Chapter 4: Letting Charlie In

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Oriel's POV

Cin has given us the word about what Jacob has done and Bella wasn't too happy with the news.  Now, I believe that Jake was really gonna die now.  As soon as we heard the motor of his bike, I storm out of the house before Bella could.  Thank god for Nessie wanting her so I could get the head start.  

"What did you do?" I snarl as I stomped up to Jake as he gets off his bike and Cin lands in human form next to him.  I shove him hard that nearly had him falling backwards, but he catches himself.  Seth rushes to hold me back, but I fight and shove Jake one more time.  "What did you do, you idiot?!"  I shout.  

I sensed Katherine, Dax, and the Cullens coming out of the house in concern.  Bella wasn't too far behind as she glares at Jake in anger.  

"I had to do it.  For Bella and Charlie, he needed to an explanation." Jake tries to explain. 

"Alice, Rose, please go take care of the children for us.  Can you all go inside, please?  We need to chat with Jake." Katherine says in a calming manner.  I was too busy being pissed at Jake.  

"How could you do this, Jacob?!"  Bella exclaims.  

"What were you thinking?!"  I snarl at him as Bella stands next to me and Edward.  

"Look, I solved a problem.  You were leaving.  What did you expect me to do?" Jake says, scoffing, as if he didn't see the true problem of this mess.  

"You're an idiot, Black!" I growl and Seth tries to calm me, but it wasn't working.  

"You don't realize the danger you've put him in.  The Volturi will kill anyone who knows about us." Bella says.

Jake and Cin both shake their heads, "Don't worry, he didn't tell him everything.  Thank god." Cin says. 

"No, I didn't tell him about you.   Just me.  I only said you were different."

"And that we have a niece who we adopted." Edward scoffs at that excuse.  A niece, seriously? 

"I mean, seriously, Jake, he's not just gonna let that go."  Bella says exasperatedly. 

"Did you consider the physical pain he'll put Bella through?  It'll be like sticking a white hot branding iron down her throat.  And that's assuming she can control her thirst." Edward sneers at Jake and I caught Bella's worried look. 

"Don't worry, the Elemental is stronger than the vampire.  It won't let her touch an innocent." I say as I rub her arm.  

A soft hooting is made from above us and Angel chirps as if she was agreeing with me.  Bella looks up and had a serious look as she listens to her guardian.  She nods, then turns back to us as Jake speaks again. 

"Look, Charlie's been in hell.  And I know you'll bemuch happier with him in your life."

Edward scoffs at that, so did I, "Jacob, don't try and pretend you're doing this for anyone but yourself."

"Yeah, I can see through you.  We all can.  You just don't want your precious imprint taken away from you.  You're an idiot.  You know we wouldn't have let that happen." I sneer. 

Jake frowns, "Sorry you feel that way....because he'll be here in 10 minutes."

"What?!" Bella exclaims as her eyes widens.

We needed to hurry.


Dax's POV

My family and I watched the Cullens rush around to prepare for Charlie's arrival.  I catch Alice bringing brown contacts to Bella. 

"These will irritate your eyes at first."  She explains as she begins to put them on Bella's eyes, but I stopped her.  

"There's a better idea.  Bella, come here." I grab her by her shoulders and push her gently to the mirror.  "Ok.  Now, glamouring is very tricky for beginners, because it requires a lot of concentration.  But, even if you break it, your eyes won't go back to purplish red quickly.  It'll be like a ripple in water, then they'll change.  You'll know, cause you'll feel the ripple.  That'll force you to concentrate again.  Now, close your eyes." Bella sighs and closes her eyes, "Now, imagine what your eyes looked like before.  Remember human color."  Bella sighs and I could see she was concentrating as hard as she could.  "Now, open your eyes." 

Bella slowly opens her eyes and gasps, her eyes were back to brown.  Like before.  

"Great job.  After this is over, we'll show you more tricks." I pat her shoulder and move away.  Bella sighs and turns, proud of herself.  The Cullens looked shocked. 

"Can ever Elemental glamour?" Esme asks.  

"Mm-hmm." I nod.  "Takes years to perfect it though.  But, all of us can glamour and shapeshift into pretty much anything we want to."

