Aunt Mary

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Dedicated to qv33nwriter, she's the one who motivated me to keep on writing. I love her book 'Controlling the Bad boy'. Go check it out, it's her first and she's really good at it.

Is it me or singers these days like climbing walls. {How long by Charlie Puth}. This song is just so catchy.

Don't forget to vote, comment and follow⭐😘.

Alice's POV.

"So let me get this straight", I said as Matt and I sat on a log at Triple town park. We'd left the party earlier, {Too much attention} and we wanted ice cream. I got cookies and cream with cherry syrup, he got plain vanilla. For a guy who's got the sweet tooth, he sure likes his ice cream plain.

"You mean, you got a letter from your Dad?" asked, slowly liking my ice cream. "Yeah", He said in a dull voice. "He even left me some instructions. Can you believe him, After all these years, he decided to show up". He bunny eared the last two words then frowned.

I look at my best friend. Just to study him, he has changed. And I'm not talking about appearance, yeah he's good looking. With those blue dazzling eyes, long smooth nose and that smile which causes his eyes to crinkle at the corners not to mention his glossy blond locks. Matt can charm any girl at school, that's if he paid attention to those ninnies with their false boobs, eyelashes and all that.

But really he has changed, more matured than when I had met him. We were both ten, young, dumb and orphans {Thought I would say broke, admit it}.

"How do you know it's really him?" I asked again. Don't get me wrong, I don't like meddling with other peoples business. But when it comes to people that are truly close to me, I go big mama.

Sighing again, he handed me the other envelope. I took it from him, reading it word for word. I got to the part about the inn being sold. Could this be coincidental? First a vampire {or wannabe} now Matt's father. And what's with this about me being in danger?



"Am I in danger?"

"Oh I know, since I lived with my uncle all my life who knows nothing about my parents, who were assumed to be dead. And now some random weirdo calling himself my dad decided to come barge into my life and say 'Hey son, I'm in prison. Can you get me out so I can be free, then we can go our separate ways as if nothing happened' How should I know what's endangering my best friend? Tell me, how?"




He blew out, running his hands through his hair. "I'm so confused right now, he's my father. I don't know what to do or how to react. Mum died while giving birth to me, but were was he?"

"He said Cantatrix, I don't take geography but I know it doesn't exist. Could it be some kind if prank?"

He starred straight ahead, "I don't know". He looked so lost, we sat in silence eating our ice cream for a while.
Matt's mother died a few minutes after he was born. He never knew the identity of his father and he lived with his uncle Symon Byron a local mechanic here in Triple town. Symon was informed by a social worker that he had a nephew two months after Matt was born.

He never knew what his sister was going through. They were never close and never spoke to each other ever since she left for college. All he knew was that he had a nephew and was willing to take full responsibility of the child. They both had each other, Symon and Matt. Symon was the on who named him.

And now, he just found his father claiming to be locked in a prison that doesn't seem to exist. He could be some psycho dude, or a mass murder, who knows for sure. What I know is, this doesn't make any sense.

"So what are your plans right now?" I asked breaking the silence.

"I guess saving him is the only option ". He answered dejectedly.

"You can't seriously think it exist, I mean it could all be bluff".

"it's wort a trial. He's my dad, I have to at least try".

"it's wort a trial doesn't mean it's wort the risk. How are you even sure it's your dad. For all we know it could be a trap".

"I'm going with or without you Alice. He's my dad and I going to find him, I need to.

We both know our world is different from the human world". He said angrily.

"Does Sy know?" I ignored his out burst. I was hurt, I was just taking precautions and I couldn't help being suspicious. How does his father, who I've never met knows my name.

"No, and I want to keep it that way. I don't want him thinking about the past". Turning away from me he added "He still blames himself", he whispered. "He calls himself a bad brother whenever he thinks for her. He screams at night and I'm sure it's still about her, I don't blame him, he never knew. Even I still think in 'What ifs'.

"You're going ahead with the the plan?"

"Yeah, I am. You don't need to...." I pressed my finger to his lips to stop him.

