Chapter 6: Gathering the Witnesses

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(Katherine's outfit for the day)

(Jaspen and Kaden's Outfits for the day)

Kat's POV

That message Alice left behind was all we could think about.  I tried to contact Dax telepathically, but he seem to have blocked us out.  Alice must have told him something, something that sent chills down my spine.  If only Dax would talk to us.  Jasper and I accompanied Bella, Edward, and Jake as they headed off to see the Denali coven since they were closer.  Renesmee was strapped in the backseat with Jake in Edward's car.  Jasper and I drove in our own with the twins riding in the back.  I watched nervously as we pulled up to their beautiful home.  Surrounded by snowy mountains and hills, it was a dream.  We pulled over a few feet away from the house to be safe.  Afraid of the coven picking up the children's scents.  Edward and Jasper gets out of their cars and walk towards the Denali.  

"Edward, Jasper, is everything all right?" Carmen asks with worry.  

"Why didn't you tell us you were coming?" Eleazar asks. 

"Is it Irina?  Have you heard from her?" Tanya asks with hope in her voice.  

Jasper shakes his head as Edward speaks, "Not directly."

Eleazar looks over Edward's shoulder and looks over to me, "Why are your brides waiting in the cars?"

Kate eyes the cars with caution, frowning at the smell of Jake, "And why have you brought a wolf with you?  I can smell him from here."

"Our family is in danger." Jasper goes right to the point. 

"We need your help." Edward pleads with them. 

"What's happened?" Carmen asks. 

Edward hesitates and so does Jasper as they both try to explain, but they couldn't, not without showing them.  

"It's hard to explain." Edward stutters.

"We need you to be open-minded.  Can you do that?" Jasper asks.  

"Of course." Carmen assures them both and I look over to Bella as she gives me an anxious look before turning to look at her daughter. 

"Okay.  Time to meet some new people." Bella says to Renesmee

"What if they don't like me?" Renesmee asks. 

"They will be afraid." Jaspen says as she frowns.  

"They'll love you.  All of you." I say.  

"They will.  Once they understand you.  They just haven't met anyone like you before." Jacob assures, mainly to Nessie.  

I sigh softly and Bella nods to me, "Okay."

All of us begin to get out of the cars and I move to open the passengers door to let my children out and Bella and Jacob help Renesmee out.  Once the doors were shut, I watched the coven back away in horror and Eleazar pushes his mate behind him.  Tanya protects her sister.  

"The Volturi will come for all of us." Kate warns. 

"You get those things out of here." Tanya snarls at Edward and Jasper.  

"They're not what they looks like." Edward pleads with her. 

"This is a crime!" Tanya shouts and charges at Edward, but Jasper shoves her back.  

Kate rushes to Edward and grabs his arm, sending shockwaves through it body as his entire figure stiffens as his eyes roll back.  

Bella snarls and speeds towards Kate, grabbing her hand and Kate grabs her, but Bella wasn't affected by Kate's power.  Bella's elemental comes forth and she sends Kate flying backwards with purple lighting.  She snarls at them both as they get up and rush back to her and Edward and Jasper.  

I rushed to stand in between them all, "Stay back!" I growl lowly with my eyes glowing bright green.  

"Please listen!" Jasper begs.

"They have blood in their veins.  You can feel their warmth." Edward states. 

Carmen eyes Renesmee and gasps softly, "I can feel it."

"I'm Renesmee's biological father."  Edward points at Nessie who stood with Jake as Jake held her in protection.  "Bella is her mother." 

Kate and Tanya both look at them in shock and disbelief, "Impossible." Kate shakes her head. 

"It's true.  She was born while I was still human." Bella says. 

"The twins are mine and Jasper's.  They were born a few days after Bella gave birth.  By me." I say.

Carmen snaps her eyes to my children and studies them, "They look so much like you.  The boy is a spitting image of Jasper." She gasps.  

"I've never heard of such a thing." Eleazar says as he frowns when he studies the children. 

"They can show you, if you let them." Jasper says as we turn to the children.  Jacob didn't take any chances, he picks Nessie up and carries her towards us while the twins took each other's hands and walked towards us. 

