"I see them."

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Its been two months since the Krang did something to Dusk's eyes."Dusk you can open your eyes now."Stella told Dusk.As soon as she opened her eyes she was looking at her reflection in the mirror.Her hair was longer and her eyes where black and blue.

(Like in the picture but without the stuff around it.)
'Why did they do this to me?'Dusk thought."How do you feel?"Stella asked."Fine I guess.Just a bit odd."She responded.
Dusk POV
"Time for lunch!"Stella told me.I started walking to the lunch room and got my tray.'Where is everyone?'Dusk though.A few seconds later EVERYONE burst though the door.Dusk was sitting at a table by her self and some girls came to sit with her.She looked up to see who was sitting with her."AHH!!"Dusk screamed.

(What the lady that was sitting with her looks like.)
Dusk ran out of the room but ran into some random guy and saw a zombie.His eyes were bloody and one of his arms had no flesh at all.She ran ran to her room and locked herself in.She started crying,but instead of tears she was crying blood.Stella ran to her room and started banging on the door."Dusk open the door!"Stella yelled
Nobody's POV
Stella took out her key and unlocked Dusk's door and saw blood running down her face."I SEE THEM MOMMY,IM SO SCARED!"Dusk screamed."Shh,it's okay honey I'm here."Stella said as she hugged her close."M-mommy?"Dusk stuttered,"Yes Dusk?" "Why me?Why do I have to go though all this pain I'm just a kid.I see them."dusk cried
"I'm scared."

Sorry the chapter was short but hey at least it's something!P.S I'm SO SORRY I haven't updated in a while.Feel free to comment though!-Dusk

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