The Cooking Contest

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Dedicated to fluffysakinah and harphbash5 for supporting me in every book I've written {even if I had to take them down}.

So I made this trailer and I decided to show it, {Still looking for a better one😀😑}. Now, keep on reading.

Don't forget to vote, comment and follow⭐😘.

Alice's POV.

Sleep, a basic need that's very necessary. I need it, I love. That very calming time you get when your head is in the clouds I'm talking about those dreamless sleep. Well mine was interrupted by a certain dude.

"Wakey wakey, rise and shine. We're going for a run and I don't want to hear you whine". Asher burst open the door and dragged me out of bed.

"You've gotta be kidding me". I groaned, "Kidding I'm not, now get your lazy ass of the floor, we've got some workouts to do". He bellowed as he dragged me to the bathroom.

"But it's just six in the morning". I whined, grabbing a toothbrush.

"And I'm a boy". He said pulling out a leggings and sports bra from my drawers. The nerve of him. "Hurry up, no need to shower you'll do that after the workouts. You've got thirty minutes, later than that, you get to do push ups, oh and don't forget the shades". With that, he slammed the door.

I looked at the door, then back at the clock.

6:10 am

I hurriedly brushed my teeth, got into my workout attire and hurried out of my room. Oh I'm not going through that again. He kept me doing pushups till if felt like forever. Guy's insane, I couldn't feel my legs at some points. I still feet sore all over and to top it off I had to finish up the assignment Alex gave me late at night.

I got out just in time meeting him at the door way. We started with some warmup exercise, followed by jogging. Every time I lagged behind, we start over. Guy give me a break will you, if you want me dead you should have said so.

We stopped by a tree to rest, then he handed me a bottle if water out of no where. "How did you do that?"

"Do what?" He arched a brow. "The water, you weren't holding it before neither are you with a backpack".

"Oh, it's a spell I created myself". He answered nonchalantly whipping sweats from his forehead. "Wait, spells can be created, but how? I thought there were only three".

"Yes they can be, but only by those with certain peculiar abilities. Like you and me. You can see the past, that makes you more powerful than the other Aankians. You'll be able to perform more spells than you can ever imagine and even some that an ordinary spell binder can't".

"Like what?"

"A time loop. Only two spell binders can create those".

"Both the heirs of the Aankians and Aokians". I said, he gave me a confused look. "I read that last night", I explained.

"Yes, that which sees the past and that which sees the future. They both are different, entirely different but shares this ability. To stop time, to rewind and fast forward it respectively using time loops. A powerful ability to control time and very dangerous. It should even be considered as a forbidden spell, for it fallen to the wrong hands". He whispered the last part rubbing his chin.

Wow, the ability to fast forward time. All those annoying history lessons I had to endure. The possibilities, I thought sighing. Then something came to my mind.

"What's your uniqueness?"

"You've asked more than three questions. Sixty pushups, now!" groaning I got down on my knees. How long will this go on, we were getting along just fine those few seconds ago. Besides, weren't we supposed to be practicing attack spells. What does a workout gotta do with magic?

Well, to hell with this. I still have so many things going on in my head. The scholarship, the questions and even the inn. It'll be easier approaching Andrew and Alex, but him? It's impossible. But there's nothing wrong with trying.

I'm going to start with Andrew. He's more of a down to earth person. He's gentle and sweet, the way his eyes turns from that moody grey to shinny silver with green specks. And that lopsided green, god I think I've got it bad.

Alex, is more of the one everyone wants to be friends with. He's got this energetic aura but sometimes he seems like a pervert. I caught him yesterday starring at Violets butt. The thought still gave me the shivers.

But as for Asher, he's just Asher. The closed off arrogant and intriguing guy. He doesn't speak much, Except to his brothers and Aunt Mary. 'A man with little words but big thoughts'. Lady Georgia once stated when she caught me starring.

Hey it's not my fault. They're just beautiful. Can you even use beautiful to describe them? Hot maybe. Look at me ogling at my bosses. The life I live, so pathetic.

Asher is proving to be the most difficult. He's so different from the others in everything. The way he lifts himself as if he owns the place {well technically he does}. And that far away look he gets most of the time, I wonder what'll happen if I take a peek just a tiny peek at what's he's thinking.

The moment the thought came into my head, it left. I realised it was quiet, eerily quiet. I finished the last three pushups then got up to stretch my legs only to fall back to the ground exhausted. Something's off, I looked at Asher.

He stood there starring at me, no, not me, behind me. I turned around and there it was. The harvest tree, it stood there in it's glory. Why didn't I notice it earlier? It's still creepy though. "Must control, must not break". Asher said in a pained tone.

