Nun and Fallen Angels

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Raven's pov

I head downstairs as Grayfia cooking breakfast as Kuroka chowing down on her food and I goto leave

Grayfia: No kiss sweetie?

Raven: Please don't act like my mom?

Grayfia: Well the other night you did...

I walk up to her and kiss her left cheek and leaves for school as I find Issei talking to a nun as I approach them

Raven: Iseei... who your friend?

They look at me and the nun looks at my arm worried about it as I shrug it off by putting it on my hip

Issei: Asia Argentina... she from Italy.

Raven: Issei see you at school.

Issei: Take care!

I head to school as he arrives late and when class over we head to the club room and I sit down just for Issei to be slapped as I have a flashback of Eve slapping Elsword as Akeno beside me

Raven: Issei... you interacted with a nun. She your enemy cause she belongs to the church... if she was an exorcist you be dead!

Rias: Raven right... your a devil and going near a church prevarication for war.

Raven: Even if you were helping her find her way to it!

Issei: Brother why are you so cold?

Raven: Don't you all have business to attend to?

I get up to leave as Koneko grabs my shirt stopping me

Koneko: Where are you going?

Raven: I'm a human Koneko... I'm going out to get a book.

Koneko: Senpai... don't go!

Raven: Fine.

I go sit back down as Koneko gets on my lap as I start petting her as she nuzzling my chest

Raven: Spoiled little girl!

Koneko: No talking just pet me.

Akeno: We have orders from the Grand Duke of a Stray!

Koneko gets off me with a pout as I get up as they see me taking my uniform off revealing my Sword Taker outfit as it looks like a uniform

Rias: Not bad maybe you should wear that to school?

Raven: Rias is it possible for me to have your crest?

Rias: Why do you want to know?

Raven: Well I'm in your service as a Mercenary... and being able to appear when you call can be useful.

Rias: Sorry only my peerage can use are circle.

I head out after packing my uniform in my bag as I pass students leaving and they see my attire as I head out into the town as I look at the cemetery and find my grave as I stand there

Raven: Here lies F/n Hyoudou... yet here I am living under a false name. Yet I must live on and carry forward!

I leave the cemetery and see a few glaces before coming face to face with my parents as I freeze

Mom: Your arm is it alright?

Raven: Yes ma'am... I had time to adjust to it and make peace with it.

Dad: You look like are eldest son but with scars, combed hair, and that arm?

Raven: I traveled alot sir.

Grayfia appears and hugs me from behind pressing her bust on my head

Grayfia: Son, who are they?

Raven: Mom... I don't know?

Mom: I'm Miki Hyoudou.

Dad: And I'm Gorou Hyoudou.

Grayfia: I'm Grayfia Cronwell... this is my handsome son Raven.

They leave as my cheeks fluster as now I must call her mom instead of anything romantic

Grayfia: Come along Raven... you need to do your chores!

She takes me home and straight to my room as she gets me in my bed and strips

Grayfia: Call me mommy and I'll let you suck on my tits as we have sex.

Raven: Grayfia I appreciate you doing that but not tonight please.

Grayfia: You ok darling?

Raven: Visiting a empty grave and seeing them after eight years... lying to them instead of being open about it... cut deeper then my sword.

Grayfia gets in bed with me and cuddles with me as she kiss my chin

Grayfia: You should rest my love... I'll be fine with you no matter what your called  but you must come clean eventually.

Raven: Grayfia, Rias said I was her pawn's brother... that true I'm F/n Hyoudou but he died eight years ago.

Grayfia falls asleep in my arm and I join her in sleep

Next day

I walk onto campus and sits at my desk as Issei comes in looking defeated

Raven: What happened?

Issei: Nothing... Rias doesn't want you to know.

Raven: I'm part of the club too!

Issei: Sorry...

After classes I head to the club room and when I barge in I see Rias and approach her

Rias: Yes Raven?

Raven: Rias Gremory... what do you want from me for you to trust me? I get it I'm a human but I'm also a older sibling.

Rias: Nothing as my peerage doesn't need a Mercenary to be protected!

Raven: It not you I'm protecting it Issei... as your too soft and not helping him train his Scared Gear! That why I gave you my service to help him defend himself and friends.

Rias: Raven... what do you know about Sacred Gears?

Raven: I know enough... let say I fought a few even killed.

Rias: Atonement of your sins, I see?

Raven: Yes... I'll atone for my past sins!

Rias: Your arm... I'll carve my crest into you and you into my circle. Your my sword until Issei becomes a high ranking devil.

I offer my right hand as she draws a circle on my palm before I get beside her standing as everyone else comes in

Rias: You have pacts to do.

Raven: Lady Rias, if it possible I like to train Issei.

Rias: May I ask why?

Raven: He needs discipline and a fighting style!

Rias: Soon my blade!

They head out to do pacts as I sit in the club room with Rias playing chess as everyone returns but Issei as we react to his presence disappearing as they open a portal and I dash through blocking a psychopathic priest

Priest: Oh a devil with balls!

Raven: How dare you harm my little brother?

Priest: I'll cut you and him to itty bitty pieces!

I push him back as I ready my arm and blade as Asia here scared and exposed as everyone else arrives

Raven: Asia you'll be fine... you leave I'll be fine!

Issei: Wait brother... don't stay!

