The Twilight Saint part 2: in Resolve

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Y/n pov

The next day came and we had a day off from school. Walking by a riverbed I thought about last night. The fight with Raynare was tougher than I thought. I wasn't prepared but I'm not gonna let that be the end. While I was lost in thought I found myself running into three of the girls.

Y/n: Huh?

Aika: Well look at what we have here. Fancy running into you here Y/n.

Y/n: Whats up with you guys?

Katase: We're just heading to the shopping district to hang out.

Y/n: I see makes sense.

Orihime:You know Y/n if you want you can join us.

Y/n: Sure why not. I got nothing planned for today anyways.

Aika:*smirks* Good come on Stud~ Let's have some fun!

Y/n: You're already making me regret this.

Aika laughed teasing me before I followed them. As we went to the mall they dragged me from store to store.

Katase:*smiles* Hey Y/n you should try this Strawberry Daifuku!

Katase offered me some to which I ate it.

Y/n: Wow it tastes pretty good.

Katase giggled as I smiled then Aika walked over to me.

Aika: Hey Y/n how do I look?

I turned to look at her seeing her in some new clothes she bought.

Y/n: You look good to me why?

Aika:*grins* You sure I'm just GOOD huh?~

Y/n: Yeah? That's why I said it.

3rd person pov

Aika: (mind) For a guy whose so smart he's so dense sometimes.

Orihime and Katase laughed unknown to them a certain 3 were watching them from a bush.

Isshin: That's my boy! He's got those girls in the bag!

Yuzu: I didn't know Y/n was such a ladies man.

Karin: You guys really enjoy this huh? You guys know he isn't with them right?

Isshin: Are you kidding no woman alive can resist the Kurosaki Rizz!

Karin: If you ever say that word again I'm abandoning you as my father for life.


Isshin turned around seeing his angry son staring back at him.

Y/n: Am I interrupting something ?

Not wasting time Y/n kicked his dad into a trash can yelling at his dad.


Karin walked over to her dad and sighed.

Karin: Should've seen that coming.

Orihime: Hi there Yuzu Karin are you guys off from school too?

Yuzu: Yep!

Karin: Still didn't plan on spending my day stalking my brother.

Katase: Then why don't you girls hang out with us?

Yuzu: You guys sure?

Aika:*grins* I don't see why not. What do you say Y/n?


Doesn't bother me none if they wanna tag along.

Yuzu: Awesome!

At that moment the sisters joined them having a great day. Shopping eating and having fun. During their time Y/n and Orihime waited on a bench. While the others used the restroom Orihime began to speak with Y/n.

Orihime: Um Y/n?

Y/n: Whats up?

Orihime: I'm glad you joined us today I'm having alot of fun.

Y/n: Glad to hear it Inoue.

Orihime: I know this might sound silly but after that break in 2 tonight's ago; I've been having a weird dream.

Y/n: Weird dream?

Orihime:*nods* uh-huh I know this sounds silly. But it's about you fighting a monster that night and protecting me.

Y/n looked at Orihime surprised causing her to stare at him confused.

Orihime: Whats wrong did I say something wrong?

Y/n: N-no it's nothing. Like you said I bet it's just a weird dream.

A few seconds later the others came out and rejoined the others.

Aika: What were you two talking about?

Orihime: Nothing really important really hehe!

Y/n: Yep now are we gonna keep going or what?

Katase: Yeah oh right I almost forgot! There's this Karaoke machine on sale! My mom wanted me to buy it for family night! 

Yuzu: Oh that sounds like fun! Hey Y/n do you think we can buy one for home too?

Y/n: Huh I don't see why not. I don't think dad will have a problem with it.

Karin: The only problem I can see is having to ear his tone deaf singing when he gets drunk.

Aika:*snickers* He's that bad huh?

Y/n: You don't even know.

Laughing together as they continued to shop the group of teens enjoyed the their time until dawn came around. After Yuzu and Karin went home Y/n met with Rukia by their usual training spot. Y/n quickly switching his shirt for a tank top he spoke with Rukia.

Y/n: Where'd you get that dress from?

Rukia: What you mean this I went shopping  how else?

Y/n: I guess that's a stupid question but where the hell are you gonna keep that stuff?

Rukia: In your closet where I sleep of course.


You and I are gonna have a serious conversation about that after this crap is  over. You know for someone whose so old you sure aren't really  aren't so wise.

Rukia: What makes you say that? I think that it's  rather smart.

Y/n: Yeah  about as smart as shoving your hand  in a fire! You know how weird it is to casually just be living in someone's freaking closet is!?  You don't have any idea what kinda situation i'll be put in if my family suddenly starts finding women's clothing in my damn closet! Especially crap that doesn't fit me!  Don't even get me started on the possibility of someone finding out I got a girl living my closet!

Rukia: You're being too childish. 

Y/n: Like hell I am!

Rukia: Look if you really think it's that much of a problem we can talk about it later then. For now you need to get stronger.

