And they lived...

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Well you know the movies that all say that the couple lived happily ever after? Well it's a load of bullshit. There it is, I said it. These movies are fictional, unreal. Yet people across the globe look up to these movies, thinking that this is actually a reality. In reality, the girl will pour their hearts out, and in a rare situation things work for a while. Maybe for life. They get happily married and probably have children. Get jobs, get money. Have fights. Live somewhat happily ever after.
On the other hand one pours their heat out and they get called emotional. The feelings get brushed off as if it was just a surprise that never mattered. They go on muttering on with their lives, remembering their first loves. Remember the ones that they had spent writing poetry for, ones that they had spent hours stalking their Instagram hoping they would notice them. Spending long hours into the night texting them, hoping they might just have to courage to really say something but then again it always ends up with the words "Bye."  They remember these people because they were the easiest people to open up to, the easiest people to say hello to. The hardest to say goodbye to.
You know that certain people will say that they will live happily ever after and then I tell them good for them. I will not squash their hopes and dreams. I wait for the cruel thing called reality to slap them in the face and make them wake up from a fairy tale. A fairy tale that they had been living in ever since they watched or read their first happily ever after.
In my reality, my real world. My life, I slump against the wall hoping he'll text back. We had made sure that things weren't awkward as I only had feelings and he did not. I wanted him to text back, to make sure he was fine. The thing was, he wasn't texting me back. This scared me because of his past.
Oh wait they didn't live.

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