Chapter 6: Honeymoon

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(Katherine and Jasper's honeymoon getaway home up above^^^.  BTW: Chapter is rated R for lots of smut between Jasper and Katherine)

Jasper's POV

Time has passed by and before I knew it, it was time for my wife and I to head on to our honeymoon.  Edward and I wanted to keep the honeymoon areas a secret from the girls.  I want this to be a wonderful experience for my Katherine.  I hug Esme and Carlisle good-bye and turn to watch my love to say good-bye to Helena and Gregory.  She looked so cute in her teal dress.  The green mixed with the blue brings out the emeralds in her eyes. 

(Katherine's dress)

"Has he told you where you two will be going?" Helen smiles at Katherine.

Katherine shakes her head, "Nope, not one word.  He wants to keep it a surprised." She says. 

"I guess that's better.  Consider it a wedding present from your husband.  As a mother, I suggest suntan lotion and a coat.  Who knows where you'll be going.  Just be prepared."

"I will.  Alice helped me packed, but she packed one bag I wasn't allowed to see.  I'm going to guess a lot of negligee." Katherine giggles.

I growl lowly in lust as I think of my Katherine in little clothing.  Better yet.  Nothing at all.

"Just be safe, my darling.  I'll miss you.  And have lots of fun." Helena hugs her tight and kisses her forehead.  

I head with Edward to get the cars.  When I parked the car behind Edward.  I watch Katherine talk to Embry.  I know we were ok now, but I can still feel lust radiating off of him for her.  But, he's trying to push it away.

"So, you're officially off-limits." Embry chuckles awkwardly and sighs, "I just hope you know what you're doing, Kat."

Kat gives him a small smile, "I do.  I love him, Em.  I always will.  I love you as well...but, I'm sorry, I see you as a brother.  Any girl is going to be lucky to have you.  But, not me.  I have a feeling you'll be meeting her soon.  You'll see."

"Yeah.  We'll see." He sighs, sadly. 

Katherine moves to give him a hug and I suppress my growl as he hugs her back.  What it felt like a lifetime, they finally let go of each other and Katherine turns to get into the car.  I take her hand into mine and hold her close to me.  Katherine waves to Embry and Embry waves back before turning away into the party.

We watched Bella say good-bye to her Mother and Father.  It looked kinda awkward with Bella and Charlie.  I guess they didn't really know how to part like this.  Especially, so soon. 

"Well...It's gonna be strange, you not living under my roof." Charlie says, looking uncomfortable.

"Yeah.  It's gonna be strange for me, too."  Bella looks at the ground nervously and licks her lips as she looks back up at her father. 

"You know, it will always be your home, right?" Charlie says.

Bella sighs and smiles at her father as she moves to hug him tight.  Charlie hugs her and holds her close.  Kissing her head. 

"l love you, Dad. Forever."  Bella says softly.

"l love you, too, Bells.  l always have and l always will." Charlie states. 

Soon, they pull away and Charlie sighs again, "All right.  Go on.  You don't wanna miss your plane.  Wherever it's going."

Bella laughs, "Okay."  Bella moves to head to the car, "Bye." 

Charlie waves, "Bye, Bells."

Bella gets into the car and snaps on the seat-belt, Edward turns to her and takes her hand.  Kissing her knuckles, "You ready?"  He asks.

Bella turns to her friends, seeing them smiling and cheering for her.  Katherine smiles at the elementals and her family as they cheer for her as well. 

"Yeah, I'm ready."

Katherine turns to me with a knowing smile and brush her knuckles against my cold cheek.  I couldn't help, but smile so lovingly at her.  As soon as Edward started his car, I started mine and together we slowly pulled out of the drive-way, watching our family, our friends cheer and wave good-bye to us.  It wasn't long till we finally reached the highway.  On the way to the airport, Katherine and I hear the lone, mournful howl of a wolf.  Katherine sighs sadly, knowing as well as I did that it was Jacob who was howling for loss.  For Bella. 

