A Strange Visitor

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Player is shown to be inside of the GlitchDust AU, as he is floating around and looking around a little bit of the room that he is in. And needless to say, everything has been a little bit interesting for the passing days, especially with Error and Ink. Both Error and Ink have gotten a little bit stronger than before, with Error having grown stronger on his own. He's now acting different, now no longer being as anger-driven as before. He's now acting manipulative and mischievous in a way, and gained a new power of his own, and it seems he can hack reality somehow and do whatever he wants, which makes Player a little bit nervous to go near him. But luckily, Ink himself is also getting a little bit different, as he is now able to remember things a bit more better then before, his ability to recall is improving, and now he gains the power to put objects into paper, almost like he is Framing said objects. Needless to say, Ink is now able to stand some sort of chance against Error's new power, although he is a bit stronger than before. And Error, he's now gained the black and white strings, but not the explosive ones yet. His Glitch Ray is also improving, which is something.

Gradient also seems to be improving as well, as he has now gained both the powers of Error and Ink's new powers of Coding and Framing. Seems like the kid is getting a little bit better at following his parents more then before. And of course, Tint is also beginning to be taught by Ink how to frame as well. Hopefully Gradient is still able to enjoy his life inside of the Omega Timeline, because Error seems to have some more plans of his own, as he's working on something. Player has no idea what Error is working on, because he seems to be secretive about something. And admittedly, it is making Player a little bit uneasy, which he would not like about, because he has never seen Error after the way he is from before.

"Hopefully it isn't too severe. He's been changing like this ever since Error404 and Alpha disappeared."

Player spoke out, as he then shook his head and looked around a little bit, and he then spoke out.

"Maybe best not think about it now. Right now, I'm gonna try to think about the good stuff for today, so it'll help me get the bad stuff off my mind."

Player then began to look at a red screen, as he began to observe the people that exist inside of GlitchDust, while also drinking some Red Gatorade, the delicious taste filled his mouth, as he continues to look at the screen in front of him. He has no idea why he is doing that, he just feels like it, okay he is also kind of a little bit bored and has nothing else to do. So he's enjoying the moment that he is In right now, and hopefully it'll lead to nothing bad.

Of course, Dream and Nightmare also gained some new powers of their own. For Nigntmare, he has now gained the power to manipulate...well, nightmares, can induce sleep to other people that look into his eyes for 10 seconds, and can manipulate the Phobias of other by sticking a goop of sort to a person in order to know of their worst fears. He even gained a sort of Negativity Hydra of some sort, that are extremely large and powerful, with only Dream's Spear being able to counter them, although the Hydra itself kind of acts as Nightmare's per whenever they aren't fighting. As for Dream, he too possesses the same thing, but in the opposite way. Aside from the Sleep Inducement power, Dream also gained the powers of, well Dream Manipulation, which is sort of the opposite to the Nightmare manipulation, and Philia manipulation, in which he can attack a feather to a person to allow him to know what a person truly loves. Basically, both Dream and Nightmare had gained these powers when they unlocked their true state as Guardians.

Of course, Fatal_Error also gained 2 new powers of his own. Or rather, new strings of his own to use, although all of them are colored Red. The Determination Strings that can allow him to inject or absorb Detetmination through them, and can inject them to humans to force them to RESET, or inject them into monsters, in which they will melt until death, or become an amalgamation. The other strings that he has now is the Glitched Strings, in which he is able to absorb code from himself, and give it to someone else, due to the unknown properties of Fatal_Error's code if injected into a very weak character their body will slowly, and painfully become an Error, gaining new abilities, but only if they survive. Most of the time these monsters melt and die to the pain. Needless to say, Fatal_Error has grown dangerously strong in his own right, but he's now stopped hunting Error...at least for now. He'll still do it, but right now he is too busy to try and bring back his brother, Papyrus. And the thing is, he has also regained a little bit more of his sanity to now take longer naps to keeps his memories, as well as use his Copy N' Paste power to a much dangerous way then before.

As Player continued to looked at the screen that allows him to monitor the AU...he then noticed something that seems to be a little...bit off.


Player looked and noticed something...curious. He went back to one of the previous screens from before, and while it seems a little bit hard to notice at first...he noticed that there is a strange...thing. It almost resembles a Sans, but it looks like a shadowy sans with some orange color, almost like there is light pointing at his back, but his front side is covered in shadows.

"What the...what is that?"

This made Player curious, as he then decides to come and investigate it. Player then closed the screen, as he then looked up, before he then spoke out.

"I just hope that it isn't anything bad. The last thing that I need is to get involved in something that is outright insane and ridiculous."

