Chapter 9: Treaty Null and Void

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Cin's POV

Oriel and I didn't like how Jacob stormed out of the house.  We carefully followed him out and watch him growl in frustration.  He tosses his jacket down on the ground and kicks his bike across the yard.  Letting out a loud, animal-like growl, he phases into his wolf and takes off into the woods.

"Shit." I muttered and turned to Oriel, "This is gonna be bad."

"Let's see how bad." Oriel says and jumps off the stairs to transform into her panther.

I shriek out screech as I jump into the air to transform into my hawk and take off flying, following Jacob with Oriel.  

As far as I could see, Jacob was running and running as fast as his rage was rising.  I could sense it from above and Oriel was keeping tabs.  I watched as he snarls as if he wanted to kill something.  His hair was rising, he wasn't just pissed, this was...he wanted to murder someone.  Or something.  I couldn't tell if it was because of Edward, Bella...or the baby.  I shriek out a warning when Jacob makes it to the roads and nearly crashes into a truck.  He dodges it and the truck spins, but finally stops.  Jacob takes off, but stops to let out a howl.  Soon, we could hear several howls answering back.  Including, Leah and Seth.  We followed Jacob all the way to a lumber yard where the rest of the wolves met up with him.  I could see Jacob looking back and forth at his pack members as they circle him, snarls coming from their snouts.  What were they talking about? 

I swiftly land on a log near the pack and begin to chant to the winds.

"Guardians of the west, here my plea, to hear the words being said to thee, share my ears so mote it be."

 I chanted the spell till I finally could hear several voices.  The wolves, I could hear them all.

"Jake! Jake! Jake! Jake! Jake! Jake!"

"Is it true, Jacob?" I hear Paul's Voice.

"What will it be?" Quil.

"It's growing fast." Paul.

"It's unnatural." Leah.

"Dangerous." Jared

"Monstrosity." Quil

"An abomination." Paul.

"On our land." Quil.

"We can't allow it." Jared.

"We can't allow it." Quil.

"We can't allow it." Paul.

"We can't allow it."

All the wolves were agreeing, but I could see Jacob had doubt in his eyes.  Oriel snuck up to hide behind a pile of logs, I could see that she was listening as well.  And, it doesn't look like she was liking what she was hearing.  Hell, neither was I. 

Suddenly, a black wolf came to stand on top of a pile of logs, I could see it was Sam.  His Alpha vibe was strong around him.  

"We have to protect the tribe.  What they've bred won't be able to control its thirst.  Every human will be in danger." He says to his pack.

Jared took a step forward, "We're ready."

Leah looked like she was ready for a fight.  Babe, what are you doing?

"No time to waste." She says, I could see she was anxious.

Jacob looked up to his Alpha in disbelief, "Now?"

"We must destroy it before it's born."

I looked at Sam in horror.  But...that would be mean...

Seth seems to have finished my thoughts, "You mean, kill Bella?"

"And Katherine..." My eyes widen in shock.  "Their choices affects us all."

Jacob takes a step forward in protest, "Katherine cannot be killed, she's our creator.  Mother of All would kill us all before any of us could lay a paw on her.  And Bella's human.  Our protection applies to her."

Leah flattens her ears and growls at Jacob, "She's dying anyway!"

Jacob snarls and attacks her, I was about to do something, till Sam roars, breaking them apart. 

"We have real enemies to fight tonight."  Sam states. 

Jacob frowns in wolf form as Leah backs away in anger, "Tonight?"

"You will fight with us, Jake." Sam growls as he steps closer. 

Jake, along with several members, all seem to be bowing, but not by choice, by force.  Sam growls loudly and exposes his wide fangs.  Jake was struggling, fighting the force that was coming from Sam.  He, suddenly, shakes it away and grunts and growls at Sam as he begins to slowly rise.

"I...will...NOT!" Jacob strains and shouts strongly and begins to stand tall...even more tall than Sam.  Sam's eyes widen in shock as Jake stood before him, fighting off his Alpha hold. 

"l will not.  I am the grandson of Ephraim Black.  I am the grandson of a chief!  I wasn't born to follow you, or anyone else."  Jake shouts and growls as he takes off back into the woods.

Seth and Leah watch with worry as Sam growls lowly at Jake's retreating figure.  He turns back towards the pack, "He has made his choice and he shall die with them all." He growls.

"Sam, you can't just kill Bella and Jake." Seth protests.  "And Katherine, I mean, she's stronger than us."

Sam turns to Seth, growling and forcing him to bow, Seth lets out a loud wine as he was forcefully pulled to bow before Sam. 

