Holy Swords and Old Friends

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Raven's pov

I'm in class as I get this feeling about something wrong in my body looking into town as I get up and leave class mid lecture and leave school grounds to investigate this feeling as I come across two girls one with blonde hair with pigtails and other with blue hair as I approach them

Raven: You two lost?

Pigtail: Yes... wait you look familiar like I seen you before?

Raven: I get that feeling too with you!

I see crosses on them and back up as they notice my reaction

Raven: Sorry... I have a bad experience with churches!

I take them to get lunch as they eat alot of food as I look at them eat while drinking tea

Pigtail: God blesses you!

I wince at her words as I scowl before putting my left arm on the table

Raven: Why is the church here... as a devil servant I must protect my King? If your a threat I must defend her as her Queen!

Blue: A devil fed us? I feel sick Irina let smite him!

Raven: Irina Shido... is that you?

They look at me confused as she looks at me

Irina: Yes... do I know you?

Raven: Picture me without this arm and scars with spikey hair!

Irina: F/n?

Raven: It Raven Cronwell now... I disappeared eight years ago!

Irina: How are you young?

Blue: Doesn't matter!

Raven: It does as your in devil territory... so you must be respectful of who you confront. I'm talking to you to ask why I shouldn't kill you with this feeling I have?

Irina: Xenovia we can trust him... we're on a mission to find missing Excalibur sword fragments... and we're carrying one of the seven each!

Raven: That explains my feeling but we devils have nothing to do with it as we can't touch them without suffering burns... the Fallen Angels did it as to why I'm unsure, so I suggest a truce between are factions to get your sword fragments and we clear any Fallen in are terratory!

Irina: Xenovia what do you think?

Xenovia: No, he'll betray us and run off!

Raven: Your cross I'll swear to it!

That shocks them both especially Xenovia as Irina puts her cross in my sight and I put my Nasod arm touching it as I'm not suffering from the reglious item

Raven: I swear to the Holy Father to aid his exorcist in their quest! If I betray my vow he may smite me.

I pull my arm away as I look my hand as they nod towards me

Raven: I'll inform my King... and the other two Highborn devils!

I pay the bill and give them yen for a hotel room as I escort them to it before leaving to head home as Grayfia waiting with a paddleboard as Kuroka smiling

Kuroka: Bad boy leaving school!

Raven: Exorcists in town... weilding Excalibur swords we have a truce to retrieve them for their faction.

Grayfia: You met with them and walked away alive?

Raven: Yes in a public place!

Grayfia: Very well I'll inform Rias and Sona of this information... but next time you act on your own your ass getting beat!

Raven: I'm heading out to do pacts!

I disappear in a summon through a portal I created to appear at a old classmate house as he married to his highschool sweetheart

Man: You devil can you sleep with my wife and impregnate her as I suffered a accident to make me unable to perform!

Raven: I'm not sure if I should... but why do you want a devil to impregnate your wife?

Wife: Well you look like F/n and I have a fantasy to be taken by a devil who hot like you!

Raven: Fine... I'll do it but it must be earned through mutual trust. I'm not no cheap harlet I'm the Black Crow Raven Cronwell!

Man: That agreeable... wanna sit and talk?

I sit on the couch as he sits in a chair and his wife beside me as my arm the center of their eyes

Raven: My arm was taking from me and this was implanted on me... it a handicap yes but it part of my fighting sytle!

Wife: Now that I'm close to you and see your eyes under your hair I see you look like are classmate that died?

Raven: You want me to sleep with you no mentioning your classmate or deal off! Plus once I impregnate you will I be able to see the child and be apart of his or her life?

Man: You want to be involved?

Raven: Yes... cause I don't want the child to be denied his or her heritage as a halfbreed devil.

Wife: I don't see a problem and sweetie you can call me Saki.

I look at Saki as I remember how she was prevented in school as I was not interested in her antics

Raven: Saki are you prevert?

Saki blushes and smirks before exposing her breasts and slight of nipples

Saki: Do you have a mommy kink?

Raven: Saki... I'll come by tomorrow for dinner just between us... if your husband doesn't mind?

Man: Ofcourse I have a job!

Raven: No sex until the third date! I gotta go as I have other pacts to do... I'll give you my word that you will be a mother!

I kiss Saki on her lips as I taste cherry and alcohol on her lips as she blushing before I pull my lips away

Saki: You kiss like a man with experience?

Raven: I'm dating my master who a milf!

I teleport to another house as it Mika who wearing a schoolgirl uniform giggling as I blush that she thristy

Mika: Oh Raven is that your sword or you happy to see me?

I cover my crotch with my Nasod arm as my cheeks are redden

Raven: Why are you dressed like that?

Mika: Well I want to roleplay with you! As a innocent young schoolgirl being taken by you afterall I love you!

I fall backwards as nose coming from my nose as she checking on me

Raven: Damn Hyoudou curse?

After I complete all my pacts I return home with a few things like a bottle of expensive wine from my old coach, a boat from Mika, and a bag of engagement rings from a dying old man as I soak in the tub relaxing after my day of roleplaying with Mika, Helping teach Kendo, and giving the old man a grandson before he passes

Next day

I'm in the ORC building next to Grayfia as her Queen as Akeno next to Rias while Irina and Xenovia are sitting across from them as Asia hiding behind Issei as Kiba missing

Irina: Raven are superiors approved of your truce but only you can help as your the Mercenary Black Crow!

