So... This is Your New Life

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Name: Y/N Hyoudou 

Age: 19

Height: 6 ft

Weight: 185 lbs (muscle)

Sacred Gear: Boosted Gear


Rias Gremory (20 years old)

Akeno Himejima (20 years old)

Asia Argento (19 years old)

Koneko Toujou (18 years old)

Xenovia (19 years old)

Irina Shidou (19 years old)

Rossweisse (22 years old)

Raynare (20 years old)

Kalawarner (21 years old)

Mittelt (19 years old)

Likes: Training, chilling out, his girls, his familiars, music, video games, his boosted gear, his friends and family.

Dislikes: Riser Phenex, rogue exorcists, some fallen angels, perverts, bullies, cocky enemies, seeing his friends and family getting hurt, not being able to help anyone.

[A/N: There will be more girls added to the harem as the story progresses and also... expect some sexier, hotter, steamier lemons along the way with this new and improved version.]

You're currently sitting in your living room, bored out of your mind and watching some old anime shows. It's late at night and you're watching High School DxD. Now, you've seen this show hundreds of times and while it was funny at first, you began to realize something.

Y/N: "Psh... All that power at his disposal, yet the only way he gets stronger is through touching some titties? This is ridiculous, I could gain more power than he ever did. *facepalm* Listen to me rambling, it's just a fucking show, what do I care?"

With a sigh, you just suck it up and finish the current episode so you could head to bed soon. After it was over, you turned off the TV and went to get some water in the kitchen. You chug down your full cup of water and then headed over to your bedroom. Afterwards, the next thing you do is jump on your bed.

You sigh and quickly pass out. Your body feels light and warm, almost weightless even. You can feel yourself drifting off into the dreamland... or so you thought.

[Much time later]

For a while everything just seemed to go on like an endless dark void, no signs of life at all, not in the slightest. But then...

???: "Y/N! Y/N, will you hurry up and get out of bed, your breakfast is getting cold and you'll be late for school!"

The sound of a female voice you... kinda recognize makes you blink awake and then sit up. But when you do, you look around and notice you're not in your old bedroom anymore.

Y/N: *looks around* "What the? This is... if I'm not mistaken... Issei's bedroom, but... there's no porno or hentai posters anywhere. So, why the hell am I in his room, sleeping in his bed? And... if I'm in his room, does... does that mean I'm part of the Hyoudou family?"

You climb out of bed and go over to the closet and look for your school uniform... but for some reason you can't find it.

Y/N: "What the hell? Where is it?" *thinks* "Shouldn't I have a Kuoh Academy uniform on me? Why the hell isn't it here? I'm probably gonna regret this, but..." *aloud, calling out* "Hey, mom, you have any idea where I put my school uniform?"

Mom?: *from another room* "Uniform? Honey, uniforms are only for high school students. Did you forget that you graduated or that you go to Kuoh University now?

Y/N: *thinks* "What?! University? Kuoh's a university? That can't be right, I thought it was Kuoh Academy, a private high school. Or... Or maybe this is some sort of AU. If this is an alternate reality, then... where's Issei and what's happened to him?"

Mom?: *from another room* "Y/N, did you hear me?"

Y/N: "Oh, uh... Yeah! Sorry, mom. I'll be down, right now." *thinks* "No time like the present. I'd better suit up and find out more."

So, some time later, taking care of your personal hygiene routine and dressing up in some casual clothing (of your choice), you make your way downstairs to find Issei's... or your parents sitting at the dining table, obviously halfway done with breakfast.

The man is Gorou Hyoudou and his wife is Miki Hyoudou. And strangely... Issei is not here.

Y/N: "Hey, mom... dad... uh... where's Issei at?"

But Gorou and Miki then looked at each other and you with confused looks, as if the name was foreign to them.

Miki: "Sweetie, who are you talking about?"

Gorou: "We don't know any Issei, sport."

Y/N: "Wait, really? But isn't he also your son?"

Gorou: "Uh... kiddo, I'm not sure if you know this, but... we never had a son before you. In fact... *somberly* we were never able to conceive, no matter how hard we tried."

Miki: *somberly* "He's right, dear. And because of that, we had no other choice but to... to..."