"You...will...fight, Seth."  Sam growls. 

Seth whines again, but, suddenly, Sam is tackled from above by Oriel.  Oriel roars and piles on top of Sam, swiping her paw at Sam and sending him flying into a log.  Oriel growls lowly and eyes Sam with rage as she protects Seth.  Everyone watches in shock at Oriel's appearance, but they growl lowly in caution at her.  Sam shakes off his injury and growls at Oriel.  Oriel lets out a powerful roar as she challenges Sam. 

"Oriel, don't!" Seth gets up and rubs against her, whining softly. 

Oriel growls once more and purrs when Seth licks her face.  She still eyes Sam with rage. 

"Just try.  Just you try to come after one of us.  Come after come after all.  Mark my words, Sam Uley.  You have been warned."  Oriel sends that message to everyone's mind and takes off into the woods with Seth following her.

I shriek out to Leah, catching her attention, I shriek again and take off in flight, hoping she'll follow me.  When I was close to where Seth and Jacob were, I jump from the air and land swiftly on my feet.  I could see Seth and Oriel racing towards to Jake. 

Seth manages to step on a twig, which startles Jake.  He turns sharply towards the sound, ready to attack.

Seth and Oriel stop in their tracks, holding their hands up in surrender, "Whoa.  It's just us." Seth says.

Jake frowns and looks out behind them to see if the pack was close, but Oriel shakes her head.

"Don't worry. They're not following us." She says.

Jake's frown deepens, "What do you think you're doing here?" He asks Seth. 

"l left Sam's pack." Seth says, proudly.

Jake rolls his eyes, "Go home, Seth."

"I won't stand behind him." Seth says strongly.

"Oh, yes, you will.  I'm not kidding. Get out of here."  Jake demands.

"Jake, Sam is making them kill Bella and Kat.  Let him make his own decisions.  Like you, he knows this is wrong." Oriel states. 

"Damn right it is." I say as I pace over to them, "It'll be suicide for the pack to think they can take on the Elementals."

"Sam won't kill Katherine.  He knows that's impossible, but..." Jake turns back to Seth, "Seth, you should go back."

Seth scoffs at him, "ls that an order? Gonna make me bow down, too?"

Jake grew frustrated, "I'm not ordering anyone. Look, I'm just going off on my own here, okay?"  Jake turns to leave us, but Seth continues to follow with us behind them. 

"Great, and I've got your back." Seth smirks. 

Jake turns back to Seth with a glare, "No, you don't. If Sam comes after Bella, are you really ready to fight your own brothers? Your sister?"

Seth's smirk drops to a serious look, "If it's the right thing to do."  Seth wasn't going to give up.  And Jake could see that.

Jake scoffs, "Whatever. I'm gonna go give the Cullens a heads-up. Do what you want." Jake takes off towards the Cullen's house. 

Seth smirks once again and follows Jake, "How cool is this? Two-man pack.  Two against the world."

"Hey, three man pack." I corrected. 

"And one woman." Oriel smirks.

Seth laughs and pulls Oriel close to kiss her cheek.

"You're getting on my nerves, Seth."  Jake grits his teeth. 

"I'll shut up. Can do." Seth says with humor and I watch Oriel giggle as she holds on to his arm. 

Jake turns and face the house and we could see Edward's worried face from where we stood.  I could see that he already knew what was going on.  Jasper, soon, walks out on to the balcony, sending a frown.  I caught that he was whispering what was happening and Jasper looked like he was ready to kill someone.  His body was trembling with rage. 

"Get ready.  They're coming for Bella and Kat." Jake says. 

"They're not gonna touch them." Edward snarls.

"They'll have to go through us." Jasper states strongly.

Jake nods, "Agreed."

Edward and Jasper nods before taking off back inside, possibly to warn the others.

Suddenly, we're all startled by a voice, but I was relieved to see Leah walking towards us. 

"Man, I can smell them from all the way out here."

Jacob scoffs at her, "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I'm not gonna let my little brother get himself killed." Leah says as she moves to stand next to me.

I sigh in relief and pull her closer, "I'm so glad to see you on our side." I say softly.

Seth sends a glare to his sister, "Go away, Leah! I can take care of myself."

"That you think so proves you need a babysitter." Leah scoffs at him.

"Hey, he's got me to help when he needs it." Oriel glares at Leah. 

"Okay, would the lot of you shut up?" Jake growls.

All three of them kept their mouths shut.

"We got bigger things to worried about.  A pack of hell-bent werewolves are coming tonight to get to Bella and Kat.  Not to mention the Cullens as well, cause you know as well as I do, that they will do all it takes to protect her." I say strongly.

