Mudsploth & Bluesky

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This is for Cat_lover321 adoptable contest.

The sun was high above the trees, casting a warm orange-yellow glow into the den. Mudsplotch awoke, blinking the sleep from her eyes. She padded into the clearing on still tired paws. She arched her slender body into a long stretch. Most of her clan was awake. A hunting patrol was leaving, a couple of the apprentices were going out with their mentors. Her clan was calm, peacful, just how she liked it. She turned around to go back to her den when a familiar, comforting voice called out to her.

"Good morning, Mudsplotch."

Mudsplotch turned around the see Bluesky bounding up to her. His blue gray fur was neatly groomed as usual, framing his lithe yet muscular body. His bright blue eyes sparked as he flashed her his warm and bright smile. Mudsplotch knew the tom mdae hef heart fluttere...and she partially hated it. They couldn't be together. Warriors and Medicine cat were never meant to be. The warrior code says so.

But she couldn't help how the young warrior made her feel. She had liked him ever since their apprentice days. While she learned about herbs and how to heal her clan, she watched him grown into a strong, young warrior, learning how to hunt and fight for his clan.

"Good morning, Bluesky." She greeted him.

"Listen, I need to talk to you about something." Bluesky mewed. "Will you meet me in the training hollow tonight?"

Mudsplotch averted his gaze. "I don't know."

"Please." Bluesky pleaded. "It's important."

Mudsplotch looked back at him. His eyes bore into hers, begging hed to meet him. Whatever it is, I will get to be alone with him.

"Alright." She meowed. "I'll see you at the training hollow tonight."

Bluesky's eyes beamed. "Thank you."

He turned on his paws and padding away. Mudsplotch watched him, her mind swirling with every possibility of what he was going to tell her.



"Alright. I'll see you at the training hollow tonight."

Bluesky's eyes beamed. She said yes!
"Thank you." He mewed.

He turned and padded away. He was overjoyed that Mudsplotch agreed to meet him. He had liked the young she cat for a long tome now. He watched her grow from a small apprentice to a beautiful and wise medicine cat. He watched her become to strong, compassionate, and loving cat she is.

It's what he loved about her. She showed love and compassion for all cats in all the clans. No matter what clan they came from, she would help them. From the youngest kit to the oldest elder. To the most aggressive warrior to the most compassionate leader. She helped every cat. She was perfect.

Bluesky headed to the warriors' when Dewpatch called out to him. "Bluesky, can you join Icewhisker's hunting patrol?" The deputy asked.

"Sure." Bluesky mewed.

"Thank you." Dewpatch meowed. "They're waitng by the thorn tunnel."

Bluesky nodded and bounded across the clearing. Icewhisker was in the lead, waiting patiently for the last memeber to arrive. Behind him was Flamenose and Petalshine, both of them flashed him small smiles as he arrived. The patrol left, padding into the forest.

Later, as the StarClan began to show themselves acrythe sky and the last cat in the clan fell asleep, Bluesky crept out of the warriors' den. He quietly but quickly made his way across the clearing out out of the camp.

He was excited but nervous. He planned on telling Mudsplotch how he felt about her. He had balled his feelings up inside him, but he knew they wouldn't stay there forever. How will she react? Will she like me too?

He arrived at the training hollow and sat down to wait for Mudsplotch. He looked up at the night sky and his ancestors shined above him. Would StarClan approve of this? Was there a small chamce they could be together?

Bluesky lowed his head, not knowing if he ever wanted to hear the truth.



Mudsplotch poked her out of her den. The clan was asleep. She slowly padded into the clearing and out through the thorn tunnel. She hoped that Bluesky was already there. The anticipation and anxiety was killing her. She finally made it to the training hollow where she could see Bluesky waiting.

Bluesky looked up and his blue eyes sparkled in the moonlight. "You came!"

Mudsplotch let out a small laugh. "I told you I would. Now, whatbis it you wanted to talk about?"

Bluesky padded to stand in front of her, their noses almost touching. "I've wanted to tell you this for a long time. I know it's not allowed or right but I can't help it."

Mudsplotch felt her heart beat faster. Was he about to tell her what she was hoping for? Was she dreaming?

Bluesky smiled as he leaned forward, touching his nose to hers. "I love you."

Mudsplotch's jaw fell open a little. He said it. He loved her. But then came the reality. We can't be together. But right now, she didn't care. All she wanted for this moment to last. She wanted to savor every moment she got to spend with Bluesky. They would find a way to be together or at least have a family. Whether it was running away, secrets, she would do it. If it meant she and Bluesky could love each other and whatever the future would bring them. She leaned into him, entwining her tail with his.

"I love you too."

A/N: that's it. A nice, sweet little ending.

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