It didn't take us long to reach the airport, Edward and I both reserved private jets.  As we were making arrangements, I overhear Katherine talking to Bella. 

"He didn't tell you either where you two will be going?" Bella asks.

I watch Katherine shake her head, "It's a surprise apparently.  You?"

 Bella licks her lips and shakes her head, "Surprise as well.  I just wish they could give us a hint.  Like dress warmly, lightly, bring a bikini?" Bella scoffs a laugh.

Katherine giggles, "Wherever we're going, I'm sure we'll be having tons of fun."  She sighs, then gives Bella a serious look, "Are you going to try and talk to Jacob after the honeymoon?"

Bella gives Katherine a startled look, and Katherine answers before she could ask.

"Oriel and Seth told me what happened."

"Do you think I'm stupid for wanting this?" Bella asks.

Katherine shakes her head, "What you want is normal to feel as a human.  I just want you to be safe and I know Edward will be careful.  He better."  Katherine mutters and she looks over to us, knowing we were listening. 

Edward and I share a small grin and walk over to join our wives.

"Ladies, we should board the planes." Edward says as he takes Bella's hand. 

Bella turns to Katherine with a smile, "Have fun."

Katherine gives her a sly smile, "You too.  Be good, Eddie." She winks at him and giggles at his eye roll.  I pull her into my arms as we walk together onto our jet.  The whole time as we waited for them to take off, Katherine stayed snuggled in my arms.  And me, with a smile on my face.  I never felt so incredibly happy and never thought I could be this happy.  But, here I am, with the woman I love in my arms. 

When the captain announces our destination, Katherine lets out a squeak of surprise. 

"Greece?!  We're going to Greece?!  I always wanted to go there!" She exclaims excitedly.

I couldn't help, but chuckle at her excitement.  She looked so cute as she smiled like a child in a candy store.  I swear, the way her eyes lit up, it was like sparkling emeralds shining in the light.  Such beauty.  Our flight was over 10 hours and I held my wife close to me through out the entire trip.  Soon, we arrived in Athens and headed our way towards to our house for our honeymoon.  I intertwined my fingers with Katherine's as we rode the taxi that took us towards the port. 

"We're not staying here?" She frowns as we walk towards our boat. 

"We have our own privacy.  Out on Agape Isle." I smile as I help her into the speedboat.  The trip to the island is a long one, but with a speedboat, it'll take us half the time to get there. 

"Agape Isle?  Love Island?" She gives me a disbelieved look and laughs softly. 

(Made it up)

"I'm impressed.  And yes, I know it's a cliché name, but it's our wedding present...from Esme and Carlisle." I say as I start the boat and take off towards the island.

"An Island as a present?  That's way too much for them to..." I cut her off with a kiss and look back towards the ocean as I guide our way to our place.

"The Island, actually, belongs to Eleazar.  He gave it to Carlisle a long time ago and, now, he's giving it to us.  For us to enjoy." I give my Katherine a crooked grin as I watch her cheeks heat up.  She didn't say anything else, but I could hear her heart pounding and her lust rising.  Tonight...Katherine is mine. 


Katherine's POV

(Smut! Smut! Smut!)

To say that I was as nervous as a virgin was over-exaggerating, but, considering how long it's been since I've last had sex labeled me as one.  Willingly at least.   My breath hitched in my throat as we finally reached the island.  It was gorgeous.  Especially, at night.  I could see a small village on the other side of the island, but a big, beautiful house stood at the north side of the island.  Near the beach and a small port. 

Jasper glided the boat towards the docks and tied up the boat.  We carried our suitcases up a pebbled pathway that led us towards the house.  Jasper places his bag down and digs the keys to the door.  When he opens them, he turns towards me with a huge smile. 

"Welcome to Agape Isle." He drops his stuff to scoop me up into his arms, making me drop all my things on the porch. 

I giggle squeal as I wrap my arms around his neck, " Jasper, put me down." I laugh.

"Nope.  It's a custom to carry the wife over the threshold." He smiles and carries me into the house, placing me on my feet.

