Chapter 4: The Dance of the Mates

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Video above: This is a band called Bewitched, I grew up to them in the 90s and they use to make the best Irish version pop music.  It's so sad they broke up.  You won't find any girl band like them anymore.  The song they are singing is called "To You I Belong" and this is the song being sung during the Marriage Blessing Dance that the Elementals family will sing and dance to.

Kat's POV

I am dancing on air.  I'm Jasper.  Don't pinch me.  If I'm dreaming, I never want to wake up.  Well, I want to get through this reception first.  So many vampire covens to meet.  Some that I've already have.  And seeing my elementals bond with them.  It looked almost normal.  I could see some vegetarians having trouble adjusting to the human smells.  Speaking of humans, I could Mike, Jessica, Angela, Eric, Britney, and Tyler talking about the wedding cake.  And so could Dax and Alice.  I could see her smirk knowingly as she approaches the them slowly.

"Just thought it'd be bigger." Eric says as  Angela and Jessica take pictures of the cake.

They all agreed with him, "Yeah."

"Hi!  Hi, guys."  Alice skips over to them, greeting them all warmly. 

"Hi!  We were just saying how pretty everything is, you know, just saying."  Mike stutters as he gestures at the cake and flowers. 

Dax could barely contain his laughs as they all stood nervously at Alice and him.

"Well, thanks so much. You don't think it's too much?"  Alice tries to lure.

They all shakes their heads rapidly, giving them fake smiles.


"Not at all."



I giggled and gasped when Jasper takes my hand and twirls me, pulling me into his arms with a coy smirk that turns into a big grin.  Together, we walked away to join the family.  I could see Bella and Edward saying hi to the wolves and, of course, Leah was uncomfortable about being in the den with vampires.  Cin tried his best to make her happy.  But, I honestly don't want her to leave.  We may not be on each other's good sides, but she's my brother's mate and I want peace between us.  Just for one day.

"Hey, man.  Nice to see you." Seth greets Edward with a bro shake and gives Bella a small hug as well.  Oriel stood happily next to him and Billy.  Sue Clearwater gives us both smiles as she stood behind Billy. 

"I'm happy for you.  For both of you." Seth adds.

(Oriel's dress)

Oriel smiles and gives me a small hug, "I'm so happy for you, sister." She squeals.

"Thank you." I smile back.

She turns to Jasper with a serious look and fire in her eyes, not literally, "You better treat her right."

"I'll never stop making her smile." Jasper grins and pulls me closer to me.

Oriel smiles, "Good.  We protect our family." She says with a hint her in voice. 

"l hope you'll be happy, Bella." Billy says with a small smile.  I knew he wanted to say more, but with Charlie with them, he had to remain silent. 

Bella returns a small smile, "Thank you, Billy.  Have you heard from him?" She asks, hinting about Jacob.  

Billy sighs softly and shakes his head, "I'm sure Jake wishes you the best."

Bella looks down sadly, but nods. 

Charlie smiles as he welcomes Mother and Father into the group.


I turn towards the voice and see Embry with a small smile, he walks towards us, but doesn't hug or anything. He just stands a few feet away from me. 

"Congratulations.  To all of you.  I just want to say...I'm sorry.  About everything.  I just want the best for you.  Even if it's not me." He sighs sadly at the last part. 

I turn to Jasper and give him a look, he sighs and holds his hand out to Embry.  Embry was shocked at first, but accepts the handshake.  I move as they part to give Embry a small hug. 

"I'm glad you could be here."  I whisper.

"I wouldn't have missed it for the world." He says softly.

"Well, l plan on getting drunk."  Charlie mutters, and it sounded like he needed a drink.  Especially, after just giving his only daughter away at 18.  "They're serving up some pretty fancy champagne."

I watch Billy snap his head to the side as if he senses something. I look and see the Denali coven making their way over to us.

Charlie turns to Sue and Mother with a smile, "Sue, Helena, can l get you two a glass?"

Billy turns his wheelchair sharply, nearly bumping into Sue.  She frowns in confusion for his behavior.