They leave and I fight the priest as I avoid his gun before grabbing Asia and flee as she blushing while avoiding Fallen Angels light spears til I lose them under the bridge when I enter the sewers as she scared

Asia: What are you?

Raven: Raven Cronwell... I work with one of the devil heirs controlling this territory. To protect my little brother as he was killed by Raynare and reincarnated as a Devil. Asia Argentina I'll protect your smile!

Asia: Thank you Raven... you don't mind if I fall asleep in your arm?

Raven: Go ahead.

She falls asleep in my arm as I exit the sewer and head home and when I enter I set Asia on my empty bed before sitting down at my desk as I put on my desk

Raven: That bastard... used corrupted light to hurt my brother and stripped Asia to violent her.

Next day

I'm in town with Asia while I'm skipping school as Issei joins up with us and we have fun eating burgers and playing in a arcade till we end up in thr park

Asia: Thank you for these happy memories.

Raven: It what friends do Asia...

Issei: Bro when did you get soft?

I put my left hand in his face as I have a look of someone who will attack

Asia: Please don't fight.

I look towards the statue revealing Raynare as I scowl angrily

Raynare: The Black Crow, a Devil, and a Nun what a joke?

Raven: Raynare!

Raynare: Asia return to us and we'll spare your friend's lives... or their family lives!

Asia: If I go with you they'll live?

I walk up to Raynare as I show her my rage before stopping a foot apart of her

Raven: She under my protection Raynare and my word my bond.

Raynare: Weak bond as she needed for an important ritual... and she was under are protecting first!

I dodge a few light spears before hearing Issei screaming as another fallen it him as I scowl

Raynare: Save Asia or your brother?

Raven: I'll be seeing you soon!

I grab Issei and teleport us to the club room as Rias and Akeno strip naked to heal him as Grayfia appears with my sword as it feels cold on the blade

Raven: Grayfia why does my sword feel ice cold?

Grayfia: My magic over ice... if you plan on saving that nun.

Rias: You can't just walk in the church?

Raven: Grayfia can vouch for me in this when I don't give a damn... I gave her my word that she was under my protection. And I rather lay my life down to save her... your a pure devil you know nothing of humanity and self sacrifice?

Rias: Raven... go I can't stop you from going.

Raven: Issei... when I get back I'm teaching you how to fight.

I head to the church as I'm stopped by three Fallen Angels two female and male as I recognize the one from the park who attacked Issei after becoming a devil

Raven: Move aside... I don't have beef with you three.

Loli: No cause their a ritual going on and we have to stop any trespassers!

I point my sword at them as they ready for a fight before jumping up slash my sword sending a shockwave

Raven: Shockwave!

They dodge and I rush towards the church as I ready my Nasod arm and jump up and force it to expel a burst of energy breaking the door open as the Angels land behind me and that priest in front of me

Priest: If it isn't the devil fucker?

Raven: I'm the Black Crow Raven Cronwell... and get out of my way!

I fight all four of them as Grayfia's magic starts slowing them as I critical injure the angels and he flees as I head below seeing Raynare holding Asia's scared gear

Raynare: Twlight Healing finally mine... Your too late Crow!

I trigger my awakening as a red hue around me with sparks of lightning around me and a drone behind me as my eyes show malice and rage

Raynare: Kill him!

I start slaughtering these stray priests to reach Asia as I show no remorse and when I reach her I pick her up covered in blood as she weak and dying

Raven: Give it back!

Raynare: I don't think so... you can leave I got what I want.

I leave the blood and body littered room and set her down on a bench as I fall to my knees and rub her left cheek with my right hand

Raven: God... why did you let this happen? She was pure and innocent, she just wanted to have friends with her cheerful smile... but you excommunicated her for what healing a Devil with a gift you bestowed her... look at what you did to her life. I shouldn't be praying to you not after all I done... But then again I don't have much faith to being with. Asia Argentina rest in peace... your in the light at Saint Peter's gate!

Raynare: How cute a human with no faith praying for a girl who was branded a witch?

I stand up as my blade slashes Raynare in quick precision slash as I stare at her

Raven: Shut... up...

Raynare heals her injury as I dash past her slashing at her at high speed as she screams in pain as I hold Asia's rings from her Scared Gear

Raven: HyperSonic Stab...

Raynare relies I stole back her Scared Gear as her wings are destroyed from my blade and falls on the ground as I point my blade at her

Raynare: What are you?

Rias comes in with her peerage seeing me readying my sword to kill her

Rias: Raven Cronwell enough!

I lower my blade and approach Asia to return her Scared Gear to her as Koneko brings in the other three Fallen Angels tied up as they look scared as they see my blood soaked body

Raven: Rias... bring her back

Rias: What did say?

Raven: Bring her back as a devil as she deserves to be happy.

I approach the Falllen Angels as they're scared that I'll kill them

Raven: Leave this town and never return or face death.

Loli: Wait... what are you doing?

I cut them loose as Rias reincarnates Asia as she looks at me and the man leaves

Loli: We can't return we'll be killed.

Raven: Not my problem girl... you dug your own grave now fill it with your punishment.

Blue: Do you need maids?

Raven: Rias I'll take custody of them... I need a bath!

I escort the three Fallen Angels as Raynare wings are destroyed and when we arrive at my house I go get a bath as my attire put in alcazar and lemon and I throughly clean my Nasod arm before heading to bed

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