"I'm coming with. Besides I could use some adventure before college". I smiled earning one in return. "Okay, thanks. But really you don't have to".
"Hey what are friend for? And the letter states I should come along, so I'm coming. But if this is some kind of trap and our heads are used as Voodoos for some money ritual. That's when my ghost will hunt you". I said as a matter of fact, while he looked at me weirdly. "I thought you had nine lives?"

"And they do get wasted, so next week?"

"Next week, good thing we have midterm break". Don't forget to back a bag of necessary items we might need for the journey".

"Aye aye captain". I chanted just like the kids in spongebob, saluting him.

"And not a word of this to Aunty Mary". He added shivering. Yeah Mary's spooky alright, she's like the wicked witch of the west. She's the owner of the inn, and hardly speaks to anyone {not like we mind}. She always stay locked up in her room doing god knows what. I've been waiting to talk to her, since the vampire incidence, but she's always busy. I guess too much paper work. Wait wasn't I supposed to meet her after school?

"Oh my god!" I exclaimed jumping of the log. Matt looked at me alarmed, raising his brows in a questioning look.

"I'm late, I have to go. We'll talk later Aunt Mary wants me home early". I dashed of heading for the inn. "Okay, take care and remember what I said". He called after.

Oh I wouldn't, but just know something Matt, your father isn't going scot free. Not if I can help it.


Standing out there, in front of two large oak doors in the dark hall, lighted by torches. I took a deep breath before knocking.

"Come in". A soft, yet cold voice called. Well that was quick, I thought as the two doors opened automatically.

I stepped into the room and was immediately hit by the heavy sent of perfumes and spice. The walls were painted blood red, huge curtains made from thick materials and complicated designs hung from each window. The floor was covered with a thick red rug and fluffy Indian cushions. Artifacts were scatter on shelf's ranging from precious jewels to wood carvings. Golden coins covered the ceiling giving the room a gypsy like charm. Maybe I could sneak some before leaving.

"I heard you we're given a scholarship ". Aunt Mary spoke in a lazy drawl, "Congratulations!"

To say the room was statement, that was nothing compared to the woman before me. The room gave a statement of warmth and comfort, whereas she was the exact opposite.

She sat on one of the cushion, poised and elegant in a red gown. Her deep black hair, darker than the night, was tied into a neat bun, her lips were painted dark red forming a smile {if that's what a smile looks like}. What's up with the red theme this year?

Come to think of it, that's the only colour I've been seeing since I entered this room, except for her eyes. Bright cristal blue, sparkling like diamonds almost looking magical. But they held despise.

"Are you done assessing me, or you'll like to go further?" she asked, making me feel uneasy and embarrassed. What should I say? Hi, know that feels wrong even in my head. "Good to see you aunt Mary, you look as pleasant as". She raised one hand with a gesture telling me to stop, then she summoned me to come closer.

As I approach her, I noticed a cage full of dead rats. Immediately I looked away feeling sick. "Sit". She said, gesturing to the cushion in front of her and I did. The only thing separating us was another cushion having a platter of assorted meat on it.

"We both know, we don't like each other that much, so drop the act". {Okay!?} I thought a little confused. Her all so blue eyes starred at me as if piercing my sole. "Why am I here exactly?" I asked watching as she picked a piece of meat {probably the kidney}.

She chewed slowly. When she was done, she liked her lips with satisfaction and offered me some which I declined, thankfully. "Well, I guess I'll go straight to the point. Remember the letter the man in pyjamas sent you? " I nodded clearly remembering. The elders of Triple town are coming after so many years. Preparations have been going on ever since the letter was received, for they're to spend their entire stay at the inn. Yay more cranky people {note the sarcasm}. "Wait a minute, it's today, isn't it?"

"If you put it that way, yes". Gosh, how could I have forgotten? I was too busy thinking about the competition and school work, I completely ignored the goings of the inn.

"Well I'm afraid I have some very bad news, three if I should put it that way", she said. I thought I saw sorrow in her eyes, keyword 'thought'. "I'm resigning, I'm a little too old to run the inn". What! did she just?..... Wait she's resigning, what differences will that make?

She hardly comes out of her room, and what's this with being too old. She doesn't have a strand of gray on her head. But I didn't say anything as she continued.

"The main reason is best known to me". Like I care, I thought. "Secondly, this is about your scholarship. You are not going". Those word rang in my ear as I stood up from my seat.