"Sparkling fire water.  Sounds great." Billy couldn't get away from the coven fast enough.  He and Charlie moved on to the drinks with Sue.  Seth takes Oriel's hand and guides her towards the champagne table.  Mother takes Father's arm and brush pass the Coven, I watch Eleazar eye Mother with wide eyes, but quickly shake it off.  I knew he could sense her power and it looked overwhelming for him.

Jasper and I great the coven with a smile.

"Bella."  Carmen comes over to her with a big smile and kisses Bella's cheeks.  She looks over to me and does the same.  "Congratulations to all of you." 

"Thank you."  Bella and I smile at them.

"Bella."  Eleazar smiles at us and gives us a polite nod and greeting. 

"Eleazar and Carmen, right?"  Bella asks, making sure she got the names right. 



Edward wraps his arm around her waist, "Yes, and these are our cousins from Alaska. Tanya, Kate."  He introduces Bella to them. 

"We've heard so much about you."

"Welcome to the family."


Tanya and Kate look over to my direction with a big smile and pull me in for a hug each. 

"It's so good to see you again, Katherine."  Tanya says as she hugs me. 

"It's great to see you both here as well." I say as I hug Kate. 

I look over and see Irina, their other sister.  I remember meeting her last summer when Jasper took me to Denali to meet his cousins.  After Laurent was killed, she became really distant.  I knew she didn't like me so much after learning the reason he died was because of me and Bella.  At least, that's what she thinks.  But, I knew Tanya and Kate were trying to show her that the reason why he was killed was because of Victoria.  I watch her look over to where the wolves were and her face is lit with pain.  Especially at Seth.  I watch Oriel glare at her from where she stood and held on to Seth's arm in protection.

"Thank you."  Bella smiles at the Denali's warm greetings and watch Carmen and Eleazar look over to where Irina was. 

"Irina.  Come meet Bella."  Carmen says.

Irina slowly approaches them, but stops and leans in, "I can't do this."  Her voice strains.

"You promised."  Tanya reminds her.

"They invited one."  Irina sneers as she looks back over to Seth.

Edward and Bella look over to where she was looking and look back at her with sympathy, "Irina, he's our friend."  Edward says.

"They killed Laurent."  Irina's voice breaks. 

"He tried to kill Bella."  I speak up.

Irina takes a warning step in my direction, "l don't believe that."  She snarls.  "He wanted to be like us.  To live in peace with humans.  With me."

Jasper and Edward both take warning, protective steps in front of me and Bella.

"Deny the truth all you want, Irina.  But, deep down, you know."  I say. 

Irina snarls again and stomps off in anger. 

"Irina!"  Carmen calls after her, but Irina wasn't having it. 

Eleazar takes his mate into his arms and strokes her skin, "Well.  Let's not monopolize the brides.  Congratulations."

"Thank you."

"Sorry."  Carmen whispers and Tanya and Kate send apologetic looks as well and turns to join Carmen and Eleazar as they walk away.

Suddenly, Darryl walks over with a glass of champagne and that devilish smirk of his,  "Well, what's a wedding without some family drama?"  He chuckles and sips his drink. 

"And you are all about drama, Dar."  Dax walks up to us with Alice in tow. 

"The juiciest are the best in show." Darryl chuckles. 

"You know, you're a real dick sometimes." I say.

"I know.  Want to see how real?" He winks.

Jasper growls and pulls me away.

Darryl holds his hands up in surrender, "Don't worry, there's plenty to go around." 

I pull Jasper back before he could attack Darryl, and Tobias walks up towards us with his cane guiding the way.

"Still up to your old tricks, aren't you, Darryl?"

"Never gets old, my friend." Darryl laughs.

"Ignore the idiot, he loves to cause mayhem for entertainment. I'm so pleased to meet the one who stolen the Grand Elemental's heart." Tobias holds out a hand for Jasper to take. Jasper frowns at me, but accepts the handshake.

"It's pleasure to meet you, sir."

Tobias scoffs, "You've landed an old fashioned one, I hear. And..southern accent. Texas? 1863?"

Jasper's eyes widen in shock, "How did...?"

Tobias smirks and points at his hand, "Elemental thing. But, I can sense an old soul miles away. And I can tell that you make Katherine very happy. Her happiness and protection is important. Not many elementals can be so lucky as these four."