Player then began to float in the air, before making a door of some sort, and opening it, leading him outside into the area that had the strange entity in it. Player then closed the door, which disappeared, as he then began to float around the area, hoping to find the entity that he is looking for, the one that he had been able to see in the screen.

As Player looks around as he flies in the air, a little unsure of what he'll find, he then felt the same presence again, this time in another direction. He turned around, and saw the same Sans again, but he is slipping into what seems to be an alleyway of some sort. Player is a little bit nervous, as he then spoke out to himself.

"What even is that thing?"

Player, although he does feel a little bit scared of what will happen if he goes face-to-face with...whatever that thing is, he feels like he needs to make sure that this thing is not a threat to the GlitchDust AU, which he has created. Taking a deep breath for a little bit, before exhaling to calm his nerves, he then flared a little bit, before he then flies towards the alleyway, and he looks around to see that there is nothing here...at least at first. As he began to fly around in order to see where the entity is at, he then felt it...behind him. Player looked up a little bit, before he then turns around and he looks to see who it is that has arrived. But what he saw...it really confused him in a way, because he has never seen this one before.

Appearing inside of the GlitchDust Timeline, is this strange Sans-like entity. But this Sans looks like he is covered in shadows with a bit of lighter and darker orange on the lighter parts of his body. And his eye sockets, they are also white, with black purple in the eye sockets. Player does not know why, but he knows that there is something about this entity that does not seem...right. In fact, there is something wrong ahout him to an extent.

Player raised his hands, as fireballs formed around him, ready to fight in this that this Sans goes in and attacks him for whatever strange reason. Player narrows his eyes, as he spoke out.

"Who are you, and what are you doing inside of the GlitchDust AU?"

The entity did not respond at first...but then, he held his hand, and a text spoke out.

Bring Player to your world?

Yes                                     No

Player is nervous, as the entity picked yes, and a glitching effect occurred. And Player, he looks around the area that he is in, before looking back at the entity before him.

Player and the unknown entity then appeared in what seems to be the Judgement Hall, and needless to say, Player is a bit nervous, especially since the entire has a disturbing smile now present, being very wide and frighting. It almost reminds Player of Flowey's grin, but this one looks even worse when compared to the soulless flower himself.

Player stepped back, as the entity spoke out.

"There you are. Now I got you...right where I want you to be in."

Okay, the voice did not sound like a Sans at all. In fact, it almost sounds like it is just...something else. Player looks worried, as he floats back a little bit, and he tried to exit out of the area. But then...


This made Player's eyes widened in shock at what happened. His ability to exist has been disabled? Player was now starting to get really worried. He then tried to transfer his consciousness to another body back at the GlitchDust AU, one that he had copied while also deleting this one at the same time. But somehow, he is being prevented by something else, presumably by the entity that is before him. It's almost as though some of his powers have been glitched, while the rest of them are fine. The entity then spoke out.

"Do you think even the worst person can change. . . ?
That everybody can be a good person, if they just try?"

This made Player stunned, as these quotes are for Sans when he is in the Genocide Run. What is going on? But Player...he does understand one thing. He will not be able to escape...until he takes down this strange entity.

Player narrowed his eyes, as he is ready to rumble against him. He puts his hands in his sweater pockets, as he then spoke out.

"I don't know who or what you are...but you made a big mistake bringing me to the home you live in. I will make sure, you regret ever coming to me. So get ready, for what I will do to you."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Both Player and the entity looked at each other in the face, before they then go into combat against one another, and this time, there is nothing holding the both of them back, as they began to fight, with the entity making a bone and Player summoning red Chaos Saber, as the both of them clash against one another. The entity then jumped into the air and fired more bones down at Player, who responds by making spears appear from the ground and destroying them. But the entity, out of nowhere, completely enlarged his hands to snap the spear and tried to grab the Player, who then made 2 large Duality Hands to grapple with the enlarged hands. But then, the entity came in front of him and turned one of his hands into a spiked ball, with Player barely making a Shield of Determination to defend against this rather sudden attack, before Player then fired a red Gaster Blaster. But the entity then summoned a blaster of his own in order to counter the Gaster Blaster, causing a powerful explosion. But the Player then summoned a small arrow that Undyne can summon at the entity, and when that happened, Player appeared in the place of the small arrow, as he then summoned both his J-Magic Ray and the Sword of Determination, as he began to shoot Justice Bullets at the entity, while at the same time, swinging red slash projectiles and firing beams of energy, which came after the entity, who dodged the attacks quickly, but is knocked back a little bit when Player stabbed the ground, and caused a rather powerful explosion inside of the Judgement Hall.