Jasper's smile slowly fades as his eyes light up with lust.  He held me close against his body and reaches to stroke my cheek. 

"Are you tired?" He asks, softly. 

"No." I whisper. 

Jasper grins, "How about a shower?  Then, I can give you a tour."

I bite down on my lower lip and nod slowly.

"Go start the water.  I'll bring our stuff inside." Jasper says as he slowly lets me go.  At every step I took towards the master bathroom, my heart felt like it was bursting to be freed from my body. 

When I found the bedroom, I gasp at the size of the the bed.  Rose petals in the shape of a heart was already spread out on the sheets.  I move towards the bathroom and my eyes widen at the size of the bathtub and the shower.  It was a gorgeous.  The tub looked like stone or marble.  And it was huge.  The shower was a huge walk-in shower.  No curtains, no privacy.  And a large bench inside. 



My heart couldn't take this.  But, my body was begging.  I place a hand over my chest to steady my rate and inhale deeply.  Calming myself. 

"For God's sake, Kat.  Don't be stupid." I whisper softly. 

I could hear Jasper entering the bedroom and putting our things away.  Rustling noises were made all around in the bedroom.  I think Jasper wanted to unpack as quickly as possible. 

With a hard swallow, I reach behind me and undo my dress, letting it fall around me.  I take off my shoes and place them on a small wooden chair.  I move towards the shower and begin to take off my lacy nude bra and matching panties.  I walk into the shower, trembling at the feel of the cold stones at my feet.  I turn on the hot water and set it to a perfect temperature.  God, I did need this badly.  The water was so soothing against my aching body.  I spot a bar of soap and begin to wash myself.  Thank god, I shaved my legs before the trip. 

As I rubbed the soap all over my body, I freeze when I hear clothes rustling behind me and soft footsteps approaching me.  I shiver in desire when I feel soft, cold hands on my shoulders.  They traveled down and gripped my waist, slowly turning me around.  My forearms covered my breasts as I turn to face Jasper. His eyes were pitched black as they roamed every inch of my body.  I could hear soft purring from his chest.  As if he was pleased with what he sees.  He glides his hands to my wrists and slowly pull them away from my chest.  The water was hitting us as we just stood there under the spray.  Jasper, finally, pulls me closer, pressing me against his body.  I hear him growl in pleasure as his hardness brushes against my wetness.  He pushes me gently against the wall and leans down to kiss me.  His tongue thrusts and dances with my own in my mouth.  The water mixing with our kiss seemed so much more erotic to me.  His hands roam over my body, massaging into my muscles gently.  He reaches lower and grips one of my thighs and brings it to wrap around his hip. 

I gasp as I could feel his hard member rubbing against me.  He thrusts his hips gently, making me tremble and moan softly.  I could feel him grow rigid in my arms, like he was struggling.  I was too, I wanted to just jump him and ride him like a cowgirl.  But, this was new for both of us.  Jasper moans softly as he continues to thrust and rub.  I gasp when I heard marble crackling.  I frown and look to see that Jasper gripped onto the wall so tightly, his fingertips made large cracks in the wall.  His whole body was shaking.  I drop my leg, letting it slide off his hip and take his face in my hands.

"Jasper.  It's OK.  You won't hurt me.  I promise." I say, softly.

"I don't know if I can help myself." He growls lowly. 

"Please.  I want you.  All of you.  Please." I whisper and kiss him with all the passion and love I had for him.  Sending him waves of my love and lust for him. 

Jasper groans and moans against my lips as he pulls me closer against him.  I gasp and when reaches and grabs my bare butt to wrap my legs around his waist and before I knew it we were naked and wet in bed. 

(The bed)

I couldn't help, but giggle as we hit the mattress. Jasper covers my lips to swallow my laughter, making me moan instead. The feel of his body against mine. Feeling his muscles against my hands. I whimper softly at the loss of his lips, but moan as I feel them against my neck and trailing down to my chest. I cry out in pleasure when Jasper's lips close over my hard nipples and he begins to suck gently. The feel of his tongue and lips against my sensitive nips, oh my god. I moan more as he begins to trail kisses down to my stomach, then my hips. But, I whimpered when he didn't go further to where I wanted him to touch.

