most wonderful thing she ever tasted.


"Your pulse is already getting stronger."Carlisle smiles big. 

"It's working." Esme sighs in relief and takes Rosalie's hand in comfort.  Everyone was so glad that Bella was going to be a little bit better now, but that still leaves up to Katherine.

"What about Kat?" Bella asks and licks her lips again. 

Everyone looks over to me with worry and, suddenly, Mother gets up and moves Jasper to stand so she could sit on the edge of the couch. 

"Till you and Carlisle can get the blood, my blood will be enough for now." She rolls up a sleeve as she looks over to Gregory.

"You're giving her your blood?!" Jacob exclaims. 

"Till we can get the blood she needs.  For an elemental, it's like giving blood to someone with a rare blood type.  She'll reject and die faster if we give her the wrong one.  For now, this is the only solution." Mother says and flings out one claw.  It was longer and far more sharper than any of ours.   She drags her claw over her skin and, soon, blood begins to seep out from her flesh. 

"Now, I'm really gonna be sick." Jake's face was green once again. 

I slowly sit up and grab a hold of Mother's arm, I feel her stroke my hair with her other hand, "My child, element of my element, I give you permission to take my flesh." She says softly. 

My fangs begin to grow and I bite down to get more blood.  Mother grunts softly, but let's me continue to drink.  I growl softly as I feel the blood begin to fill me.  I could feel the power filling inside me.  Making me stronger. 

"Her color is already coming back." Jasper gasps. 

I pushed myself away, pushing the need for more.  It wasn't easy, but I managed.  I sigh softly and lick my lips.  Mother strokes my face gently and pulls me in to hug her as her wounds healed instantly. 

"Get the blood as soon as you can, and you might need to get more for Bella as well." Mother says. 

Gregory nods, "We'll leave first thing in the morning.  Make sure you have a cooler." He says to Carlisle. 

Jasper sighs in relief and I could feel him rub my back gently. 


Jasper's POV

(Katherine's Outfit)

A few more days have passed by and we continue to give Bella more blood.  Carlisle predicts that Katherine and Bella could give birth any day now.  Maybe even tomorrow.  I grew anxious and excited, but terrified.  I, honestly, wanted to see my child.  But, I want Katherine by my side.  Alive and well.  Edward was fixing another cup for Bella and I was fixing one for my love.  Thankfully, Carlisle and Gregory managed to get more blood for the girls.  And cursed blood for Katherine.  As I walked by the living room, I could hear Bella talking on the phone with Charlie and Edward was listening as well.  I walked away, but I couldn't help but listen.

"Well, you sound better."

"I am.  I feel much better."

"This whole thing must've put a kink in the honeymoon, huh?"

"You could say that."

"Otherwise, married life treating you okay?  Edward still walks on water and all that?"

"Yeah, but, l mean, it is different now."

"The important thing is that you're better.  And that you're coming home soon, right?"

"Okay, Dad, I don't want you to freak out, but I'm going to a medical center in Switzerland."

I hear Charlie practically exclaiming with worry and frustration, "What?!  No, no, you're not.  You're not going to Switzerland.  What are you... You said you were better."

"I am."

"No, Bella. I'm getting on a plane."

Bella protests, stuttering her words nervously, but keeping her tone normally, "No. No. It's really more of a spa. And I'm sure that I'd be better by the time you got there anyway."

"Bells... I don't know."

"Dad, don't come. And picture me healthy, like I'm sitting on the couch with you, eating pizza or something."

"You want me to visualize?" Charlie scoffs.

"They say that it helps.  Just picture me like that.  Like I was.  It'll make me feel better."  I could smell tears falling from her eyes, her voice begins to crack, but she clears her throat to be strong for Charlie, "Dad, I got to go, okay?"


"I love you."


Bella finally ends the call as her breath begins to tremble, I could hear the quivering of her lips as the tears begin to fall more.  I look and see Edward, finally, walking towards her and sits in front of her on the coffee table, but places her cup down first.  Bella wipes her tears away and sighs deeply as she faces him. 

Edward looks down in shame and sighs, "I'm sorry I've been so angry." He says softly.

Bella sniffles again, "I would be, too." She takes his hand and Edward holds it gently.

I couldn't help, but sigh softly and walk to my bedroom door.  I could still hear the apologies from the both of them. 

"I've left you alone in this." Edward says, with guilt laced in his voice. 

For a moment of silence, I finally hear Bella scoff out a small laugh.


I hear Edward's soft laughter, "Well, they say the first year is the hardest."

I finally reached my door and open, once I shut it, I was closed out from the conversations and the emotions.  Except one.  When I walked into my bedroom, I see my love sleeping peacefully in my bed.  I could see an empty cup, stained with blood on the night stand next to her head.  She has fed well today.  The baby still continues to drain her, but filling her up with blood seems to help.  I sit on the edge of the bed and softly stroke her cheek.  She was warm and pink.  How I love it.  It tells me she lives once more for another day. 

Katherine moans softly in her sleep and opens her eyes to smile up at me.

"Hey." I say softly.

"Hi." She whispers. 

"Edward finally apologized to Bella.  I just wanted to let you know before you plan to kill him." I grin down at her.

She giggles, "Good.  I was actually digging his grave out in the back yard." She says sarcastically. 

I chuckle softly and stroke her hair, "How are you feeling, my darling?"

"I feel a lot better.  The blood is working."  She sighs softly and strokes her stomach, "I can tell she's happy now."

I smile down at her and rub her belly, but...

Katherine catches my frown and looks at me with worry, "Jasper, what is it?" 

"That's weird, my bedroom is emotionally sealed.  I shouldn't..." I trail off as I continue to rub her stomach.  I was feeling different feelings.  Emotions from three people.  Katherine was one...but the other two...

A strangled gasp escape my lips as I could feel my eyes fill with venom tears.  If my heart was beating, it would be heavy as lead now.  I was feeling my children.  Yes, you heard me right.  Children.

"What do you feel?" She asks me. 

"I can feel them." I smile big.

She lets out a trembling breath, "Them?"

"It's weird." My voice breaks.  I could feel my children's love for us.  "I was afraid the baby...or babies, were going to be like me, a soulless creature.  But, no....they're like you.  Pure, caring...I can feel..." I cover my mouth with one hand as my lip trembles.  God, how I wanted to cry right now in happy tears. 

Katherine sniffles as happy blood tears fall from her eyes, "What?"

"They love you, Katherine.  They love you.  They love both of us.  I can feel their happiness." My voice continues to crack. 

Katherine cries softly as she smiles big, "Oh, my god." She hugs her belly gently.  "My babies." Her voice cracks. 

"Our." I correct her with a big smile.  "Our babies.  Our children." I lean down and kiss her belly and hug her.  Katherine continues to cry happily as we hold each other in bed.  I spent most of the time in our bedroom whispering to our children, telling them old war stories and histories I've learned.  Telling them how Katherine and I met and how I first felt about her.  That moment, it finally hit me. 

I was going to be a father...

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