"Tanya, you owe us this much.  We're all under a death sentence because your sister didn't let us explain." Edward pleads with Tanya and she looks over to Carmen for advice, but Carmen simply nods at her to listen.  Kate and Tanya both stiffen as the children were near.  Jacob eyes Tanya with caution as he moves closer with Ness.  Ness says nothing, but reaches out slowly to touch Tanya's check.  Tanya eyes her with caution and frowns in confusion. 

"Don't be afraid. This is how she communicates." Bella explains.  

Ness finally touches Tanya's cheek and sends her all the memories she had since her birth.  Tanya's eyes widen in shock as she watches the memories in her mind.  She slowly pulls away and looks at Ness in shock, then turns to he coven with a small smile. 

"It's true.  She's not immortal."

Carmen and Eleazar both look at each other shock and turns to Bella and Edward, almost as if they were happy that she wasn't an immortal child.

"But, what of them?" Kate glares at the twins.

The twins simply looked at them all then turn to each other, as if they were having a private conversation.  Kaden looks at them all and frowns, but nods to his sister.  Come to think of were we gonna prove that Kaden and Jaspen weren't immortal children?

Suddenly, the twin's intertwine hands begin to glow.  Red and blue.  Fire and water colors.  It was almost as if they were emerging together.  The twins hold up a hand and as if a ripple was made in the middle of the air.  Then as they ripple subsides, we could all see a clear view of my labor and the twins' arrival.  You could feel the truth in what they were showing to us.  Suddenly, the view changes and we could see the Denali's house.  See them all inside.  We never told the children what their home looked like.  They were showing the past.  A past they couldn't have known.  Irina and Laurent were there.  This was way before they were born.  I guess it was their way of showing them that they weren't lying.  

With a wave of their hands, the vision was gone and they waited for them to speak.  

"My god.  I never seen that power in any vampire before.  They carry such powerful gifts." Eleazar says.  

"I never knew the twins' powers.  I thought they only carried elemental powers." Bella frowns at me. 

"I'm just finding out for myself."  I say, then I noticed something around the twins' necks.  I kneeled down and looked at them closely. 

"Where did you get these?" I ask them. 

"Uncle Dax gave them to us before they left on his and Aunt Alice's trip." Jaspen says.  

"He said we carried the Ying and Yang in us." Kaden says. 

I snap my eyes to Kaden in shock, "Ying and Yang?" I gasp. 

"Is that something that has to do with the Elementals?" Bella asks. 

"Ying and Yang are rare powers that very, very few elementals carry.  Especially when they're twins who have died at the same time, or two people who died who were true loves.  To be born with these powers is very rare." I smile at my children. "Like you two." I look back at their necklaces.  Two gemstones with the symbol of Ying and Yang on them.  That's what they were.  Ying and Yang.  


Jasper's POV

With the Denali on our side, maybe we'll have a chance to get Irina back on our side.  If only Tanya and Kate could get in touch with her.  Edward and Bella took Nessie and Jake back home, along with the twins, but Kat and I took off down to Las Vegas to talk to Darryl about joining.  As we were driving towards Darryl's club, I couldn't help but wonder. 

"Katherine, what is Ying and Yang in the Elemental world?"  I ask. 

She sighs softly, "Ying and Yang are similar to what they mean today.  Polar opposites, yet without each other is disastrous for all.  The natural dualities of polar opposites or seemingly contrary forces that are interconnected and interdependent in the natural world and how they give rise to each other in turn in relation to each other. With many distinct natural dualities.  Dark and light, female and male, low and high, cold and hot, water and fire, earth and air—are thought of as manifestations of yin and yang.  Like the twins are.  Jaspen is Yang.  Kaden is Ying.  Opposite, yet powerful together.  Which explains how they are like magnets with each other." She stops and sighs again as she thinks, "From what I know, they combine to form a greater whole with almighty effects such as creating anything or all things. Everything has both yin and yang aspects as light could not be understood if darkness didn't exist, and shadow cannot exist without light."

"So they can create anything they want by thoughts and feelings.  Even memories." I begin to put all together. 

"Which explains how they knew about Denali's.  They read their memories." She says.  

"And ours.   They showed your labor, before they were even out of  you." I say. 

Katherine licks her lips, "They possibly know everything.  Even the death sentence." She says worriedly. 

I take her hand in mind, "We won't let anything happen to them." I assure her. 

She nods and sighs as she looks out the window, "That's it.  That's the club." 

