Lessons with Who?

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Dedicated to Wattpad. if it weren't for this app, I wouldn't have found the key to book heaven.


I love this song so much and I wanted to share it with you guys. If you're a BIG HERO 6 fan you'll understand. { On top of the world by Greek fire}.

Ready for the new chapter? Here we go...

Don't forget to vote, comment and follow⭐😘.

Alice's POV.

My eyes shot open. Everything was blurry, not to mention the headache I'm having. I sat up blinking a couple times. Slowly the room started to become clear.

I scanned the room. Okay, how did I get here? I couldn't even remember what happened before I ended up here. I might have been drugged.


If I was drugged, why would I be in my room {again, attic}. I got up, rubbing my temple try to ease my aching head. I walked towards the large mirror, then my mouth gaped open.

My eyes, they were green. I felt another wave of dizziness. I closed my eyes, different flashes of pictures were displayed in my head.

I saw a baby, sleeping in a cradle, then a young girl about three with pigtails. Then next flash was that of man, tall and lanky with a long mustache. None of the flashes where exactly clear. They were like images from a dream.

I heard the sounds of running water coming from my bathroom. I looked at the door leading to my bathroom with curiosity.

No one uses my bathroom, like never. Even when one of the bathrooms isn't working. They all got this stupid idea that bathrooms found in the attic or basement were haunted.

And I think I'm starting to believe that.

Walking cautiously toward the bathroom. I placed my hands on the handle. Come on Alice, it could be you forgot to close the tap last night. Yeah, that's if I could remember what happened last night.

I counted from three.



One, go!

I pulled the handle down, pushing the door open. Then I regretted it the instance the door opened. Standing before me was a hairy dude going by the name, Alex.

He turned around and I was greeted by the most ridiculous sight. He had my pink curlers with a hairnet covering the whole thing. His face was covered in shaving cream, my shaving cream. Not to mention, the towel wrapped around his waist.

My eyes traveled the length of his well defined abs. Oh my god, I'm starring at my bosses abs, well one of them.

He cleared his throat, "like what you see?" he asked wiggling his brows. I ignored him, but starred directly to his brown eyes, then felt that same weird feeling like my head was about to split open.

I staggered backwards, "Hey, woa hold on!" Alex held both my shoulders. "I know the effect I have on the ladies, but I never thought it'll lead to this".

I looked up and met his eyes, the pain in my head was so much, I let out a scream closing my eyes again. Images flashed through my head like fast forwarding a movie.

A boy surrounded by hooded creatures, the same boy only a few years younger playing video games with two other boys. The last I was able to catch was the boy kissing a blonde girl. And I knew this boy, for he was the same person holding me, Alex.

My head was burning, I've never met Alex before, yet I know him from inside out. I opened my eyes to see him starring at me in shock.

"No way!" he said in disbelief. "You just showed me a disturbing image of how I was created". He said his eyes wide open, "You're the one, the thing... I mean... You're her, it's not a legend after all". He said all this while grinning, I gave him a look like he was insane.

Before I knew it, he lifted me up bridal style out of the bathroom. I was too weak to protest, as we passed my dresser, he managed to hand me a sunshade. "You wear that". And I did, feeling immediate relief.

We went down the stairs, well he did. Skipping two steps as we descended. He readjusted my weight before heading to the kitchen. He kicked the door with full force {Rest in peace if not in pieces}, then he said, no screech.

"She's the one. I repeat, SHE IS THE ONE!!!".

All heads turned to face us. Lady Georgia was by the cooker stirring the oats, Myles midway stuffing his mouth with toasts, Symon gave us a confused look leaning next to old man Paul, who gave us a dirty look before focussing back on his news paper.

"What's going on?" Andrew asked as he and Asher came in through the back door. "She is the one we've been looking for". Alex answer dropping me unceremoniously, making me hit my head. Aww!" I grunted while glaring at him, "sorry" he whispered, helping me up.