"You'll find happiness again, Tob. I know it." Dax says and pats his back.

"Maybe so. But, I guess only time will tell." He turns to Bella and Edward. "I may be blind, but I can sense a beautiful woman with a soul so kind and pure. Welcome to the family, Bella." He smiles at her and turns to Edward, " You, too, as well. Edward Cullen." He turns and holds his cane out to guide himself away to chat with others.

"Interesting relatives." Bella mutters.

"Tobias is a pussycat, once you get to know him better. And it looks like that he really likes you guys and the rest of the family." Dax says.

"Heavy on the 'pussy'." Cin walks by as he mutters, but when he passes Tobias, Tobias whacks him with his cane.

"Ow, son of a...!" Cin groans and glares at Tobias.

"Did I hit something?" Tobias looks around blindly.

I couldn't help, but giggle, "Like Darryl says, family drama."

Suddenly, a familiar voice fills the air.

"Attention."  Mother taps the microphone where the band stood behind her.  She gestures all to come to her.   Speaking in the ancient dead language to us Elementals, then back to English.  "Attention.  Thank you.  For those you do not know, my family carries a well known tradition for marriage celebrations.  I would like to share with you our tradition..."

I gasp in realization and grab Bella, "Come on, we're gonna miss it!"

Cin perks up in knowing and grabs Leah's arm, guiding her closer to where she could see the dance floor. 

Dax smiles and takes Alice's hand and guides her to where I stood with Jasper. 

Oriel jumps and pulls Seth with her.

"What's going on?"  Alice asks Dax.

Once all of us were together, near the dance floor, we waited for the dance to begin. 

Dax leans in where we all could hear, "It's an ancient tradition to the Elementals.  The Marriage Dance.  It's a form of blessings to all mates." 

"...The youngest children in the family shall dance in the honor of our brides and grooms.  And the song shall be sang by Alyssa Taylor.  Please enjoy."  Mother claps for the Nymphs of the Earth to come and Alyssa comes walking towards the stage. 

Giggles erupt as the 4 Nymphs practically dance their way towards the dance floor.  Their skin shinned like glitter with the lights shining over them.  Their hair covered with flowers and ivy vines.  They were like young teenagers, 15 years old at least, but Elementals knew they weren't.

They all took their spots in the middle of the dance floor and keep their eyes to the floor.  Soon, a soft flute begins to play and the band begins to follow. 

Alyssa's voice begins to flow in the air so beautifully and the Nymphs begin to dance on their toes.  Like ballerinas.

(Watch the video to listen to the music)

Rain fell down

You were there

I cried for you when I

Hurt my hand

Storm a-rushing in

Wind was howling

I called for you, you were there

Whenever dark turns to night

And all the dreams sing their song

And in the daylight forever

To you I belong

Alice gasp in awe as the nymphs dance together and leans closer to whisper, "They're so beautiful."

I lean closer, "It's more than a dance.  More than a ritual.  It's a mean to our future."

Jasper frowns as he holds me close, "What do you mean?"

"Watch their hands.  To the human eye, they're light sticks.  But, to us, it's their power.  They're practically inviting fate into our world, asking her to bless us all with happiness, serenity, and love."  Cin explains.

Leah gasps softly as she watches with wide eyes.

One Nymph spins in the air with her foot touching her head, glitter practically danced off her skin.  The others took each other's hands and danced around her.

Beside the sea

When the waves broke

I drew a heart for you in the sand

In fields where streams

Turn to rivers

I ran to you, you were there

The nymphs brush their hands in the air and I could see their powers forming.  Colors of the wind, the air, the fire, and the earth.  The Nymphs took off into the air, practically flying as they spread their legs in the air.  Such delicate forms.

Whenever dark turns to night

And all the dreams sing their song

And in the daylight forever

To you I belong

I ran to you, you were there

Whenever the dark turns to night

And all the dreams sing their song

And in the daylight forever

To you I belong

The Nymphs stop dancing and face us, walking slowly towards us.

To you I belong

To you I belong

As one they all bow till they touched the floor

Everyone erupts into the cheers, clapping for the Nymphs and Alyssa.  Whistling for encouragement. 

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