I turned to him, just in time to see his vanes popping out. "Must kept it in, must control, mustn't break free ". He whispered over and over again. His shades fell to the ground, eyes turning from brown to yellow.

"Asher are you okay?" I squeaked, I didn't mean to sound like that. It just had to come out like that. I staggered while trying to stand up, moving backwards. He watched me with a strange look body covered in sweat and his shirt sticking to his chest, then he walked closer.

With each step I took backwards, he took twice forward. This continued until I hit my back against the tree. He place his hands on either side of my head trapping me. This felt like déjà vu in a twisted way.

I felt my cheeks heating, "Okay, this is awkward. Asher you sure you're alright?" I asked my voice shivering when I felt his lips on the tip of my ears. "Shut up and let me concentrate". He whispered, his lips parted as he slid them down my jawline, trailing them back up sending me into a frenzy. "Just one, a taste and maybe more". He whispered his lips hovering a few millimeters to mine.

I was hypnotized, who knew he was that good in hypnosis? His a master. He deserves an award, someone give this guy an Oscar. I am officially crazy. His hair seemed to have coiled more than before. Eye lashes long framing those pupils that were once brown, now golden like the sun. Excitement shot through me, my breath hitch when I sensed him leaning closer.

He leaned in, almost there, almost.


"What's going on here?" a voice said breaking the spell. Asher moved away cursing, his eyes now in their natural brown colour. I looked up to see mortified Alex, he stood there jaws opened.

"I'm going to take a shower", Asher mumbled leaving us. The hazy feeling cleared off, what just happened?

He... Did he just tried to kiss me? Holy fishcakes, he almost did. Oh Alice, shame on you shame on your whole entire being. What happened to your feminist rights, and the funny part was that I would have kissed him back if it were to happen.

No I wouldn't, I'm a feminist.

Yeah, keep telling yourself that. I tell you, I'm crazy, insane. A dumb potato, why would I want to loose my first kiss to that arrogant son of a porcupine?

Alex was till starring at me like I had grown a third head. Coughing nervously I asked, "Alex, what's up?" I tried to say cheerfully but it came out awkward.

"Oh my, did you? Well well. Looks like Sherlice is sailing". He smirked, "No no no, nothing is sailing and will never be. It's was just a misunderstanding. You misread the entire situation". I said trying to convince him, or maybe I was trying to convince myself.

"Say all you want, I know what I saw. There's chemistry, it's so strong. I've never seen Asher like in years". He laughed, "It was so priceless, I bet that showers gonna be a cold one". Okay tone down the words, why is he here?

"Why are you here?" I asked already annoyed. "It happens that my papa decided to play grow up games with my ma. So he..."

"Don't you dare finish that. You know what I meant". I gave him a pointed look, How did I become friends with this idiot, I wondered.

"Oh, I saw you and Ash running around like love deprived puppy's wanting a share of romance, so I decided that wanted my share"

"We were not, honestly, it's not what you think".

"What exactly do you think, was running in my mind, Alice Darling do share". He gave me a wicked grin hands fluffing his hair.

"My hands are itching for a pair of scissors, so kindly shut your trap".

"Oh but yours was slightly opened to meet another's, why don't you meet mine instead, from there we could take it somewhere else. I hear the bedsheets are quite cold, we could warm it up with some exercise".

"Alexander Marcus Malone!". How I knew his full name, don't know don't care.

"Okay okay, I was just joking, come I wanna show you something". He said as he gripped my arm dragging me. What's with these people, do I look like some rag doll?

Venturing into the woods, we stopped at a clearing and his behind a bush. "Look". He said so quietly pointing at a figure and I looked closely. There stood a large furry feline covered in black and orange stripes. What's a tiger doing in the middle of the woods?

Wait, that's not a tiger. The creature turned it's head to face us. It hand two long antlers protruding from it's head. It was so cute, big fussy, fluffy and cute. I wanna touch it, I have to touch, hug it, kiss it and put tiny bows on it.

I took a step forward only to be dragged back. "What the hell! " I yelled facing Alex, I had almost forgotten he was there. "Ssh don't let it see you", He shushed his finger on his lips.

"What is that?" I asked starring at the creature in awe. "It's so magical".

"I told you it's gonna be awesome. That's a Pecothera, isn't wonderful, a deer and a tiger at the same time. We must be really lucky to have found one".


"They were all dying out, but one remained. Everyone's been trying to catch it but none have been successful. They say that when one's caught, the whole dimension is cleared off evil, night mares turns to day dreams, faeries comes out to play with the grumpy gnomes and happiness rains from the clouds. They believe that a man with an unknown name has the ability to catch this creature, but that's just stories told to the little ones".