Y/N: "Adopt?"

Their slow nods finally answered your question. However... what you do next will surprise them.

Y/N: "I see... well, you know what? It's alright. I don't care if we're not related by blood. I mean... you took me in out of the kindness of your hearts and we've been a family ever since. So, adopted or not, you're still both my parents."

The Hyoudous smiled with relief and you gave them both a big hug before sitting down to eat your breakfast. Still, this was a whole lot to process in one go. So apparently, Issei Hyoudou doesn't exist in this world because his parents couldn't conceive. You're their adopted child and you've been taken care of by them all these years and on top of that, you attend Kuoh University, not Kuoh Academy.

But now there are more questions flooding your mind, like what's Kuoh University like, what else is different about this world, what can you do to change things? Well, you're not gonna get them just by pondering them in your head and sitting around. 

After eating breakfast and saying your goodbyes to your parents, you head out with all of your school stuff and follow the path provided on your phone to Kuoh University.

After arriving at Kuoh University, it looks almost like the academy from the canon series. The only difference is that this is a college now... and... it looks like it has dorm rooms.

Y/N: "So, this is it. I wonder if I have a room here." *walks in*

While you step onto campus grounds, you see a few of the ladies talking to each other before they look in your direction. They, surprisingly, gave you friendly waves and smiles.

Girl 1: "Y/N, welcome back. Did you have a nice Summer?"

Y/N: "Uh... yeah, sure did. How was your Summer, ladies?"

Girl 1: "It was nice. I got to relax a little and hang out with friends."

Girl 2: "I got to catch up on some reading. I finished like 30 books this Summer, I couldn't put them down."

Girl 3: "I went to visit my parents graves and celebrate their anniversary of their wedding."

Y/N: "Aww, that's sweet. I'm sure they appreciate it. May they rest their souls in peace."

Girl 3: "Thanks. How'd you enjoy your time with your parents"

Y/N: "Pretty good, actually."

Girl 1: "Good to hear. By the way, the Student Council President has your class schedule for the semester and waiting for you."

Y/N: "Gotcha. I'll go and get it right now. You girls take care."

So, apparently, you're good friends with the girls at this school, something you consider a plus. Good thing to. The last thing you need is to be ridiculed as a pervert when you're not... at least not in public, but in a healthy relationship... maybe.

Moving right along, you enter the school building and go over to the directory and check the map of the place. 

Y/N: "Okay, so this is where the Student Counsel President's office is at, that shouldn't be too hard to find."

Following the directions from the map, you eventually arrive at the front door leading to the Student Counsel's Office. But man, the door, or in this case, the double door was 3 times taller than you or anybody else in this entire school.

Y/N: "Sheesh, it'd make sense if it were for Shaquille O' Neal, but the student counsel? Makes you think they're compensating for something. Ah, no time to be a smart-ass." *knocks on door*

???: "Enter."

You walk inside and there she is, Sona Sitri and Tsubaki Shinra.

Sona: "Ah, Y/N, so glad you could make it. I trust you had a good Summer and are ready for the next semester."

Y/N: "Sure am."

Sona: "Good. Now then. *pulls out schedule from desk drawer* I've got your semester schedule printed out right here. Also, there's something you need to know."

Y/N: "And what's that?"

Sona: "There was an attempted robbery at your house last night, but we managed to put a stop to it."

Y/N: "Wait, seriously? I'm surprised me and my parents weren't hurt." 

Sona: *confused* "Uh... beg your pardon?"

Y/N: "Wh-What? Did I say something wrong?"

It was then that the girls explained that you had your own house that was closer to campus than your parents house. So apparently, you spent the weekend at the Hyoudou residence with your adopted parents when you already had a house of your own. Albeit, it is only until you graduate from college, but you still have your own home.

After concluding your business with them, clearing up the confusion and receiving your daily class schedule, you check which class you have to attend first. Next, you check your phone next to see what time it was, not wanting to show up unprepared.

Y/N: "Hmm... okay, I got just enough time to get all my textbooks."

[Timeskip because REASONS!!!]

