Chapter 15: Bella's Rebirth

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Katherine's POV

I rested my head against my hands as I kept my sight to the floor. I still couldn't believe that Bella was dead. But, soon...soon, she'll live again...but not as a human. Not as a vampire and not just an elemental. She'll be a Hybrid. The first hybrid to be turned without a leverage of revenge. It's never been done before, but Mother says she'll try for her and the Cullens. Suddenly, I could hear growling in the distance, and drawing closer. Edward was muttering like a broken man in the other to Bella. Soon, his voice rings out.

"Alice! Jasper!" His voice drops to a whisper, I could hear him whispering softly to Bella, "You're gonna be all right."

Edward storms out of the room and I gasp at the sight of him. Blood was coated all over his shirt and blood stained around his mouth.

"What the hell?" Cin exclaims.

"I did all I could. Please, please watch over her." He begs to me and grabs my arm.

"Just don't get killed. None of you. And don't kill them. We're gonna need them." I demanded.

Edward frowns, but nods anyway. Jasper kisses my head once more and takes off outside. Alice frowns when Dax wasn't following her.

"I have to stay. But, if anything happens, I won't dare hestitate to fight." He says.

Alice looks down sadly, but nods and turns to head outside. I looked out into the distance and watched the wolves coming closer and closer.

"We're outnumbered." Jasper states.

"By a lot." Alice adds with fear in her voice.

Alice and Jasper's eyes both widen in shock as the pack shows up and their rage thickens the air. Including, Sam's which was lit with anger and pain. Deep emotional pain.

Edward shakes his head strongly as Sam makes his way up the hill with his pack follow behind him.

"I won't let them hurt my family." Edward states strongly.

Sam growls lowly as he eyes Edward with such hatred.

Sam growls out the charge and takes off to attack Edward first while the others went after Alice and Jasper.

Edward manages to wrap his arms around Sam's head, avoiding his teeth and jaws that were snapping at him. Jasper grabs one wolf to defends himself and Alice doges a few. But, when she turns, another wolf slams into her and traps her under him. Alice screams at the impact.

Edward grunts as he fights Sam and the others with Jasper. He couldn't get to Alice. Same finally pins Edward down, snarling at him as his presses his huge paw against his chest. He gets ready to rip his head off, but two figures slams into Sam, knocking him away from Edward. Carlisle and Esme join in the fight and help the others. Sam growls lowly at both of them, then Emmett comes and helps. He punches one wolf and races up a tree to avoid snapping jaws. He backhands the wolf and the wolf falls out cold on the ground.

Alice screams as a wolf pins her again and she grabs his face and shoves him away, but he fights her while snapping at her face and drooling all over her. Leah and Seth run around the house, fully transformed and sees the fight. They could see the Cullens were failing. Leah snarls and attack the one pinning Alice. Seth snarls at the one who was attacking Jasper. Emmett rushes to his family and helps them as the stood in front of the house, protecting themselves and us. They shove the wolves off them and Jasper punches one, but the wolves were not backing down till they killed them all and us.

Suddenly, I watch Jacob storm out of the other side of the house and jumps from the steps to land before Sam with a glare.

"Stop! It's over!" Jake shouts. Sam wasn't having it, he tries to go around him, but Jake stands in his way, "If you kill her, you kill me."

Sam roars and shoves Jake into the air, but Jake phases in the air and growls at Sam. He walks towards Sam and Sam flattens his ears in shock.

"Jacob imprinted." Edward gasps as he reads their minds, "They can't hurt her. Whoever a wolf imprints on can't be harmed. It's their most absolute law." He states.

Sam growls lowly in frustration, then snap his eyes towards us as we walk out of the house as Father carries Bella in his arms.

"Now, that has settled, we have more important things to do now." He says.

Sam growls and gets ready to attack me, but Mother holds up her hand which had Sam whimpering in pain.

"Sam, you know as well as I do, you can't stop this birth. The children are not a threat. And you can hear the truth in my voice." Mother says and slowly put her hand down. Soon, the whimpering dies down, but Sam still watches us with caution.