"Witchcraft, I'm surrounded by Hocus-Pocus people I say and I'm not ready to be around more". Old man Paul said as he got up, carrying his news paper with him. "Good morning Alice". He said as he left the kitchen.

"Such a jolly fellow". Alex said turning back to us, "I told you she's an..."

"Shut up Alex, let the poor girl have some breakfast before filling her with the rubbish that comes out from your mouth. Would it be toast or oatmeal, Alice dear?" Lady Georgia asked.

"Are you kidding me? I want both". I said while my stomach released a loud growl {good thing no one was paying attention}. A plate of toast and a bowl of oat was placed before me as I sat down, and like the pig I am, a started to gobble them up, enjoying the cubed apricots in the oats.

"Miss Mary asked to give you this". Lady Georgia said handing me a letter. I wanted to open it, but the food was good.

"She's an Aankian, the Aankian". Alex blurted out grinning like a complete idiot. "What's an Akian?", Myles asked.

"Err... A witch?" Alex said unsure of how to explain to the five year old. "A witch?", he gasped then turned to face me, "Does that mean you eat little children? " he asked.

"Only those who doesn't clean their rooms", I chuckled. His eyes widened, he finished up the rest of his breakfast, then left the table in a hurry almost tripping.

"And where are you going young man?" Lady Georgia asked. "I've gotta cleanup my room", he said leaving the kitchen.

"So what's an Aankian?" I asked giving the brothers a pointed look. Some how, the air became more tenses than it was before. "She doesn't know?" asked Symon.

"We'll explain everything during training ". Andrew said, looking directly at Asher and Alex. "I more experienced and I'm sure Alice will be more comfortable training with me". Symon says again. "Right Lady Georgia?".

"Its not my say, but I think she should train with the boys, you know, she might understand better with someone her age", She said.

"You're seriously going to let three teenager boys tutor a girl? Three hormonal boys that might be rap...", he said giving the brothers the stink eye.

"Oh heaven forbids Symon. Don't go saying that". Lady Georgia snapped rolling her eyes. "Besides, they're old enough to..."

"I love Alice like my daughter", he does? Well that's new. "And I'm sure training with me will be better". He said slamming his palms on the table.

"Are you sure you want to train Alicots here?" Asher asked, Alicots? A gave him the - you could have came up with a better nickname - look. "Or you just want to be known in the magical dimension?"

"I beg your pardon!? Why will I want that?"

"You were sent only as a guardian not a trainer, that's how it works period". Asher said in a tone that ended the conversation, well not quite.

"Well we'll see what Madame Mary has to say about this". Symon mumbled as o opened the letter set to me by the she devil herself.

List of chores:

* Get the eggs

* Toilet duty {I want them spotless}

* Berry picking

* Mow the lawn

* Return the books

* Laundry

* Check the mail

* Set the hall for dinner

I frowned, most of these were new, my duties are basically berry picking, mail checking oh and yes laundry. Okay so toilet duty was just added last year. Maybe as you get older your chores increase. I continued to read...

* Clean the stables

* Wash the dishes after dinner...

She didn't even arrange them accordingly, I pouted. I was about to through the paper until I saw something at the bottom.

By the way, be grateful I'm allowing my nephews to train you. For all I know, you don't deserve it.


"Guys?", I called out still looking at the paper. "Aunt Mary as already chosen who's to train me". All of them gathered around me pairing at the paper.

"Shit, the toilet?" Asher said very close to my ear.

"Look at all those chores, is even going to be time for practice?" Andrew asked.

"She must really hate you". Alex gasped while shaking his head, Lady Georgia smacked his head.

"Then it's decided, she's training with the boys".


Thank god, I spent days thinking about this chapter. I feel guilty for not posting often, well I just recovered from malaria {again!}. This chapter is short, but I'm okay with it.

Don't forget to leave a comment and make that star turn orange. See y'all next time.😁

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