It was now around noon and lunchtime has just started. You're chilling outside, enjoying a nice, hot, refreshing lunch of your favorite food. During the first half of the school day, you learned something interesting about this brand new reality.

While, it's true that Issei was never born, his two pervy nimrod friends couldn't come to this school due to their perverted and jaded history back in high school. As a result of their antics, they were blacklisted from this and any other college in Kuoh. Which meant that those two morons won't be bothering anyone here.

Works out fine for you. Another thing you learned is the fact that Kuoh University not only has dorm rooms, but also apartments in the area for students to rent out. During lunch hours like this, students are free to leave the campus and find other places to study or eat their lunches as long as they make it back before class.

Just like how Kuoh Academy was once an all-girls school, Kuoh University was the same, but then got turned into co-ed. Naturally, there have been a few male candidates who wanted in, but not everyone could get in and you were one of the select few who got in.

Anyways, while enjoying your lunch, your mind is flooded with a wave of questions regarding this alternate reality. Questions like what kind of Sacred Gear are you gonna have? Are you even gonna have a Sacred Gear in your possession at all? Will you be able to fix the problems that didn't sit well in canon? What about the Rating Game with that fried chicken shithead, can you win against him?

Y/N: *shakes head* "Come on, man. You're overthinking it. Issei wasted most of his time trying to enhance his pervertedness with his powers, but I'll do way better than him! One way or another, I'm going to go farther than he ever did in canon!"

Shaking off your nerves, you continue to eat your lunch peacefully, unaware of the watchful eyes of a certain kitty girl looking at you from afar while she eats her chocolate.

[Another timeskip later...]

After getting done with the rest of your classes, you exit the campus grounds, only to get stopped once again by Sona and Tsubaki. The president and vice president seemed to have been waiting for you, but for what reason did they want with you?

Sona: "There you are. Apologies for the surprise, but remember earlier when I told you about the break-in that happened last night?"

Y/N: "Yes?"

Tsubaki: "We had to change the lock on your front door, so we've come to give you your new house keys."

Y/N: "Oh, okay. Hey, if you got time, do you wanna stop by my house for a quick game of chess?"

Sona: "Hmm... well, I do have some time to spare, but what brought this up so suddenly?"

Y/N: "Just wanted to enjoy a nice game after a long day of setting into the new school year."

Sona thought about it and eventually agreed to it and soon, unbeknownst to them, you follow them to your house since you had no clue where it was yourself. But from the moment you saw your house, you couldn't stop your eyes from widening at the sight.

Y/N: *thinks* "Wow... So... this is my new house, huh? These girls are extremely generous that's for sure. I wonder what the interior is like. I'd better keep it cool so they don't get sus."

Sona: "Well, here we are. And here's your new house key."

Y/N: "Thanks, Sona." *accepts the keys*

You go to unlock the door and then let Sona and Tsubaki inside before heading in yourself and locking up. You look around you and the place... well, gorgerous is putting it lightly.

Y/N: *thinks* "WHOA!!! You've gotta be KIDDING ME! This feels like the ritz to me, but hey, who's complaining about it?"

Keeping your cool, you move to the kitchen... and once again, it's just as luxurious and fancy as the living room.

Y/N: *thinks* "God DAMN! I could definitely host a couple of parties here if given the chance. But no, I should brew some tea. I do have guests here and it's only proper."

A few minutes later, you come out of the kitchen with a couple of fresh hot cups of tea and see that the chess board is all set up on the coffee table and so you join them. Giving each lady a cup of tea before yourself, you then sit on your knees with Sona while Tsubaki sits on the couch, sipping her tea peacefully.

Tsubaki: "This is quite good."

Y/N: "Thanks. So, shall we begin?"

Sona: "Absolutely."

And so begins your friendly game of chess with the Student Counsil President and the start of a brand new life in the DxD-verse. Many surprises await you and the first of many surprises are just around the corner with unexpected twists... ones that'll leave you speechless.

[A/N: And here it is, the first chapter of my remastered story. The next chapter will be an explanation of what's to come so you won't have to worry about me repeating myself like I've done in the past countless times, but I hope you enjoyed the first chapter and as always, like many others... STAY TUNED!!!]

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