Mother takes my hand and guides me towards Sam. Sam grunts in confusion and Jasper was ready to stop me, but I shake my head and stop him.

Mother places her hand over my belly and brought her other hand to Sam's head. Sam whines lowly and I knew she was showing him my children.

I hear Edward gasp softly. I knew he was reading Sam's mind. Seeing what Mother was showing him.

"They're...They're so pure of light. She was right. They're all more than vampire and elemental. They're not a threat." Edward smiles softly.

Mother lowers her hand and looks at Sam, "Now, you know the truth. Still want to harm them?" She asks with a sneer.

Sam grumbles softly and backs away, but I stopped him before he could leave.

Sam! We're gonna need you." He slowly turns back and looks at me, frowning. "If you care about Bella, we're gonna need you. All of you." I say as I look at all the wolves and the Cullens. "The venom isn't working." I say softly to Edward as pain lit in his eyes. "But there's a way to save her." I add, seeing hope lit up in everyone's eyes.

"The only way." Dax states.

"We must turn her into an Elemental." Oriel says.

I watch their faces go into shock and the wolf pack grunts in surprise as they look at each other. Talking through telepathy.

"But, it won't work, unless we have witnesses. Normally, an elemental can be born if they were killed by someone, and they can be brought back to seek revenge on the one that killed them." I say.

Jake growls lowly at me, he knew what I was talking about.

"But, Mother can change that. No harm shall fall on Renesmeee. But, it can't work without you. All of you. All the love you have for her can substitute the emotion of pain. Please, just please, for one night. Settle your differences and help us save Bella." I beg them.

Esme and Carlisle looks at each other and holds on to each other as they look over to pack with soft, gentle looks. Emmett glares at them, but sighs as he looks over to Alice and Jasper. Jasper frowns at the wolves then, looks over to me. Nodding gently. I look over to Sam as he looks at his pack. He turns back to me and nods.

"Good. We must hurry. The moon is up." Father says as he looks up into the sky, seeing the blood red moon shining brightly down on us.


Dax's POV

After we got everyone to agree to help us, we made our way up to the sacred clearing that wasn't too far from here. It was gonna be a small hike up the hills. I held on to Alice's hand as we walked up the pathway with everyone. Rosalie was chosen to stay and take care of the baby. I watch Jasper hold on to Katherine closely as they walked ahead of us. Edward was walking with Mother and Father as he carried Bella in his arms. He didn't want to part with her. He wanted her against him. He wanted her alive. I could see the yearning in his eyes. Seth and Oriel walked side by side as well as Leah and Cin.

Father carried a torch in his hands and picked up his pace to scout ahead through the woods. I could hear several animals growling in the distance. Wolves, normal wolves, were following us, eyeing us. I could see mountain Lions scaling the boulders as they watch us. Several animals in the air took flight and formed a funnel around us. Cawing, screeching, shrieking.

"What's going on?" Alice asks as she holds on to me tightly.

"The animals know what we are doing. They're practically asking Fate herself to chose them as a companion." I explained.

"The animals ask for this?" Esme exclaims.

"To them, it's a great honor to be chosen as a guardian of an elemental. It's like how some humans think it's an honor to guard the president. Consider it our own secret service." Cin says.

Father shoves a large curtain of vines away and shows us a path to the sacred clearing.

(This is what the clearing sort of looks like. But more with grass and a few trees. and boulders)

Father pushes the curtain away and walks into the clearing, with the others following him. He holds up the torch and shouts out in the dead language. Soon, every torch lights up with fire blazing. Showing the Cullens and the Wolves the clearing. As everyone walks in, I could hear everyone gasp in awe. In the middle of the clearing was a huge bonfire. Father tosses the torch into the pile and the fire blazed greatly. Not far from the edge of the clearing, before the cliff, was a stone altar. Mother guides Edward to lie Bella on to her stone. Edward's lip trembles as he brushes her hair away from her face.

I could hear the waves crashing below the clift. The ocean shining blue and casting a bright ray of lights.

Mother strokes his cheek, gaining his attention.