"We'll learn about that later, but first, we got to make Bella seem more human in front of Charlie." Carlisle states. 

"The main thing is not to move too fast."  Alice says.

"Try taking a seat. Crossing your legs." Esme suggests. 

Bella nods and turns to find a chair, but she vampire speeds to it and sits down, making it slide a little against the wall.  She slowly crosses her legs.

"Maybe a tad slower." Esme suggests as Carlisle squints his fingers.  

"And blink at least three times a minute." Alice says.  

Bella blinks, but very rapidly.  I winch, this was painful to watch.   Bella was practically failing ever instruction they were giving her.  

"Good." Alice mutters, trying to be supportive, but she could see how bad this looks.  Hell, they all could. 

"For a cartoon character." Jake mutters sarcastically.  

Bella scoffs softly and continues to listen to the Cullens.  

"Hold your breath. It will help with the thirst."

"Just don't forget to move your shoulders so it looks like you're breathing."

"And don't sit so straight.Humans don't do that."

Bella does everything they say and she looked like she was getting uncomfortable.  She gets to her feet and nods, "Okay. I got it. Move around, blink, slouch." 

I couldn't help but laugh.  That was pretty much what she had to do to look human.  Suddenly, we hear a car driving up the gravel and a door opening and shutting.  Footsteps walking over the gravel , crunching at every step.  Charlie was here.  Everyone looks at her in sympathy.  Oriel walks up to her and hugs her.  We all begin to leave her and I feel Alice wrap herself around my waist. 

"Good luck." Rose smiles softly and walks out.  

Alice and I sat in the study with my siblings as Charlie walks up to the door.  Carlisle was already waiting for him at the door.  I could feel the warm, greeting smile Carlisle gave him. 

"Hello, Charlie."

The feeling of hesitant and caution was thick around Charlie's body language.  

"Where's Bella?" He asks, I could tell he was eyeing Carlisle.  I could hear Charlie's footsteps echo all through the house as he searches for his daughter.  And finds her waiting for him in the family room.  

"Bella.  Bella."

"Hi, Dad."

"Are you okay?"

"Never better."

"Healthy as a horse."

"You don't turn into an animal, too, do you?"

 Jacob snorts and pats Charlie's back, "She wishes she was that awesome."

Carlisle and Edward frown at him and Carlisle speaks up, "Let's give them some privacy."

Now, Bella and Charlie were alone.  

"Uh, Jake said that this...This was necessary.  What does that mean?"

"I really think it would be better..."

"I wanna know what happened to you."

"I can't tell you."

"I think I deserve an explanation."

"You do.  But if you really need one, I can't stay here."

"Oh, come on! No! No more going away!"

"Dad, you're just gonna have to trust that for whatever reason, I'm all right.  I'm more than all right.  Can you live with that?"

"Can I live with that?  Well, I don't know,  Bella.  I mean, I just watched a kid I've known his entire life turn into a very large dog.  My daughter looks like my daughter.  But doesn't."

"Can you please just believe that I'll tell you anything that you need to know?"

"And I don't need to know this?"  

"No.  Really, you don't."

"Well...Not gonna lose you again.  I can't."

"Then you won't.  I promise."

I look over to my brother and sisters as they listened as well as I did.  Bella didn't deserve this.  We all adored Charlie and didn't want anything to happen to him, too.  But...maybe Jake is right.  Charlie deserves answers.  All of them.  And I could see my family agreeing with me.  It's time to let Charlie in.  

I get up and walk out, leaving Alice with my family.  I could feel her confusion.  I walk towards the room where Bella and Charlie were in and I catch them hugging each other and seeing Charlie's reaction when he finally touches Bella's body.  Feeling how cold she was.  

"I missed you, Bells. So much."

"I missed you, Dad."

Soon, Edward comes in, carrying Nessie in his arms.  

"Charlie.  This is Renesmee."

Charlie lets go of Bella and walks over to Edward to see the child.  Bella's eyes light up as she sees her daughter and walks over to play with Nessie's fingers. 

"Your niece?"

"Our daughter."  Edward says, hesitantly. 