"Wow, but what's one doing in triple town? I thought all mystical creatures are not allowed out of the magical dimension".

"Well, not all mystical creatures belongs to the magical dimension. The so called werewolves, vampires, mermaids, silkies, goblins, elves, gnomes and faeries, they're the only few that belongs on earth. It's a small world, everyday we discover new things".

"So vampires exist?" I asked remembering the time I encountered one. "Kind of, some are even mistaken for demons. Vampires are nasty, but are nothing compared to demons. Especially an untamed one".

Oh, I looked back at the creature. It seemed to sense someone watching. He looked up, kicking it's forelimbs in the air, then it vanished.

"Where did it go?" I asked, forgetting that there was no need to whisper. "Where it wants, doesn't stay long in a place, doesn't want to be see or caught. Just wants to be free". He whispered back just to humor me.

"Come on, let's get going. I heard Lady Georgia's making muffins, besides you stink". He said holding his nose.


"Just stating the fact, race you back". He took off, not on my watch.


Coming out of my room, clean and well rested, I entered the kitchen. "Oh Alice, thank goodness. Just in time, just in time". Lady Georgia hugged me, her grip very tight I heard people chanting in the other rooms but when you feel like the air is being suck out of you, you don't give a hoot.

"Air, I need hair", I managed to croak. "Oh sorry my dear". She said releasing me. "I've baked your favourite chocolate and almond cookies, all for you". She place a plate of cookies in my hands, so I helped my self. Suddenly Rose burst into the room. She was about to say something but stopped, she gave me a blank look before facing Lady Georgia.

Yes, we're still not in good terms, yet.

"They are going crazy out there, they all want Lucy's blackberry jam". She said completely ignoring me. "They even threatened to cut Sunny's hair and that's was just Mrs Sham. The whole inn has gone nuts. We need those jams and fast".

Oh so that's what the noise was about, I was hearing some noise while showering earlier. "Alice dear can you..." Lady Georgia started


"But I gave you cookies..." she whined, what sorcery is this. Using poor innocent cookies to bribe me? Now that's so low and not fare.

"No and no, I don't want to be in another match making melodrama thank you very much". I pouted folding my arms and eyeing those tasty cookies I had placed on the kitchen table. I hate going to aunt Lucy's place, she's cheerful and all but too extreme to handle. She's always looking for one way or another to marry me off to one of her nephews.

Rose sniffed "Always getting things done for you. You can't handle an old woman, why I say you're a chicken". She taunted eyeing me.

Old Lady?

Chicken? Well I'll show you chicken. "Okay all do it", I said looking at the poor stress lady Georgia. "But you owe me, big time".

"Don't worry, I've sent Asher to tag along".

"What?! But I..." We heard hands banging on the door. "Open, the door, give up our jam. Before we turn y'all to human ham". The guests chanted, so brutal sheesh.

"Running out of time". She stuffed money in my arms then pushed out through the backdoor. "Don't comeback until that truck is loaded with jam and only Lucy's jam". With that she slammed the door. I turned to see that Asher was already in the passenger's side of the truck, waving at me.

"This is gonna be one awkward drive".


"Ah Alice, so nice of you to drop by". Said Lucy once she opened the door to her beautiful home. "I haven't seen you in a long time". Yeah, I wonder why was what I would have said, but instead I gave her my multimillion smile {it's a multimillion smile, if I have to stay here smiling like a fool while she shoves pictures of her nephews to my face}. "It's really be long, how I've missed you aunt Lucy".

"Oh, don't say that, I know you mostly come here for jam refills, you never come once to see how your aunt Lucy's doing. Poor poor me". She sighed placing her hands in her heart. "I'm so sorry, I've been busy".

"Ah, yes and congratulations on your scholarship". She spread her arms out and I went in for the hug. "And who's this handsome young man?" she suddenly asked.

"Who? Oh, this is Asher Malone, my employer?" I didn't know how to put it that Asher was the owner of Triple town inn.

Asher held out his hand, took Lucy's and placed a kiss on it. "Pleasure to meet you miss". Lucy swooned, the corners of her lips curving up.

"Oh, just call me Lucy. Why don't you come in I have cookies".

My jaws dropped. She never allows me to call her Lucy and neither has she offered me cookies any time I visit, I pouted. "Alice are you going to keep standing there? Close the door for heaven sake". Looking from her to a smirking Asher, I scrawled before closing the door.

