Chapter 13: Baby's Coming

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Kat's POV

(Katherine's Outfit for the night)

Jasper guided me slowly down the stairs and helped me sit down next to Bella.  He placed a gentle kiss on my head and smiled big at me.  When he rubbed my belly, I knew he was still feeling our children.  I still can't believe it.  Twins.  I wanted to cry again, but I was all dried up.  He kisses my lips softly and walks over to Edward, talking softly.  I guess he was telling him what happened. 

"You feeling OK?" Bella asks me softly. 

I smile at her, "I feel fantastic.  Jasper felt the babies." I rub my stomach and smile lovingly at it. 

"Babies?" Bella gasps.  "You're having more than one?"

I nod, "Jasper said he felt two babies.  Twins." My voice cracks with happiness. 

Bella smiles big, "Edward heard him." She says.  I frown, but she fills me in, "He heard the baby in mind.  He could hear his thoughts.  How he loved the sound of our voices.  And..." Her lip trembles, "How he loves us." She wipes her happy tears away. 

"It's amazing, isn't it?" I chuckle. 

Bella laughs, but gasps softly and clutches her stomach, "God, he's strong." She grits her teeth softly. 

I place my hand over her stomach, "Hey, little baby.  Easy on your mommy.  She can't handle the kicks you give her.  Don't hurt mommy.  I know you love her very much.  Be gentle." I say softly, then begin to whisper a soft song. 

Little one, when you play;
Don't you mind what they say.
Let those eyes sparkle and shine,
Never a tear,
Baby of mine.

Bella gasps and sighs in relief, "How did you do that?"  I knew she was finally feeling relief. 

"Around the time when Jasper was avoiding me, my babies were giving me a hard time.  I can handle it better, but damn, it still hurts." I chuckle.  "So, I thought about what my grandparents sang to me whenever I was active or sad.  They use to sing me 'Baby Mine' and I sang it to my calmed them and I guess it put them to sleep.  I thought why not try it on your baby." I shrug. 

Bella gives me a smile, "It works."

I sigh softly, "Have you thought about names?" 

Suddenly, Rosalie and Alice pop up with smiles, "Yes, please, tell me your giving your children beautiful." Rose says as they both sit near us.

Bella laughs, "I have been thinking about a few names."

"How about Nick for a boy or Amy for a girl?"  Alice suggests.

"No, the names should be something classic."  Rosalie protests. 

"Something unique and meaningful." I suggested. 

Bella tells us her ideas for names and I laugh at Rosalie's scrunched up face.

Bella nods and thinks till Jake shows up with Dax.  Dax walks over to us, giving Alice a kiss on the cheek as he sits behind her. 

"Everything OK?"  I ask. 

Dax nods, "Yeah, everyone made it OK.  Once everyone is done, I'll take the rest to feed." He says. 

I nod and look to see Jasper, Edward, and Jacob walking towards us.  Dax helps me up and Rose and Alice helps Bella up. 

"Hey.  Are you okay?"  Bella asks gently.

Jacob scoffs out a laugh, but still smiles at Bella, "Yeah, it's not like I'm the one carrying a demon."

Bella scoffs, but I frown at him, "Jake.  Seriously.  Hormonal elemental is not good." I give him a warning finger. 

He holds up his hands in surrender and laughs, as Jasper walks over to me and takes me in his arms. 

"This is pretty important, Bella.  Why don't you tell Jacob what you've decided?" Rose smirks at her. 

Jacob looks back and forth at us and Edward in confusion, "What now?"

Edward laughs as he reads Rose's mind, "Rose is trying to talk Bella out of her baby names."

"She hates them." Bella frowns and shrugs. 

"Well, then I'm on your side no matter what you picked." Jake says and laughs at Rosalie's frowning face. 

Bella looks over to her, "They're not that bad." She turns back to us all, "If it's a boy, EJ.  Edward Jacob."

Edward smiles, I could see how touched he was and I knew Jacob was as well.  A big smile forms on his face. 

Rosalie rolls her eyes, "Okay, fine, that one's not awful.  Why don't you tell him the girl's name?"

Bella hesitated, "I was playing around with our moms' names.  Rene and Esme.  And I was thinking...Renesmee."

Everyone freezes and tries to hold in their laughter, but Edward was laughing, mainly at Jake's surprised face. 

"Renesmee." Jake repeats, disbelief in his voice. 

"Too weird?" Bella asks worriedly. 

Jacob was lost for words and Dax couldn't get a straight sentenced out. 

"No, that's not too weird.  It's beautiful.  And it's unique, which certainly fits the situation.  I like Renesmee."

Rose rolls her eyes and bends down to grab Bella's cup full of blood.  

Bella smirks at Rose as she reaches for the cup, "He likes it."

I giggle and turn to Alice as she faces me, "What about you, Kat?  You didn't tell us what you decided to name them."  She asks. 

I laugh, "Well..."

Suddenly, Bella drops her cup and reaches to grab it, but a loud crack is made and Bella's back suddenly bends in a way it wasn't suppose to.  Bella gasps in pain and clutches her stomach.  As if time froze for everyone, their eyes widen in shock.  Bella slowly falls to her knees and Edward speeds to catch her. 

It was time!

Edward carefully picks her up and carries her to Carlisle's office.  I follow behind, clutching my stomach as I rush with them.  Jasper holds me back and, together, we waited outside, but we could hear everything. 

Bella was gasping in pain and I could smell the sweat pouring from her body.  Her whimpering and groaning. 

"Rosalie, pass the morphine."

"Carlisle said the placenta must have detached."

Bella grunts as Edward stabs her with the morphine.  I feel Jasper hold me close and rub my back for support.  But, it wasn't helping much.  I was scared for Bella.  I knew this was it.  I was praying that she will have a chance.  I was begging to anyone listening to save her and the baby. 