But, I spoke too soon...

Letting out a soft gasp-moan, I feel a cold finger slide deep inside me. Sliding in and out.

"Oh, god!" I exclaim as I feel it go deeper.

"God, you're so tight." Jasper growls. "So wet for me. All for me."

I begin to notice that Jasper's voice was deeper, and his Texan accent was thicker. It wasn't just Jasper...the Major was here and he was horny. I could smell it all over him.

I couldn't even answer him, all I could do was moan at the feel of his finger. I moan louder when another finger slides inside.

"Who do you belong to?" Jasper growls.

I couldn't speaking clearly. I made soft whimpers and groans.

Whimpering, Jasper stopped moving his hand and left his fingers deep inside me, "Please. Don't stop."

"Who do you belong to?" He growls again.

", Jasper. You. I'm yours." I moan out.

"All mine. Mine." Jasper slides his fingers in and out of me. I could feel myself dripping as he keeps thrusting his fingers. God, I didn't want to come yet. I want to come with him. I cry out when Jasper slides his fingers out of me, but when he covered my body and spread my legs...all the breath left my body.

I dug my nails into the mattress as Jasper slides slowly inside me. He groans and moans loudly as he took his time. I could feel my claws coming forth, but I wanted to touch him. I pushed my animal side away as hard as I could and wrapped my arms around my love. I muffled my moans as he was finally deep inside me. At the first thrust, Jasper grips on to the sheets near my head, ripping them gently. Panting, he thrusts in and out of me at a steady pace. The feel of him so deep inside, I'm in paradise.  The feel of him was better than I ever dreamed of.  Hot flesh against cold flesh.  It was too much.  I trail my lips over his shoulder as he buries his face into my neck and the pillow.  I was careful not to scratch his skin, but I dragged my nails gently over his back as he continues to thrust in and out.  Deeper and deeper. 

"Oh, Jasper!" I cry out as his pace increases. 

I could hear his muffled groans of pleasure against the pillow.  Loud ripping was near my head, but I didn't care.  To feel Jasper make love to me was all I ever wanted.  I wanted to be sent into oblivion with him.  I moan as I drag my nails over the sheets, feeling the cloth tear against my nails.  I needed something to hold on to.  Something that I didn't mind hurting.  Anything, but Jasper. 

"Oh, Katherine, oh!" Jasper growls and his thrusts became harder and faster. 

The whole bed seem to shake under us.  The earth was moving.  That's how it felt.  Oh, god...I'm so close.  God, please, oh god. Yes.  Oh, yes!  I moan louder as Jasper's thrusts became erratic.  Oh, my god!!!

"Jasper!!!" I cry out as I feel myself reach the high of the exquisite pleasure. 

I hear Jasper calling my name in a loud yell and moan.  I feel his body shake as I feel him fill me inside.  A loud snap was made above me as I watched Jasper grip on to the headboard and break it.


Jasper's POV

(More Smut!!!)

I never knew it could be like this.  I have had sex before, as a human and vampire, but this...nothing comes close to those past experiences.  I have seen a new era and felt heaven for the first time in centuries.  I look down at Katherine as she sleeps in my arms.  He soft shoulders exposed from the sheets.  I can't believe I was worrying about this.  Seeing her unharmed, but seeing the bed torn and broken, it was worth it as long as Katherine was safe.  I gently brush my hand over her skin, seeing no bruises, not bite marks.  I thank God for that.  I guess we both were worrying over nothing.  I sigh happily as I lean against the half broken headboard.  Katherine was amazing tonight. 

When I saw her in the shower.  Naked and dripping wet, I wanted to rush at her and just...pound her into the wall till we're both screaming in absolute pleasure.  But, I didn't want to rush her into anything she didn't want to do.  After what she went through in her human years, I wanted to show her another way.  Despite how hard it was for me to resist my wild side.  When I had her against the wall, the feel of her wet flesh against my hardness...