"Bella will be OK. Go to your family." She says softly, and turns to the Cullens as Edward joins them. "In this sacred place, there are no treaties, no bounty lines. No differences. No hate. No wars. Just...peace....and love for this child, Isabella Marie Cullen-Swan." Mother strokes Bella's hair. "You are invited into this sacred place and you have chosen to join the Elementals. Family is forever."

"Forever we Protect." Cin, Oriel, Katherine and I reply.

"Forever you are bound to me and us. Betray our trust and you will beg for death himself to save you." Mother growls lowly. She turns to the altar and takes a deep breath.

"Children, to your corners." She picks up a knife and a cup as we walk to the corners of the clearing. North, South, East, and West. She walks over to Katherine first and holds the knife up.

"Guardian of Mother Earth, do you allow Isabella Cullen in the circle of Elementals and welcome her into our family?"

Katherine takes the knife and brings it to her palm, "I give Isabella Cullen permission to take my flesh." She slits her hand and squeezes the blood to pour into the cup.

Mother takes the knife back and walks over to me with knife and cup, "Guardian of the Ocean and the Sea, do you allow Isabella Cullen into the circle of Elementals and welcome her into our family?"

I take the knife and hold it up, "I give Isabella Cullen permission to take my flesh." I drag the knife over my palm, ignoring the pain and letting my blood fall into the cup, joining Kat's.

Mother walks over to Cin and holds the knife up, "Guardian of the Air and sky, do you allow Isabella Cullen in the circle of Elementals and welcome her into our family?"

Cin takes the knife, "I give Isabella Cullen permission to take my flesh."

"Guardian of fire, do you allow Isabella Cullen into the circle of Elementals and welcome her into our family?"

"I give Isabella Cullen permission to take my flesh."Oriel drags the knife over her palm and join her blood with ours. I could hear Seth whine softly as he watches Oriel cut herself.

Mother takes the knife and walks back to the altar. She places the cup next to Bella's head and drags the knife over her own hand to bind her blood with ours.

"As Mother of All, I give Isabella Cullen permission to take my flesh. Join our family as one."

After Father offered his blood as well, Mother gently lift's Bella's neck and head and softly brings the cup to her lips. Our blood filling her mouth and throat. After the blood was gone to the last drop, she places Bella's head gently back down and places Bella's hands over her chest, crossing them. She closes Bella's eyes and turns to us.

"My children, call the corners and welcome them in this hour of need."

Katherine lifts her arms to the sky, "Watchtowers of the North, I summon you now to this sacred place. Guard this circle. Outside of time and space. By the powers of Earth, to my magic give birth." Her voice echos into the sky.

Cin lifts his arms to the skies as the clouds begin to rumble, "Watchtowers of the East, I summon you now to this sacred place. Guard this circle. Outside of time and space. By the powers of Air, bring magic to bare."

"Watchtowers of the South, I summon you now to this sacred place. Guard this circle. Outside of time and space. By the powers of Fire, my magic inspire." Oriel shouts out and lighting flashes brightly.

I lift my arms up to the skies and called forth the West, "Watchtowers of the West, I summon you now to this sacred place. Guard this circle. Outside of time and space. By the powers of Water will be, energy to set my magic free." Thunder crackles loudly in the air.

"Guardians of the watchtowers, hear my plea!" Mother's voice shouts out. Wind began to howl softly and started to grow as the clouds above us begin to spiral with lightning and thunder. "I welcome you into our circle. Welcoming you to our new child." Mother places a hand over Bella's head. "Isabella Cullen. I bid you to welcome her into our family. Repel Death. Repel disfigurement. Heal the wounds that her body holds."

"We pray of thee! We pray of thee!" We shouted together with our arms still in the air.

"We invoke thee!" Mother joins in with our voice.

Thunder roars loudly around us and lightning struck high in the air. I could hear the worried whispers coming from the Cullens and the Wolves.

"Death has no claim, life fill her heart!" Mother shouts.

The wind howled loudly as the clouds continue to spiral into darkness.

"Keeper of the gate, master of all fate, hear us! Before time and after, before knowing and nothing. Show us your glory. Show us your power!" Mother shouts. Lighting flashed once again as thunder basically roared out an answer. "We summon the Element of her soul, bring forth her guardian to life."