We followed her into the living room and she offered Asher to sit on the sofa, I wanted to do the same, but she sat there before I could. You should know this, only that sofa that's the most comfortable sit in the room. The others are either to hard or too soft and lumpy.

"Alice dear, you can pick what ever amount of jam you want. Oh and while you're at it, put the kettle on for tea. I want to have a little chat with this fine young man. Oh, and brown sugar for me, it's on the topmost shelf".

I can't believe this, she actually wants me away. I would have been happy if it wasn't the fact that it was all Asher's doing. I frowned looking at the two, getting up I headed for the kitchen, not before hearing Lucy's first question.

"So are you single?"

Like Eww! She could be his grandmother for all you know, even if she looks so much younger than her actually age. Wait, why should I even care?

I don't care, that's why. I thought as I got to work loading crates of into the back of the truck. I made sure to use the backdoors in order to avoid their conversation. No matter how tempting it was.

Okay, so maybe I care a little. I mean who tries to kiss you one time and the next starts flirting with another woman, an older woman, they could go to jail for this. 'But you don't own him Alice'. A tiny voice said in my head. I know I don't, besides I don't even like him like that. 'Tell yourself that', the voice said again.

Why does he have to attract every woman he sees. While we were in the car, we passed a few teenagers, around fourteen. They all were starring at him like the last pairs of heels in the store. He gave them a wink, does he have to do that?

Look at you Alice, jealous of an old woman and a bunch of teenage girls. What has your world turned into?

I heard giggles, then aunt Lucy came into the kitchen. "You were taking long with the tea. I see you're through, hurry along. Asher's waiting for you outside. I don't want those loyal costumers deprived from my famous jam".

Thank god, this was worse than the nephews shoving. "Have an Apricot jam". My eyes sparkled at the mention of apricots. "Oh, thank you so so much aunt Lucy".

"What are you talking about girl? They're for that hunk standing out side. Ah, if only I was a few years younger". She sighed, I should have seen that coming.(-_-)

"Begone you, shoo shoo". She push me out.

"I'm going, I'm going already". I got in the truck and drove off.


The inn is never quiet, like never. We got into the kitchen, Asher and I, then we found Lady Georgia arguing with Alex.

"Get your filthy hands off my pots".
The woman shouted pulling Alex away from her cooker.

"Filthy? I'll have you know my hands are gifts from god". He sniffed having his hands on her face.

"Please the only gift from god is you still being alive". She retorted, he retracted both hands and placed them on his chest framing hurt.

"My pie is the best and I can prove it, you just watch". He said rolling the sleeves of his shirt.

"No, hands off my flour", she grabbed the bag of flour he was holding, but he wouldn't let go, dragging back towards him. I looked at Asher, and gave him the 'am I the only one seeing this' look, all he did was shrug.

The two went at if for a while, then I yank the flour from them. "What in the world is going on?" I asked them both.

"She started it, all I wanted was to practice this new recipe, but she wouldn't let me". He huffed.

"It's my kitchen my rules. Besides you wouldn't know how to boil an egg". My oh my, I felt an headache brewing.

"That's not true, Asher you tell her". He turned to his brother with puppy dog eyes. "Well, I've eaten most of his crap all my like, somehow every he's made always turns out good, so..." Asher puts in but was cutoff.

"So nothing, he's not touching my kitchen or anything else in it, that's final". That's when an idea popped in my head. "Hey how about we settle this with a competition".

Three pairs of eyes turned to me. "And how's that gonna solve anything?" they asked in union.

"Well, you guys are arguing on who's the best cook. So a competition will tell us who's the best. You both are going to prepare the same dish, but in your own way. The winner is allowed to cook anytime, any day".

"Yes, but that doesn't seems fair especially on my own part". Matt grumbled, but I was prepared.

"Old man Paul will be the main judge, he never smiles, most of the day you see that stupid frown. So whoever makes a dish that turns old man Paul's frown turn upside down is the winner. So are you in?"

After some grumbling and mumbling, they agreed. Then set to work.

I left to train with Andrew. He taught me different techniques in performing the transformation spells and a few easy spell binding spells, like the torchlight spell, colour changing spell and others. I was getting them easily. Okay so I made some mistakes along the way but I perfected them in the end.

I loved how patient he was as we trained. After we were done, I decided to bring in the subject about the inn. "Andrew, you once said I could ask you anything, right?"

He nodded, "Got something in your mind?" he asked.

"It's about the inn". I decided to go straight to the point, there's no use beating about the bush. Sighing, he look away from me. "I'm sorry to hear about that, but there's nothing I can do".