"What do you mean I'm not going". I demanded. "It means your not accepting that scholarship and your not going, period".

"You can't tell me what to do? I worked for it, it has been my dream to study there. Why can't I go?" I asked, all I saw was red, oh the irony. She stood up, her lips forming into a dangerous smirk. She place both her arms on my shoulders, I tried to shake them off resulting it into a firm hold.

"Alice, Alice, Alice", she said. "Poor, sweat, innocent Alice. It's because I said so". She let go of me as tears threaten to spill from my eyes. But I didn't let them, I didn't want to give her the satisfaction. "That's not an answer". I said my voice a little shaky and my hands balled into fist at both sides.

"When your mother died, she told her to do one thing, only one. And that's to take care of you to the best of my ability. And that's to choose what's best for you and protect you".

"That's not it. My mother didn't give a damn about me. The same goes for you. You just want to take over my life like that bitch did". I screamed at her, how could she, how could speak about my mother to my face like that. Before I could think twice, I was struck across the face. My eyes widened, she slapped me.

My hand automatically touched the place where I had been hit. For a few seconds I was deaf, dumb and daft. "You ungrateful child. Never speak to me like that again do I make myself clear?"


"I said do I make myself clear?" I nodded. "Your mother was a good woman, friend and the best mother. If she didn't care about you, have you asked yourself why you're still here?

I never want you to go out there, out of Triple town why? Because you don't know what awaits you. You're not ready. You just turned eighteen, an adult yet you still have the heart and mind of a child. You're young and I can't allow you to the outside world. Look at you, you've just become of age to be a full witch, you're just at the beginning process. At the learning stages and you feel like you could do anything you want. But not everyone gets what they want". She said the last part in a whisper. A beeping sound came from the cushion, but she continued to stare at me.

"I'm sorry, it wouldn't happened again". I said knowing I had said too much earlier. "Oh it would, you're still a child. Children tends to make a lot of mistakes, all that's needed is guidance". I looked down wiping my face, so that's it, no Harvard. I'm going to a local college.

"Looks like our visitors have arrived. Go wash your face child and when your done come down stairs for an introduction". She dismissed me, I didn't waste time getting to the door.

"And by the way Alice, you'll begin your training. Oh and nice hair colour, white does suite you". The doors opened, but I waited, surely my hair was turning white from the tips. 'Part of the stages', I thought. I stepped out of the room, feeling a sense of relieve, but not enough to take away the sadness within me.

"Happy birthday Alice". That was the last thing I heard before the door finally closed.


Few minutes later, I descended down the stairs. I heard voices, young and old but excited ones. The must have started.

When I got to the foot of the stairs, I saw three manly figures at the entrance. "Oh Alice you're here". Aunt Mary grabbed my hands and led me to the figures standing tall an intimidating. This is Alice Crawley, also a permanent member of the inn". She said pulling me in front of her. The first nodded his head. He had a chiseled face, grey eyes {or were they green?} and wide lips forming a genuine smile. He picked my hands and kissed it, sending tingles through my skin and I'm sure my cheeks are red. "A pleasure to meet you Alice, such a beautiful name. I'm Andrew Malone, these are my brothers ". He stepped back pointing at the other guy. He had brown eyes but his features are softer and had longer hair screaming for a hair cut. "This is Alex and that..." he pointed to the last one.

"Is Asher". I looked at the last one and realized, he was the guy who stole my sandwich. That's when I put two and two together, he was my boss, they're all my bosses. My eyes widened in fear, they're the elders of Triple town.

"So we meet again sweetheart". He took of his glasses revealing a pair of brown eyes that witched to amber immediately they met mine. They were bright, in fact too bright.

Suddenly, my world began to darken. I was trying hard to blink back the dark spots clouding my eyes but it got darker. I felt dizzy and lost my balance, the last thing I remembered was being caught before the darkness took over.


Hi guys, it's me, your one and only Princesshayiffos. Finally gained control over *coughs* him. Why? Because, he's in the next chapter.
So what do you think?

Do you agree with Aunt Mary or do you think she's a little bit harsh?

The next chapter will be when I feel like it, I got a life you know and my exams are coming up. Don't forget to vote comment and follow.

❤Till the next time, love princesshayiffos

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