I looked up and see bright lights flashing over a building, 'Întuneric'. Romanian for Darkness.  But, I think most of these people don't even know the meaning nor care.   They just care about who is going in. 

I parked the car in the front and as I got out, valet comes around and takes the car keys and I help Kat out of her seat.  There was a long line and a big, beefy bouncer at the door.  

"Kat, this is going to take forever, and that guy doesn't really look friendly.  I can't expose us." I whisper to her.  But, Kat simply smiles and walks up to the bouncer.  

She speaks in the dead language and hugs the bouncer.  I had to suppress a growl in my throat as the man touches her.  She pulls away and begins to strike a conversation with him.  He nods and smiles, replying the dead language as he opens the door for us.  

"Go on in." He says gruffly.

"Thank you, Tiny.  Give my love to Gigi." She says and moves to go in.  I frown in confusion and follow her inside.  

Music was blaring loudly on the speakers and lights were flashing brightly all around.  If it wasn't for Kat, I would be going crazy with blood lust with all these people inside.

Dozens of people were dancing, drinking and bopping their heads with the beat and dance in their seats. 

A few women eyed me with lust, hell, I could feel it and one does a weird thing with her tongue as she smirks.  Kat walks up to me and pulls on my arm as she glares at the woman. 

"Careful who you socialize in here with." She warns. 

"I wasn't..."I stutter, but she cuts me off.

"I know, Jaz, but..." She pulls me into a corner and speaks closer in my ear, "This isn't any ordinary club.  It's strict with who they let in.  Owned by elementals." She hints.  

I look at her in shock, "You mean this is a..." 

"A feeding ground." She finishes for me and looks around as she gestures to the people on the dance floor. "Everyone in here is either an Elemental or a damned soul.  That woman who just licked her lips at you is wanted for the murder of several men in 3 states.  She's basically a black widow." One by one she points out to several humans.  "Child rapist.  Murderer.  Bestiality and torture of several people;  Women, men, even children.  They're all lined up to be slaughtered.  And don't even know it.  Most of them get 'hit on' by Elementals and they either take them home or in the back rooms." She shrugs, "It's sin city after all.  A favorite to all Elementals." 

I frown at her and look around at these people who surrounded us.  Almost some looked innocent, but others you could feel the evil rolling off of them. 

Kat takes my hand and pulls me to a bar, she leans in to speak loudly and clearly, "I'm here to see Darryl." 

"He's in a meeting." The Bartender says boredly as she picks her nails.  

Kat slams her hand on the bar, finally gaining the bartender's attention, "Now." I move so the humans couldn't see Kat's glowing eyes.  But, the bartender didn't seem fazed about them.  She simply rolled her eyes at her and moves to go towards the bar door and lead us to the back rooms. 

"Just so you know, he hates it when others interrupt his dinner." The bartender mutters. 

"Give it a rest, Delilah, I wouldn't come here unless it was an emergency." Kat scoffs at her. 

Delilah stops us and turns with a smirk, "Ooh, gossip, my favorite subject.  Who do you need to kill?"

"I'll be happy to kill you right now if you don't take us to Darryl." 

"Don't tempt me with that sweet talk." Delilah purrs and turns and continues to lead us down a long hallway.  

I couldn't help, but look at the doors that we pass by.  Several voices were made behind each door.  Voices screaming and animalistic roars.  Some doors actually shook.  I jump as a man was pounding on the door, pressing his face against the glass.  

"HELP ME!" He screamed, but a clawed hand covers his face and shoves him back away from the door.  

I swallowed hard at the sight and continued my journey with Katherine. 

We finally reached a door and Delilah shoves it open.  As we walked inside, we came across the sight of a naked woman lying on the ground with blood dripping from her neck.  I could see her neck was broken as well.  Delilah scoffs and walks over the woman and towards the bed.  Darryl was growling as he feasted on another naked woman.  She whimpers and tries to pled for help, reaching out to us.  

"Honey, you should have thought about that before you raped and killed your little brother." Delilah tuts mockingly. 

The woman lets out one more whimper and, finally, passes on.  Darryl lets go of her neck with a gasp and pleasurable sigh.  With a swift twist, he snaps her neck and throws her on the ground, next to the other dead woman.  

Darryl takes a tissue and begins cleaning himself up.  He stands, wearing his black silk robe and matching longue pants.  