"It's going to be OK." Jasper whispers and kisses my head.

I shake my head, "No, Jasper.  It's not." I whimper.

Alice's voice fills my ears, "He's coming as fast as he can, but..."

"We'll have to do it."  Rose says as I could hear metal rattling and Edward's angry voice.

"Rose! Let the morphine spread."

"There's no time. He's dying."

"Get him out now!"  Bella screams. 

"Look at me, Bella." Jake says gently, but I jump when I hear Bella screaming in agony and the scent of her blood hit my nose.

Suddenly, I hear soft snarling coming from Rosalie's lips and Jake's voice shouts out.

"Rosalie, don't!"  The scalpel falls with a loud clatter and it sounded like two people were fighting.

"Alice, get her out of here!"  Edward shouts.

"Rosalie!" Bella cries.

Dax and Alice drag out a blood thirst Rosalie, "I'll take her to feed." Dax says and faces Alice, "You, too.  You're eyes are black.  I know you need to feed." He says before she protests. 

"Ow!" Bella screams again and we all turn towards her voice. 

Alice looks back at us and nods as she follows Dax and Rosalie outside. 

I was running my fingers through my hair worriedly and paced the living room. 

"Save her! You've got to change her!"  Jake shouts.

"I can't, not whilst he's still in there.  I got to get him out first." Edward protests. 

"Stay, Bella. Stay focused.  Keep your heart beating."

"No! He's suffocating!"  Bella shouts and, suddenly, she screams in agony again.  I could hear soft chomping sounds. God! 

I covered my eyes and cried, I couldn't stand it anymore.  Soon, the screaming dies down and I could hear Edward again. 

"Okay."  He laughs softly and soon....the sound of a baby crying was made.

I sob happily, the baby made it.  Jasper hugs me tight and holds me as I cry more. 

"Hey.  Hey, hey."  I could hear Edward talking softly to the baby and his voice speaks up, "It's Renesmee."

I cry again and smile at Jasper, "It's a girl!" He hugs me tight and laughs.

Bella sighs happily, "You're beautiful."  She whispers.  I could hear the baby cooing softly.  Now, it was time for Bella to be turned.  I knew she wasn't out of the woods yet. 

Suddenly, I hear a groan and Renesmee begins to cry.  Something was wrong.  I could barely hear Bella's heartbeat anymore. 

"Bella?  Bella? Bella!"

"Jacob, take the baby."

"Keep that away from me!"

Wasn't long till Rosalie and Alice were back with Dax.  I frown at him and he shrugs. 

"I couldn't stop them, but they fed." He says as he walks back into the room, but stops at the door in shock.  He covers his mouth and moves away. 

"Edward.  I'll take her.  I promise I'm okay. Let me."

Soon, Rosalie walks out of the room with a bloody baby wrapped in a towel.  I gasp in awe.  She looked so much like Bella.  She had her eyes.  Bella must live for her.  Please, god.  Let her live. 

I could hear them giving Bella CPR as Rosalie and Alice take the baby to be washed.  I could hear Rose softly cooing at the baby. 

"What is that?"

"It's my venom."  Edward grits out and I could hear a syringe being used.  For a pregnant silence, no sound was made.  Bella's heart didn't beat and I could hear Edward whispering to her softly. 

"You're okay.  Come on.  It's supposed to be working."  Edward says in frustration and he begins compressions again while Jake gasps in horror. 

"Oh, my God." 

Edward didn't stop the compressions, "Come on.  Bella, come on."

Rage filled the house, I could tell it was Jake, "I won't kill you.  That'd be too easy.  You deserve to live with this." Jake says and storms out of the room with tears falling from his eyes.  Jasper looks down in sadness and holds me close as I cry.


Oriel's POV

The Cullens' weren't too far behind us as we reached home.  But, Cin and I skid to a halt when we saw Jake storming out of the house.  He sits on the steps in front of the house and begins to cry.  I could hear his heart breaking from where I stood.  I walked up to Seth and Leah as they turned to both of us with sad looks. 

"She didn't make it." Seth says.

I gasps and cover my mouth, shaking my head, "No, no, no, no." I sob and Seth wraps his arms around me. 

Cin sits on the ground and covers his face.  He kicks a garden light till sparks erupted from it and died.  He cries and holds on to Leah and she soothes him.  I could hear her soft sniffles as she buries her face in his neck. 

I could hear Edward from inside, whispering and whimpering.  I could even see him from the windows as he does compression on her chest.  He stopped a few times to bite every part of her body.  Filling her body with his venom.  Doing everything he could think of to save her. 

"You're not dead. You're not dead.  Come on!"

"No, it will work. It will work." He was practically begging now to any force. 

"Please, please, please, please."

But, Bella just laid there.  Dead.  Her eyes opened and starring off into space. 

"Come back to me, please, baby.  Bella, Bella, please, please."

He, suddenly, stops the compressions and run his fingers through her damp hair, stroking her pale, sunken cheeks with pleading eyes. 

I cry again and pull out of Seth's arms and walk towards the house.  Cin, soon, pulls out of Leah's arms and whispers to her gently as he follows with me.  We walk in and see Katherine and Jasper.  Katherine was crying in Jasper's arms. 

Suddenly, Mother and Father shows up at the door with sad looks.  She sighs as she looks at us all. 

"Mother, will you save her?"  Dax asks softly.

Jasper frowns, "What are talking about?"

"The venom will not work on Bella.  Her injuries are too great.  The venom will continue to course through her body, but there's only one way for her to live." Mother says. 

"We must hurry." Father looks out the window and looks toward the skies, through the pine trees.  The blood moon was rising more.  "The Moon will be fully risen soon.  But...the pack grows near."

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