"Right.  The adoption."  Charlie says in realization, then frowns, "'Renee-semee'?"  He stutters as he tries to pronounce her name.  Bella chuckles and smiles at Renesmee as she gurgles and smiles at her grandfather.  "She's got your eyes, Bella."  Charlie says suspiciously.  Bella could only smile and Charlie wanted to know more, but, "Need to know, I guess."

Bella sighs and nods.  I couldn't do this anymore.  

"Charlie." I step out and everyone turns to me.  "We need to talk." I say and I hold up my box that I managed to grab on the way here. 

Bella gasps, "Dax, no." 

"Bella.  I realized that Jake is right.  Charlie deserves to know everything." I say. 

"Dax..." Edward protests. 

"Don't worry.  They won't harm him."  Mother, suddenly, appears with a warm smile.  "The Volturi won't ever touch Charlie, because they will never know that he knows.  I'll make sure of it.  As of now, in this time and place, mind of mine.  Mine of mind.  Aro's sight, blind as night." Mother says. 

Charlie frowns and looks over to Bella, "Volturi?" Then he glares at Edward, "Are you with the Mafia?"

Edward's face was priceless. 

As we calmed Charlie down and tried to explain as much as we could, Mother guided him to the study with the rest of the Cullens.  

"Charlie.  I know this is a lot to take in, but you must keep your mind open and calmed.  Bella could not tell you the truth because she's trying to protect you." Mother says and looks over to Bella who was looking at the ground in guilt, "And her mother.  And everyone she loves." Mother looks back to Charlie.  "To start off, my husband and I...we are not human.  We are ancient beings who have walked this earth for generations."  Charlie frowns at Mother as he tries to take in all this.

"My name is Helena Chambers...but my true name, is Mother of All.  Mother to the Elementals." She says as she gestures to us.

"Elementals?" Charlie scoffs.  

I sigh and move to sit near him, "Charlie...remember when I talked about my son at the wedding?"

Charlie nods.

I opened my box and showed him my pictures of Claire and Remy.  

"He was only 3.  He was killed...right in front of me." I swallowed hard.  "I couldn't even hold him when he died.  Finally, they shot me and chained my body to his.  And threw us both into the canal."  I sigh and dig in my box.  My old obituary article.  I hand it to Charlie.  "I died and came back to seek revenge on the ones who took my son.  And I did.  But, I'm still here.  Frozen in time, not moving forward.  I'm forever a warrior for the Mother of All." 

Charlie frowns as he reads the article.

"And I..." Cin was gonna talk, but Charlie jumps to his feet. 

"No, no, no, this is too much!   And I thought I was going to get the truth finally, but immortal life?  Being killed and come back from the dead?  A woman who calls herself a queen to the supernatural?  Bella...I just wanted to know what happened to you.  You left me in the dark for weeks.  Worried sick about something happening to you and...I can't do this." Charlie shakes his head. 

Katherine gets her to feet and marches up to him, Charlie flinches and was about to shove her, but she places her hands on his head.  


Katherine's POV

"Charlie, I'm sorry." I grabbed his head and shoved my memories into his mind.  When Collin killed me.  When I rose from my grave.  When we brought Oriel back.  Dax crying as he held his dead son in his arms.  Cin when he buried his ex-wife.  Charlie jerks out of my hands and falls back on to the couch, panting in shock. 

Bella jumps to her feet, "What did you do?"  

"I'm sorry.  He needed to accept the truth.  I showed him everything." I say as Dax and Cin grabs Charlie by his arms and help him sit up.  Charlie takes a deep breath as he calms his breathing and he leans forward to rub his head.  

"Charlie, I'm sorry.  But, you needed to see the truth.  We're far from evil.  That's the main thing you must believe.  We protect.  Especially our family and loved ones.  Elementals...well...the name basically say it all.  We compel and project the elements that were given to us." I look over to Bella and take her hand.  "All of us."

Charlie looks up and frowns when he catches on, ""

Bella shrugs nervously, but nods, "It had to be done, dad." 

"Bella is a vampire hybrid." I stammer my words. 

"Vamp...what?  Vampires?"

"But, we don't feed off of people.  We're  vegetarians.  We feed off the blood of animals." Edward says softly and nervously.  

Carlisle walks towards Charlie and Charlie flinches a little, eyeing Carlisle. 