My eyes roll back at the recent memories.  God, it was more than I ever imagined.  Then...when I was inside her.  God, I was close to losing it.  Next time, I might not be so gentle, but I don't think Katherine would mind so much.  Seeing her under me, I knew she was restraining herself as well.  I look down again at Katherine as she stirs in her sleep and moves to snuggle deeper against my chest.  I wrap my arms around and hold her close as she falls back into her dreamworld.  

I held her till the sun came up and shined through the large glass windows.  I knew Katherine would be hungry when she awakens.  I gently pry myself from her arms and get up off the bed.  I walked into the closet, naked and without care.  I pulled on a pair of boxers and headed into the kitchen to cook for my love.  I cooked scrambled eggs, toast, bacon, a hash brown, and some fruit.  And some coffee.  I filled up the tray and walked back into the bedroom.  As I walked through the door, I see Katherine stirring and slowly opens her eyes.  She frowns at the setting, seeing the ripped sheets and head board.  She laughs softly and sighs as she looks over to me with a big smile.

"Good morning, darling." I say, returning the smile as I place the tray of food on a table near the bed. 

"Mmm, good morning." Katherine says as she stretches over the bed. The sheets gave her body a perfect outline for me to see.  I couldn't help but, growl lowly in lust. 

"How do you feel?" I say as I sit on the bed as she sits up, clutching the sheets against her chest.

"Amazing.  A little sore, but the good kind." She says.

"Good, I want to always make you feel good." I say as I kiss her gently.  But, the kiss slowly became passionate. 

"Mmm." Katherine moans against my lips and giggles as I trail my lips to her neck, tickling her skin.  "I think I could go for round 2." She says as she begins to slide a hand down my chest and pulls on my boxers. 

I groan and try to fight, but Katherine did not play fair.  Next thing I knew, I was lying on the bed with my boxers torn off my body and Katherine's head was buried against my lap.  I moan as I feel her lips wrapped around me, sucking gently and taking nearly ever inch of me into her mouth and throat. 

"Oh, god, Katherine.  Mmmmm.  Oh, god." I groan as I gently thrust myself into her mouth.  I fought to grab her head and just pound her throat, but I didn't want to harm her or possibly kill her.   She drags her nails against my chest and abdomen, increasing the pleasure she was bringing me.  I moan one last time, till I pull myself away from her mouth and yank her on top of me.  She moans as she straddles my body.  I was about to push her on her back, but, she was already taking my member and sliding it inside her. 

I groan in pleasure as I feel myself go even more deeper than I did last night.  Katherine moans and begins to ride my body.  I grip her hips and hold on to her as she goes up and down, over and over, becoming even more wet.  I reach further up to cup her beautiful breasts in my hands, gripping them gently, feeling the hard nipples scrap against my palms.  I thrust my hips up to meet her movements, making her moan more and making her go faster.  I throw my head back and grit my teeth as I feel myself get closer and closer to the climax.  I knew Katherine was closer as well.  We both lusted after each other, it was too much for us to handle.  A single touch could send us over.  She moans and  whimpers as she continues to ride, catching herself as she uses my chest for support. 

"God, baby, you feel so good.  Ride me.  Come on, ride me.  I'm so close." I mutter softly and growl lowly.

"Jasper...Oh, god...I'm gonna..." Kathrine whimpers as she rides faster and I thrust up rapidly.

"I know, baby...I know....Oh, god!  God!" I throw my head back as I feel myself jerk inside her. 

"Jasper!" Katherine cries out as tightens around me.  I yell out my orgasm as I feel myself spurt deep inside her.  I groan loudly and grip on to her hips tightly as I empty myself inside her.  Katherine cries out once more and goes limp in my arms.  I catch her and lie her gently over my chest as she pants heavily.  I moan softly again as I stay inside her.  Holding her against me.  What a morning...I sigh happily and feel her wrap her arms around me.  Too bad for breakfast, but this makes up for it. 

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