Raven: Very well... but information exchange is needed I'm a Sword Taker to atone for my past with my blade. I specialize in quick precision slashes and sword skills!

Irina: I weild Excalibur Mimic!

Xenovia: And I weild Excalibur Destruction!

Raven: Fitting since Irina cute and your well hot!

They blush before standing up and leave as they spot Asia and I get before her readying my sword to defend her

Raven: You won't touch Asia... she my little sister! I'll kill anyone who touches her as she family!

Kiba: Perfect as I'll join you!

We head outside as I'm beside Grayfia as my brother and Kiba fighting those two as I'm crouching waiting

Raven: I'll face you two next!

Irina beats Issei after he destroys Koneko and Asia clothing and I remove my shirt exposing my chest to give to Koneko and take his jacket to give to Asia as I pat Irina head

Raven: Good job punishing my brother wickedness!

Xenovia beats Kiba as he infirated by it before I tie him up and sit him down as I force him to look at me

Raven: Revenge petty if you hold onto it... hold onto their memories and dreams to be better as your Judgement clouded... now pay attention I'll show you how to properly fight with a sword!

I step up to them as they're looking at my chest as I get my shirt back and put it back on before readying myself

Raven: I'll take you both on!

Irina starts slashing at me while using my Nasod arm to deflect her attack as I'm swinging my blade with trained eyes before she switches with Xenovia who destroys my Nasod arm as I scowl angrily

Raven: That it no more holding back!

I continue fighting as I keep her on her toes before I slash past her using speed as my attacks tear her bodysuit as she falls to her knees panting

Raven: Hypersonic Stab!

I start fighting Irina on a even playing field as I embed her sword into the ground using my sword and knees her face as they look defeated

Raven: I'll bill the church for the damages to my arm... and now I need to head home to fix this!

I head home as I get stares as my arm and when I arrive I sit down and hit repair as my arm slowly being repaired as I do my homework and when it repaired I upgrade it to be more durable to prevent that happening again as it comes out different with white armor around it as I run a system check seeing it has a new feature and I smooth my hair as I done a new outfit as I'm wearing all white with a coat

Raven: Bit by bit... I'll atone for past sins!

Few days later

I'm with the church duo in my new attire as they look at me as I look mature with my attire

Xenovia: What with your arm and attire?

Raven: I advanced my profession from Sword Taker to Blademaster... and Xenovia next time control yourself as equipment like this not cheap or common to see!

We meet up with the Kiba, Koneko, Saji, and Issei in priest clothing

Raven: Not going to say anything about this but you better have permission from your masters?

Saji: Ofcourse we do!

Raven: Just let it happen... just let it happen!

We head to an abandoned build as that psychopath here with a holy sword as I step up and stare at him

Priest: Oh it you that Devil fucker?

I jump up to confront him as I reveal my sword and ready my sword as he grinning

Raven: I'm a devil now and I know you want to kill me as I humiliated you more then once!

We start clashing blades as everyone watching a Queen peice using a blade against a crazied priest with a holy sword with expression over me as I trap freed in a blue vortex from my left hand before dashing forward and backwards four times before sending him flying back as I smile

Raven: Give up I specialize in swordsmanship!

A man comes out and looks at me with a smile

Freed: Old man Valper Galilei!

Valper: Freed... your against the Black Crow! Channel energy into your sword!

Freed does so and disappears as I deflect his attacks as he slashes my back and it burns as he keeps attacking me before I push him away scowling as I stand still

Freed: Holy swords are deadly to you but your stronger than most!

He dashes towards me as I channel energy into my blade and slash as red energy flows from Freed into me

Raven: Blood Accel!

My injuries start healing as I continue to slash at him before thrusting forward as he disappears with that man and I drop down seeing the girls and Kiba gone as Rias and Sona are here and they look at my new attire

Rias: Raven Cronwell... how are you so hot?

Raven: My room off limits when I'm doing maintenance on my Nasod arm... plus it part of my charm! Now you three are in trouble so suck it up buttercups and take it like man Koneko and bitch you two!

I head home as I see Saki in town as I see her at work at a bar as I enter and approach her as I sit at the bar

Saki: Raven why are you here?

Raven: Rough night... so I thought I come see you! Mind if I get a double shot?

Saki: You have a ID?

I pull my ID out and show it to her as she looks at it before looking at me

Saki: Your twentyfour?

Raven: My looks show I'm young but it a real ID.

She pours me a shot and I down it before we smile at eachother

Saki: Tomorrow do you mind if I come to your place for dinner?

Raven: I'll be busy with something big... it complicated but Saki I'll make it up to you afterwards.

Saki: I'm getting off work soon mind walking me home?

I pay for my shot as I smile before kissing her left hand earning a giggle and blush

Raven: Ofcourse I'm still under contract with you!

After she gets off work I escort her back home as we separate and I head to Kouh Academy as I get on the roof as Seris with me as my attire repaired as I feel a storm brewing

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