"Charlie, we would have never hurt anyone intentionally.  We don't believe in violence unless it's brought on to us.  We have much to tell you, but I think you need time to process everything.  I promise you will know everything." 

Charlie was silent, but nods, "Ok.  But, tell me this first.  What is the Volturi and why is everyone afraid of it?"

The Cullens were hesitant, but I move to sit next to him. 

"The Volturi are the law keepers of vampires."  I explain.

"Wait, how many vampires are there?" He stutters. 

"A lot, but first things first.  The Volturi are an Italian coven in Italy."

Charlie's eyes widen and he looks over to Bella, "Italy.  Your trip before I grounded you." 

"It was my fault.  After I left, I feared that Bella was dead." Edward explains and he reaches to take Bella's hand in his.  "I couldn't live without her, Charlie." 

"Charlie.  When vampires go to the Volturi, they ever report to them...or ask for death." I explained.  

Charlie gasps softly and looks at Edward, "You asked for death." 

Edward nods, "It's against the rules for a human to know about us.  The Volturi demand they are either turned or food.  I didn't want either for Bella." Edward looks down at Bella and gives her a crooked smile, "But, she's so stubborn." 

"Bella, wait, you wanted to be this?" Charlie asks in shock. 

"Dad, I love him.  I couldn't let him go.  It was fate." Bella says. 

Charlie stutters in protest, but I calm him, "She's right, Charlie.  Bella and Edward are soul mates.  And yes, those exist, too.  Everyone of us...." I look around the room.  "We all found our mates.  And we can't ever ignore that.  No matter what we do."  

Charlie frowns and processes everything in his mind then gasps softly, "When Bella had the nightmares, you left.  You two were mates then, right?"  Edward and Bella were both silent, "You knew, but you still left her." 

"I was trying to protect her.  I didn't know what I was doing to her.  But, Katherine showed me.  She showed me what I did.  And I'm never doing that again."   Edward states. 

Charlie still looked pissed at him, but he sighs, "Ok, I'm gonna go home for now, but tomorrow, I'm going to talk to Billy.  He's got a lot of explaining to do." He gets to his feet and looks back to everyone.  "Then, after I finally accept everything...I want to come back and know everything."  

Bella nods and smiles softly.

Soon, Charlie was gone.  

"Well....that went well." Oriel says sarcastically.  

Cin scoffs, "Better than I expected." 

"Kat, why did we tell him?" Bella asks. 

"We could tell you were dying to say everything and you have already had too many secrets in your heart.  You needed to free them."  I explain. 

"Yeah, it's not healthy for an Elemental to have so much on their soul." Dax explains.  

Jasper grins and steps up to stand next to Emmett who was cracking his knuckles in anticipation. 

"Well, I for one, am impressed with what I just witnessed.  Never seen a newborn show that kind of restraint." Jasper says. 

I eye Emmett, I didn't like that look on his face as he scoffs. 

"I'm not sure she is a newborn.  She's so tame."  He says.

"Emmett, don't antagonize her.  She's the strongest one in the house." Edward warns.  

Well, that was true.  She's stronger than a vampire and Elemental combined. 

Emmett scoffs and crack his knuckles again, "Please."

Soon, we were walking into the woods and Emmett was carrying a huge boulder.  He places it in front him and Bella.  Guess Emmett is finally gonna get his wish.  A good old fashioned arm wrestling contest.

Emmett on one side and Bella on the other, they take their positions.  One arm behind their backs and the other in each others.  Gripping and ready to go.  

"Don't hurt yourself, Emmett." Cin snorts.  

"All right. On 3.  1,2,3!"

Emmett and Bella take off, pushing each other's hand down, but it looks like Emmett was having trouble.  Bella, with ease, pushes his hand all the way down.  No matter how much Emmett fought, he couldn't beat her.  Bella shoves his hand down, breaking off a large piece of the boulder and laughs in triumph. Emmett frowns in defeat.  He was gonna ask for a rematch, I know it.  

"Did you see that?" Bella exclaims and giggles as she punches and kicked the boulder till it was nothing but rocks at her feet.  "Thank you." She giggles.  She stops and walks away to stand in front of the sunlight, soaking in reality. 

Bella Swan was gone.  In her place, was Bella Cullen, reborn and more open-minded with the world.  

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