He started to walk back in the direction of the inn, I followed him. "What do you mean by that, you own the inn don't you? Please do something, anything please. You can't just leave us homeless, the inn has been our home for years. We love what we do". I said as I stood in front of him, blocking his movement. "If there's something wrong we're doing, will change it. We've have more guest than we did each passing month".

"You guys are still going to leave in it, don't you worry. It's just someone else is going to invest on it, so there's nothing to worry about". He said tucking a stray hair behind my hair, the gesture so small yet so sweet. He said I shouldn't worry but the look on his face tells me something else.

"You're not telling me everything I said". He shook he head walking around me. "What if we bought it".

"I'm not in full custody of the inn Alice, I'm not the one you should meet". He said before entering the inn.

He's not, then who?

The hours passed with me training with Asher again. Then dinner rolled by. Turns out Lady Georgia won the contest, he meal was divine as always. But I wasn't really into it. I felt like I'm loosing my home and there's nothing I could do about it. I'm doubting the scholarship, Rose was right. The inn is more important than anything else, it's my home, the people there, those I grew up with, they're my family. I going to save if I have to and I will.

Bit there's something I have to do first, I need to call a certain someone.

It's been long I talked to Matt, which seemed odd. He always call, everyday. I can't help but feel like something was wrong.

I ran upstairs to give him a call. Unplugging my phone from its charging point, I dialed his number.

One ring.

Two rings,




Asher's POV.

I can't believe I did that. I thought climbing the stairs. I f*cked up big time, god I almost kissed an Aankian, not just an Aankian. The Aankian, oh my god. So so stupid.

I took another step, I'm going up there to apologizes. That's not how it's supposed to be. Aokians an Aankians don't mix, I have to tell her it was a mistake, a big misunderstanding and it'll never happen again. Another step.

'Tell yourself that Ash, it's not the first time you go kissing a girl, you just need to get laid that's all' I talked to myself. Already at the top of the stairs I went in the direction of the attic.

"Nothing has changed". I was awe struck. Every design, painting, artifacts was still here. I stopped by her door to find it slightly open.

"Oh, Matt. You wouldn't believe what happened today". I heard her say, "I found out about so many things, first off I'm an Aankian, I can see the..."

"The future, I know, Uncle Sy told me."

"Oh, you knew? Well my mind didn't go there, I almost forgot Symon leaves..."

"How's the training?"

"I'm fine actually a bit sore though, Asher keeps working me to death..."

"you're training with him?" Yes weirdo, she training with me. I muttered in my head.

"Yes I am, you sound a bit off though, are you alright?"

"I'm fine Alice, just recovering from the flu, don't worry about me. Go on I want to hear all about your training."

"Oh, it was amazing, Alex showed me this beautiful creature called a pecothera..."

"What the hell?" I hadn't realized that I was eavesdropping on her conversation, until I heard Andrews voice.

Turning around, I cursed. "What are you doing here?"

"I was about to ask you the same thing". He lifted a brow arms folded. "Is there something you'll like to tell me?"

At first I thought he was talking about the kiss, the a realized it was something more important. "How in the world did a pecothera end up in Triple town?" he asked.

"I have only one theory, Conan King, we've been tracking him down ever since we got the need that he's smuggling mystical beast into the nonmagical dimension". I said, more like whispered.

"Wait, what do you mean by we?"

Shit, I guess I have to come out.

"I'm working for Xia, she asked me to investigate him. She thinks Conan is trying to smuggle, the magical into the nonmagical dimension. I think that's what happened with the shills and now a pecothera, but that's not enough evidence".

"I thought you're dome working for Xai, you broke up with her a century ago. What are you going to get from all these anyway?"

"She wants Conan and all his allies, I want my freedom. I'm leaving the clan". His eyes widened in shock.

"You're retiring? Is it because of your gift?"

"Drew, we both know I have to kill her in the end. I can't live my life hiding from what I am, it will one day surface if I'm not careful". Just like the kiss, I sighed looking away.

"Then try, just don't slip off".

"I can't, it almost surfaced, Drew. It's getting out of control".

"Then try harder, I know you. When you put your mind to something you always work it out".

"I'm afraid it's different now, I'm not needed here, you guys are better off without me". Sighing I continued, "I'm going to report this to Xai when I have more evidence, from there I quit. I want a quiet life is it much to ask?" I walked away heading for the stairs to my room. But I still heard the words he said before I was earshot.

"No, it's not, It's just selfish".


Finally, this chapter seems a little boring. But the next will be better I promise. Don't forget to vote comments, share and follow guys.

Watermelon or pineapple?

🍉 vs🍍

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