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Hi there!

Name: Patch
Gender: male
Age (in human years): 14
Rank in Ruhera: I'm a creator!
Personality: I'm great, I guess. (Hes super cute ^^) Um, I'm friendly with most everyone. Unless your a jerk to someone I care about
Backstory: I found the city of Ruhera after I ran away from home. Yeah, um. It's a long story
Family: i dont really want to talk about it....
Friends: my best friend is Sunkist!
Crushes: Um... she kinda friendzoned me a long time ago...
Favorite color: I like teal...
Birthday: August 17th
Hobbies: writing poems, hanging out with Sunkist...
Fortnite v Minecraft: Dont hurt me... but... I think Fortnite....... is TrAsH
Accesories: just my favorite black pen that Sunkist gave me....
Favorite song(s): Impossible by Shontelle. What? It's a good song...
Favorite book/movie: I liked the first series of the Percy Jackson books...
Favorite food: I think pop tarts are pretty nice....
Likes: poems, quiet spaces, Sunk- I mean, friends! (Hes blushing rn guys.... XD)
Dislikes: Loud, cramped spaces
Pet peeves: when people leave just a little bit of food in the bottom of whatever container it was in
Fears: um... loud, cramped spaces...
Dreams to be a: well-known poet
Right or Left twix: left. I dont know why. Always left
Rps involved in: um, none... but maybe someday...
Art: I dont really know if anyone wants to draw me, but it would be nice....

By VoodooTheDragon (left)

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