Player sighed, as he then looks, and sees that the entity is coming for him again. Player then raised his sword and parried a bone swing attack from the entity, before Player then turned the sword into a Greatsword and swung down with immense force, causing a large crack and slash in the ground. Player then made the Greatsword disappear, as he then summoned a rifle of some sort, powered by Perseverance and Justice. He raised his eyes to look through the scope, and see a target symbol on the entity, as he fired at the entity, who then began to dodge the attack despite how fast the bullets are.

He snarled a little bit, as he then made the rifle disappear, as he then switched to the Anti-Magic Ray, and tired to cancel out the entity's magic, but the entity began to shapeshift into a flowey, and sank into the ground. This made Player's eyes widened a little bit, as he did not expect to see this happening. Player then looks and sees a black tendril knock the weapon out of his hand. But the Player puts the Anti-Magic Ray back into storage. Player then decides to change his approach by summoning his Trident and Scythe, and then summoned red Chroma Hands to aid him in this. He stabbed the Trident into the ground first, as more tridents popped up from the ground, and the entity avoided his attack, only to be hit by a fireball in the face, as Player swung the Scythe at the entity, cutting him in half. But he reconnects himself, as Player fired Arrow Blasts at him, causing them to explode and launch him to a wall. Then, Player swings the scythe down and makes a powerful dark explosive wave come at the entity, who is hit by the blast. But the entity is not done, as he rushes at Player, who then fired Friendliness Pellets at him and stabbed Vines into him, who avoided them by shapeshifting, and especially avoided the red webs coming out of his fingers. So now he needs to do this another way. Summoning the Rainbow Knife to aid him, along with the Chroma Hands still out, Player goes against the entity with the Chroma Magic that is in his possession, ready to take down this monstrosity.

As soon as the entity got close, Player activated Monotone, as the holes became red. As soon as the entity got close, Player slashed at him, and the hands fired red blasts of energy at the entity, as he got hit, with Player then turning the knife yellow and the holes in the hands yellow as well. He then fired a blast of yellow energy from the knife, as yellow bullets fired at the entity, who began to  try and avoid the attack, only for Patience Ropes to appear on both the Knife, which turned light blue, and hands, as they then tried to rip him apart, only for them entity to slice through the strings. Then, the entity launched a massive vine tentacle at Player, who then used Kindness magic from both the knife and the hands, in order to defend against the attack.

Player clenched his fist, as he spoke out.

"This bastard does not know when to give up. Alright then, guess I'll have to fight harder."

Player then made the knife orange and fired at the entity, who dodged the attack, but Player then changed the direction of the slash, which still hit the entity anyway, as orange dots appeared around the entity, which exploded. As he got knocked back, Blue Buzzsaw blades appeared out of nowhere and tried to slice him, only for the entity to dodge the attacks. But he then got stabbed by a long blue blade from the knife, which extended its length. Then, Player turned the knife purple, as he swung at him with 3 slashes simultaneously, as the entity made a wall to try and block the attack, only for the slash to get through anyway and cause him to crash into a wall. But he did dodge the purple-spiked hands and moved out of the way so he does not get skewered painfully.

Player looks at the entity, as he spoke out, his fists clenched rather tightly. He then summoned a spear onto his hand, with a rope attached to the end of the spear. His eyes then glowed pink, as he is ready to go and take down the entity before him. He just hopes that he is able to do it with everything else he has and what he can access. The entity then came charging at him, but he then fired a rainbow blast at him with the Chroma Hands that have 7 different colored holes, as the entity tried to dodge the attack, only to be followed by the blast and got hit still. He is then stabbed by the spear, as he is reeled, with Player deciding to say a reference in real life about a certain violent game.

"Get over here!!!"

The entity is then launched to Player, is then stabbed by the red Chaos Sabers, before the entity launched himself back, but he then glows red, as Player uses his powers to make use Blue Magic to send the entity into a wall, causing him to crash. The entity landed, but Player used Green Magic to freeze the entity in his place, as he summoned spears all over the place, who then began to block the attack. But then, he switched to purple magic, as purple webs appeared, and the entity is forced to move on the lines to avoid the projectiles coming from the webs, with very little room to squeeze through. The entity, now free, attempts to jump and grab him, but Grey Magic is activated, and he instead went onto the ceiling, before Player launched spears at the entity, who dodged them by jumping, which allowed him to land onto the ground. Switching to Yellow Magic, Player then made the entity fire at the Gaster Blaster that is spinning like a disco ball, hitting so that it will make a blue blast of energy or orange blast. After that, the entity then grabbed Player, and stabbed him with a hand blade. At first, the entity seemed pleased, but then...a blast of energy hit him from behind. The entity looked behind, and saw that the Player is still alive, with Gaster Blastermination activated. The entity then sank into the ground and moved out of the way, as the wall of Blasters fired at the same time, destroying everything caught in their path, but the entity is still fine. He appeared in front of Player, to tried to attack him, only for him to move out of the way, and summoned a large bone to knock on top of him, only for the entity to move out of the way. Then, Player fired the Spear of Justice, and tries to hit the entity with it, which caused a Massive explosion that consumed the entire interior of the hall, although Player was fine, as he summoned 2 Duality hands to are using Kindness Magic. The smoke cleared...and the entity was still fine. Player narrowed his eyes, as he then decides to use Polychromatism, as 7 normal-sized Chromatic Hands and a large red Gaster Blaster appeared above him, and is ready to go and take him down. But then...the entity spoke out.