"What a fabulous surprise.  I didn't know I was gonna have dinner guests, I would have ordered extra." He smirks. 

"We didn't come here to eat." Katherine says. 

"Ah, then a drink then?" Darryl moves towards his large private bar and begins to pour himself a drink. 

"Darryl, this is serious business." Katherine says.  

"No, drink?  Oh, well, more for me." He chuckles and downs his bourbon.  "Mmm! It's been so long since I've had a good bourbon.  The last time I've had better...King George III's funeral.  Had a marvelous time with his widow. If you get my drift." He growls lustfully. " She was such a tigress." He laughs and takes another swig.  

"Darryl, the Volturi are declaring war on us." Katherine says.

Suddenly, the glass in Darryl's hand shatters and a animalistic growl is made from his chest.  He slowly turns to us, his eyes glowing red.  

I'm guessing he had issues with the Volturi in the past.  

"Now, do we have your attention?" Kat asks, sarcastically. 

Soon, Katherine begins to tell him, word for word, what has been going on since we have last seen him.  Kat takes his face and shows him the truth.  

Darryl gasps and pulls away, frowning at what he just saw.  

"Such beautiful children you both produced.  So rare.  The Volturi have no right." Darryl gets up and heads to his closet, "Delilah! Pack your bags.  We're going to Forks, Washington!" He begins to pack.  

"What the hell is in Washington?" Delilah pops up with her hands on her hips. 

"Fun." Darryl smirks.


(Oriel's Outfit for the day)

Oriel's POV

It wasn't easy leaving my mate behind, but I couldn't risk his life if  we ran into any vampires.  After convincing Alyssa, Tobias, Sky, and Celeste, I thought about trying a few of our friends overseas.  Cin managed to get Dorian and Sean, I know Dorian is excited to face the Volturi again.  I just hope though it won't come down to a fight.  A fight always mean lives would be lost, our mates included.  My heart tightens at the thought of losing Seth.  If anything ever happened to him, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned...or Elemental scorned.  

I arrived in Egypt and was surprised to run into Carlisle and Esme.  They informed me that they were going to their friend's coven here and beg him for help.  As we arrived, his so called friend immediately rejects us.  

"Amun, please!" Carlisle and Esme follow him, begging him to listen.  

"I cannot help you, Carlisle." Amun protests. 

"I wouldn't ask if it weren't urgent." Carlisle states. 

" You must go."

We stop by a pool and, suddenly, the water begins to move on its own, creating a huge wave that covered the windows and wall next to us.  I looked over and see a man and a woman.  The man seemed to be the one who was controlling the water. 

" I'd like to hear about it. I never get to meet any of Amun's friends. He likes to keep me hidden." The man smirks. 

"I can't imagine why." Carlisle says with a smirk. 

The man chuckles and moves his hands again, commanding the water to go back into the pool, but caused a big splash.  We all move to dodge the water, and Esme and Carlisle seem to laugh at his show off.  The man walks around the pool and moves to shake Carlisle's hand.  



I guess this means we have gained them on our side.  Carlisle and Esme decided to join me in searching for my friends.  Even the Egyptian coven decided to join as well.  Since Benjamin says he never met an elemental before.   

As we were walking through the alleys, mainly the one that was suppose to be guarded by a 'demonic soul that hunts the sinned', I knew it was a feeding ground for an elemental. 

Suddenly, a loud thud was made in front of us as a figure lands with ease on top of a few wooden boxes. 

The figure growls loudly, shining his red eyes towards us, his fangs dripping with drool.  The vampires stiffen with caution, but I was not in the mood for games.  Another growl was made behind us, and I see another male figure walking towards us. He was taller than the other. 

I let out a loud roar, commanding them to obey me.  The tall man behind us stops in his tracks, while the other looks at me with fear.  He gets to his knees and bows.  

"You dare to cross me?!" I snarl in the dead language.  

"Forgive us, grand elemental.  We did not know who you were."  

"We assumed you were looking for trouble." The elemental says, behind us.  

"Who are you?"

The one who bowed gets to his feet and stands next to the other.  

"I'm Asim." The small elemental says, and points to the tall elemental, "This is Hadeon."

"Oriel.  I've been searching for you and our kind.  We need your help." I hold my hand up.  

The one called Hadeon places his hand over mine and searches through my memories.  Seeing the children born.  The news of the Volturi.  