Jake sighs and nods as he turns to Leah, "Did Sam send you?" He asks. 

"Sam doesn't even know I left."  She says, but a loud wolf's howl erupts from the air.  I knew it was Sam and he sound very angry.

"I think he just figured it out." Seth says, sarcastically.

Leah steps forward, "Jake.  I know what his plan is." She begins to tell us word for word what she heard in Sam's mind before she left the pack. 


Katherine's POV

I sigh as I lie on the loveseat with a blanket, listening to the conversation going around around me as Bella was upstairs, resting as Rosalie watches over her with Alice.  Jasper moves to sit close to me.  I sit up so he could sit behind me and I rest against his chest.  I smile softly when the baby begins to kick again.  Her kicks were strong, but they didn't hurt me or bother me.  I could handle it better than Bella did when her baby's kicks. 

I feel Jasper sigh and begin to wrap his arms around me, but I could feel him flinch at the kicks.  I hope he'll become fully committed soon for this baby.  Every child needs his or her father. 

"Are you ok, my darling?"  He asks worriedly. 

I smile softly and turn to look up at him, "I'm fine.  I'm just glad your here."

He gives me a small crooked grin, but still frowns at my belly.  I place a hand over my belly and rub where she kicked me. 

"Jazz, she's going to need you.  She's going to need both of us." I say softly.

He sighs softly, "I'm trying.  But, I can only see the bad side of this."

"I can't wait to prove you wrong." I say and snuggle into his chest. 

Suddenly, I feel Jasper stiffen when Jacob walks into the room with a worried look.  Edward stands close to the window with Emmett and Carlisle and Esme sit on the couch near Jacob. 

"What's happening?"

"Sam just declared on war your coven." Jake states, then turns to me, "And the Elementals." He adds.

I frown in shock, how could Sam do this?  I let out a scoff, "Just because I'm living my life and becoming a mother?  He has no right to decide for me.  No one does." I growl lowly.

"Mother won't let him get within a mile of her.  Nor the pack or anyone who wishes to bring harm on her or us." Dax states.

"Sam's lost the element of surprise, and he doesn't want to take you on outnumbered," Jake says to the Cullens as he sits down by the fire in a chair.  "So he's not gonna come at you head on.  He's got the place surrounded and he'll wait for his opportunity."

"We won't get through without a fight." Emmett states with a sneer.

"No fights.  We won't be the ones to break the treaty." Carlisle protests.

"The treaty is void, at least in Sam's mind."  Jake says.

"Not in ours." Carlisle shakes his head. 

"Carlisle, no one's hunted for weeks."  Emmett states worriedly.

"We'll make do."  Esme says sternly, but gently.

"Leave that to us.  We can lead you guys to areas to feed.  But, we'll do it one group at a time.  Can't leave anyone here alone and vulnerable.  Especially, Bella." Dax says. 

"But, what if they get to you?  Or anyone of you?" Jasper asks.

I rub his arm in comfort as Cin speaks, "We're faster and stronger than them, man." He scoffs.  "They wont' touch us.  Nor you."

Before anyone could protest, Dax speaks up, "It's settled.  No matter what.  Bella is going to need you.  All of your strongest.  Even Kat.  When it's time, we'll give you all the help you can get." Cin and Oriel both stand and nod in agreement. 

No one could argue with them.

Carlisle turns to Jake, "You've done us a great service, Jacob.  Thank you."

I was still flaming mad, I get up off of Jasper and walk towards the balcony doors.  I could feel eyes on me when I opened the doors.  Inside and outside.  I sent the eyes from the outside cold glares and spread my arms up into the air to breath in the Earth. 

"Guardians of the North, hear these words, hear my cry, power of the Earth rise, Magic Forces, black and white, reaching out through space and light.  Hear me far or hear me near,  Come to me and settle here!" My voice echos with power as I call upon the Earth for my bidding. 

"My children, my family and my friends are in need of help.  The Uley Pack has chosen to attack.  No harm shall fall.  No blood shall be spilled, but protect us all from their strikes.  Protect my love from their rage.  Do thee will, so mote it be!" I shout out to the heavens. 

The Earth practically roared to life as the trees begin to swing strongly.  As if a hurricane wind was made, but there was no wind.  Roots formed a protective barrier around the Cullens' property.  Forming a complete circle of protection.  Those who wishes us harm shall not pass. 

I could sense the Cullens watching me from the windows.  Even Bella was watching from the window above with Alice.  I could hear Dax talking softly to the Cullens. 

"And that's why you should never piss off Mother Nature."

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