"You know...I'm rather satisfied."

This made Player confused, as he lowered his guard a little bit, but not to the point that the entity will take advantage of this confusion. Then, the entity spoke out.

"I've been watching you for quite a long time now. I wanted to see how strong you are, and for a Player...you're very powerful."

This made Player surprised at what he had said, as he then spoke to him.

"Wait...how do you know who I am?"

The entity then looked at Player, as he then spoke out.

"I can sense it, your soul. It is the soul of the Player, just like the other one. Besides...I didn't even come here to kill you."

This made Player lower his guard, as the Polychromatism vanished.

The entity then spoke out.

"Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Wiki."

This made Player blink a little bit, as he then spoke out.

"Wiki, as in like...Wiki pages?"

Wiki spoke out.

"Well, something like that."

Player then shook his head, as he then spoke out.

"Just...what is a Sans like you doing the AU that I am made and living in, and why did you want to fight me in the first place if you didn't want to kill me?"

Wiki then looks at Player, and spoke out.

"Well...first of all, a little correction. I'm not actually a Sans. Rather, I am a being that takes on the form of Sans, similar to Loading, but in a different way. And secondly, I wanted to see how strong you are...for something dangerous that will come soon."

This made Player confused, as he then spoke out to him.

"What do you mean?"

Wiki then looks down at Player and spoke out.

"Error404 and Alpha are back, just as your friend, Core had predicted."

This made Player's eyes widened, as he realize how alarming this is, as Wiki then spoke out.

"Don't worry, they won't do anything for now at least. But Infected...you know of how you had to take him somewhere else, right?"

Player nodded his head, as he then spoke out.

"Yeah, I sent him somewhere else. Why?"

Wiki then spoke out.

"Unfortunately, the AU you sent Infected too had an Asgore, who is a tyrant...that is actually as strong as him, minus the Conduit Soul he has, and unfortunately, he killed that Asgore and took his Trident as his new weapon. And that Asgore and the AU, was in another Multiverse."

This made Player's eyes widened in alarm, as he spoke out.


Wiki then looked unamused, as he then spoke out.

"That isn't the only thing bad. He also somehow gained a bow of some sort as a projectile attack of sort, and allows him to summon arrow-infused Wisps in thin air, with both weapons now connected to his very soul. Now...Infected's gonna be a bit more dangerous with the arsenal of weapons he has in his possession this time. The only good part is that he doesn't have the powers of the TransVoid Beings that he had eaten and consumed."

Player looks down, and smacked his face a little bit, due to being a bit embarrassed that he had made one of the brothers of Alphatale become dangerous by complete accident. He then looks up at Wiki, as he then spoke out.

"So...what do I do in this? Do I simply hide and prevent Infected from finding the AU I created or something?"

Wiki then shook his head, as he then spoke out.

"No. What I want from you, is to get out of the AU, and join in with the possible events that will come out soon. After all, times are changing with the reappearance of the brothers, and they are going to lead to the times changing."

Player then spoke out.

"You can't be serious. I can't do that! I'm not strong enough to go again Infected or anyone that is at the level of the Alphatale brothers even if I want to! Heck, I can't even beat King Multiverse! I'm nothing but a small fry against a bunch of higher powers that found easily stomp me, even if I were to go into my Nightmare mode form!"

Wiki looks at him and spoke out.

"Perhaps so...but you still need to try, for if you don't, then everything you worked so hard for will die anyway. And besides, the Alphatale Brothers won't be the most of your problems forever. No, another problem will emerge, and it will be far worse then what you can realize, and you will need their help, along with Error, Ink, and the Dreamtale Brothers, for they will be needed as well."

Player looked a little bit uneasy, as he looked down, and Wiki could tell that he is unsure. But he gets it, as he spoke out.

"It's fine. You can take the time to think about it. For now, though..."

He raised his hand and spoke out.

"Time to go back home."

He then snapped his fingers, and Player was teleported back into his room, as he looked around the area that he is in. Player looked worried, as he puts his hands in his pocket, feeling a bit uneasy of what just happened. But what he does know...is this. In the future...nothing will be the same again.

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