Hadeon growls lowly as he looks over to Asim.  I could tell that they were sharing thoughts.  Asim nods at Hadeon and Hadeon turns to me.  

"We're in." 


Cin's POV

(Cin's POV)

I traveled every place I could think of to gather Elementals.  So far I've managed to get 5 to join in.  Besides Alyssa, Celeste, Sky, and Tobias.  I managed to talk to one of Dax's children, Simon.  


He claims that Dax has informed him the news and was happy to help us all.  Especially the children.  

As I traveled down to Arizona, I ran into the Desert Wolves, Adrian and David.  



Adrian and David were children of the Earth, ferocious when pissed off.  We're definitely gonna need them.  The Elemental all gathered around to greet Renesmee and the Twins.  It was kind of weird seeing those who have fought with and ate together be so gentle to a child.  Let alone three.  Alyssa, however, was in awe.  We watched Renesmee introduce herself to the Egyptian covens, showing them what she could do.  The vampire called Benjamin smiles gently at her and takes her hand, he places rock in her hand and crushes it.  He smirks at her and she sends one back.  

When she opens her hand, a dust tornado was made, Benjamin twirls his hand round and round, commanding the  tornado.  

"Benjamin can influence the elements." Edward explains to Bella. 

Bella scoffs, "And here I get super self-control as a vampire." 

"Yet, bad ass Elemental Powers, don't forget that." I elbow her arm which cause her laugh softly. 

Benjamin and Renesmee lift their hands in the air and let the tornado go into the air, fading in the wind.  

Suddenly, dozens of animals begin to cry out from far.  The elementals take their stand, being ready for the unwanted intruder in the territory.  Soon, two African American figures land on the tree branches, then land on the ground a few feet away.  They were dressed in two piece animal hides, with beads attached to their clothes.  They looked like they were part of a  tribe.  

"Who are they?" Kat asks.  

"Senna and Zafrina. From the Amazon." Edward says.  We all move towards them and introduced ourselves.  

Bella took this as a sign that our plea was being heard all over the world.  Soon, more and more vampires filled up the house, along with several elementals.  A patriot Carlisle first met on the battlefield at Yorktown became our most unlikely ally. Each of the vampires was won over. Each was made to see. Carlisle convinced his Irish friends to make the journey to Forks. Although we were grateful for their help, their thirst for human blood complicated the situation. The nomads Rosalie and Emmett sent were even more unpredictable. Especially Peter who had fought alongside Jasper as a newborn.

"Lotta red eyes around here." Jake mutters as he eyes all the vampires.  Most of them overheard him, glaring at the wolf who reside in the house.  

"They agreed not to hunt in the area." Bella reassured him. 

"But they'll feed somewhere." Jake mutters bitterly.  

It was nice to see many of our friends back together again.  But, with the vampires, it was gonna be complicated for Jake.   As more vampires set foot in the territory, more Quileutes turned. Their nature compelling them to join the pack.  Finally, Carlisle and Esme returned with our last witness.

I watch Bella walk out to greet Carlisle and Esme as their friend exits the car.

"How many came?" Esme asks. 

"Eighteen. You have some good friends." Bella says to them. 

"And Alice?" Esme asks with hope in her eyes, but Bella shakes her head, which caused for Esme's hope to crash and burn.  But, she hugs her anyway for support.  

"We'll all be on Aro's list now. Centuries on the run. That's what you've brought me. Some friend, Carlisle." Their witness mutters bitterly. 

"Alistair, come meet everyone." Carlisle simply chuckles off his friend's bitterness and gestures him inside, but didn't look like the guy was in the joking mood. 

"I already told you, if it comes to a fight, I won't stand against the Volturi."

"It won't come to a fight." Esme tries to assure him, but didn't look like he was gonna believe it. 

"I'll be in the attic."  Alistair jumps high into the air and I hear a loud thud on top of the roof.  

"He's not a people person." Esme tries to explain, but I think it was pretty obvious.  How they convinced him to come is a mystery.  

So far, we have 18 vampires and 13 Elementals.  17 if your count me, Katherine, Oriel, and Dax...if he ever comes back.  I have no doubt he will, him and Alice.  But, what is gonna happen once we're on that battle filed.  We must prepare.  

Longest chapter ever...hope you guys will enjoy.  Please leave comments and votes.  Lots of love.

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