"We pray of thee! We pray of thee!" We shouted.

"We invoke thee!" Mother chants with us as the wind picked up, the thunder roars and the lighting strikes brightly. Almost blinding us all. We chanted over and over till finally, a burst of light shines and a great strength of power forces us to fly backwards.

The bright light continues to flash over and over again over Bella's body, and soon, within seconds, it was gone. We all slowly get up to our feet and I see Jasper rushing to Katherine, making sure she was OK and if the babies were OK. Cin coughs and frowns as he looks around with Oriel.

"Didn't it work?" He asks.

Suddenly, we heard it..........................................................................................................................





................................................................................................................................................................ owl hooting. I turn and look with my family and the Cullens and the Wolves follow our eyes. There, resting on a branch, a beautiful snowy owl with vibrant sapphire eyes.

Oriel gasps, "Oh, my god!" She whispers slowly and gets to her feet.

Edward frowns at our reactions, "Is this her guardian?" He asks Mother.

Mother nods, "Yes, the Spirit Element has chosen her." She smiles and walks towards the owl. The owl hoots and chirps as Mother uses her fingers to guide the owl to perch on her hand. The owl spread its majestic wings and flap them as it moves to settle on Mother's arm. She walks back to the Altar as the Owl watches us all.

"The Spirit Element?" Carlisle asks.

Mother moves to let the Owl hop on the Altar and practically walk over Bella's body, she turns to the Cullens with a smile.

"Bella is very lucky. The Spirit element represents life. Or the Life force. The unique essence that flows through most of existence. It's also normally called Aether. It is the strongest and most magical element. Aether is almost like an extension to magic. Aether is the magical essence of the universe. This element is represented through electricity, lightning, light, and cosmic, solar and any form of energy. Bella will be very powerful and we shall guide her."

I could see Edward look at Mother in shock as he takes in everything she just said. Hell, even I was. There hasn't been an Aether Elemental...ever. She'll be very rare.

"Why isn't she...?" Esme was about to ask, but Oriel gently shushes her.

"Sh. It's starting."

We watched the owl hop onto Bella's chest and slowly makes its way to her face. The Owl tilts its head as it studies Bella's face. The Owl rears back and lets out an unearthly shriek in Bella's face. The Cullens covered their ears and the Wolves whined in pain. But, soon, the shrieking died down and the owl converts into a fog of purple smoke, absorbing itself into Bella's body.

When the fog cleared, we walked up towards the alter...and listened.

I sigh in relief when I could hear it....A heartbeat.

The Guardian was healing her body. I watch Edward take a big sigh of relief and smiles happily as he walks over to Bella and kisses her forehead.

"We must take her home. She'll wake up in a matter of days. The Guardian is blending with the venom and making it do it's job for her body. When she wakes, she'll have the power of both and elemental and a vampire.


Third Person's POV

Days have indeed passed, and Bella was washed and cleaned of blood. Edward never left her side as she was healing. Before his eyes, he watched her skin heal from the bite marks he left on her body. Her skin, once sunken and unhealthy, filled and paled healthily. She practically glowed. Her heart was still beating. Rapidly. He gasps when her back, once was broke, now set itself with a loud crack.

Katherine walks into the room with a small smile and walks over to Bella. Taking Bella's hand in hers and closing her eyes. She smiles big and places Bella's hand back where it was before looking up at Edward as he watches anxiously.

"Her healing is almost complete. It shouldn't be long till she wakes." She walks over to Edward and hugs him. He nods and looks back at Bella, continuing to watch her. Waiting for her to wake up.

Soon, her heart begins to slow till it finally stops. Edward cautiously moves to rise. Everyone in the house snap their heads up and they knew. They knew Bella has fully healed and turned.

Edward slowly gets to his feet and carefully walks towards Bella as she was completely healed. Her cheekbones were sharper, her hair glowed healthily, her skin was flawless. All she had to do now...was open her eyes.

(Well, what do you think? Good? Stupid? Do you like the choice of elemental for Bella? One last chapter to go then I'm done for Dusk IV. Please leave comments and votes if you like my book. Lots of love)

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