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Hi there! It's real nice to meet you! Now, where are those questions.... oh, found em!

Name: um, Sprite
Gender: female
Age (in human years): 9
Rank in Ruhera: I'm a guardian! (I look after cubs)
Personality: I just like to be friendly! But my bro says I can be a savage sometimes.
Backstory: me and my bro grew up together under Star, an older guardian in Ruhera
Family: my older brother, Derek
Friends: my bro and his best friend, Dex.
Crushes: umm...  if no one else is listening to this, I think Dex is pretty cute...
Favorite color: purple
Birthday: December 11th
Hobbies: dressing up my pet, a pure white kitten named Bella
Fortnite v Minecraft: umm...  never played either, so...
Accesories: my star labs hoodie. Dex gave it to me for Christmas one year
Favorite song(s): either Happier or Wolves, both by Marshmellow
Favorite book/movie: The Flash on the CW network. Or maybe the first Gaurdians of the Galaxy movie
Favorite food: pretty much anything. I'm not picky
Likes: snuggles, hoodies, Bella, friends, music, and of course superheroes
Dislikes: following the crowd. Fads have never really been my thing.
Pet peeves: saying frickin "and I oop"!!
Fears: water, or, you know, drowning anyway.
Dreams to be a: um... not sure. I kind of just live each day as it comes.
Right or Left twix: um... does it really matter? As long as I can get one between Derek and Dex
Rps involved in: none. But it would probably be fun
Art: oh, please draw me! I would love it so much!

Irl Friend (Penname: Cheyanne):

AbbeyFazbear (on left)

AbbeyFazbear (bottom)

LapisTheBunnyDragon (on left)

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