Y/n: Yeah your right. Alright let's do this!

Timeskip brought to you by this

A/n pov

As the next day came Y/n walked through the park seeing  Issei and Asia. Walking over to see what was up Y/n listened in to their conversation.

Asia: Issei I wanted to thank you for what you and Y/n have done for me. I'm truly grateful for everything. I had alot of fun with you guys.

Issei: Asia what's up with you?

Asia: I-I came to say goodbye.

Y/n:(mind) What the hell is going on?

Issei: What does that supposed to mean?

Asia: I...I can't see you or Y/n anymore!

Y/n pov

My widened as the next thing I knew Raynare appeared once again.

Raynare: Long time no see Issei.

Issei: W-What the hell are you doing here?!

Raynare: What do you think? I'm here to take dear little Asia here.


Issei Summoned his sacred Gear then ran at Raynare.

Issei: LET ASIA GO!!!!!

Raynare threw a light spear into Issei's  shoulder causing to me run.


I  ran towards Raynare who grabbed Asia. As I ran towards them I reached out to grab Asia.


Asia's face filled with tears as she looked at me with regret. Before she vanished with Raynare.


Issei: W-We gotta do something!

I turned to Issei who held his shoulder.


Clenching my fist in anger I looked up at him then spoke.

Y/n: We will! Let's go we don't have time to lose!

Rukia and Rias ran towards us then spoke.

Rukia: Y/n what the heck happened?!

Y/n: Raynare.. she attacked Issei and took Asia away. We gotta find her and save her!

Rukia: What are you talking about?.

Y/n:We don't have time to waste!

Issei: I.. I think I know  where she was taken. It's got to be the church...

Rias: I can't let you go  then Issei.

Y/n/Issei: What?

Rias: Issei last night you were nearly killed by priest. I forbid you from going for a reason. Your not ready for it.

Issei:B-But Rias-

Y/n: He's coming with me and that's final.

The others looked at me in shock before I spoke again.

Y/n: Issei  if you think you can fight then get up...let's go.

Rias: Y/n I know how you guys feel-


LIKE HELL YOU DO!  You didn't see the look on her face like I did! That look in her eyes...I know that look all too well..She's alone right now...helpless to stop the suffering those around her feel. She doesn't have anyone else....and i'm not gonna stand by.


Issei: He's right....I...I can't let Asia suffer miss president.. Up until yesterday she didn't have anyone who cared about her but now she's gonna have the taken away from her. I...I wanna save her.... I know i'm not as tough as the rest of you.....BUT I CAN'T SIT BY LIKE THIS!

Rias: Issei.....

Y/n: You saved his life before... despite the fact you never knew Issei. If your as good as you try to act then you're gonna have to get out of our way..neither of us are superman who can carry the weight of the  world on their shoulders...But at the very least.. we can try to save those who are close to us!

Rukia: *Smiles* Y/n

Rias: My world still stands....Issei isn't allowed to go.

Y/n: You-

Rias: Alone that is.... Issei...if you want to save her then we will..but we need to have a plan. Let's head back to O.R.C building then talk with the others. By the time night comes we'll strike.


Y/n: We'll meet up later then. Thank you Rias.

Rias: It's nothing....I'm thankful you believe in me. Be ready later..

Heading home to prepare I waited until midnight came. The moment it did Rukia and I hurried towards the church. Entering my soul reaper form  I noticed the others arriving.

Y/n: You guys ready for this?

Issei: Yeah but dude what the heck is that get up for? You look so  dumb.

Y/n: That doesn't matter right now idiot!

Kiba: haha Your right but that's one hell of a sword. You looking to slice the building down?

Y/n: Shut up will ya I can't chose the things size.

Kiba: Whatever works right? But I just hope your ready.

Koneko: You idiots need to focus.

Akeno: Koneko is right this is the time for action.

Rias: Agreed the enemy has no doubt realized we are going to strike. The moment we start this there will be no going back..if we fail this Asia Argento will die. I hope you both are prepared to do whatever it takes to save her.

Issei: I'm ready!

Y/n:We're gonna save her......I swear. 

Rias: Alright then....let's go everyone!

Everyone: Yeah!

We ran through the forest charging towards the church. I felt the energy coming from the church and I knew. Even through all that energy; Asia was there with Raynare.  I wasn't gonna let things end the same way as last time. Running deeper into the forest I jumped back to see a light spear was thrown. Looking up towards the tree seeing 3 fallen angels who were waiting for us.

Dohnaseek: Look at what we have here a group of intruders..

???1: You guys totally suck at  sneak attacks you know that? We sensed you from miles away.

Y/n: Fine by guys just saved us the effort of hunting you at the church.Where's Raynare and what the hell is she doing with Asia!

??? 2: Raynare is in the church up ahead.. Preforming the ritual as we speak.

Rias: What Ritual?

Dohnaseek: As we speak Raynare is removing Asia's  sacred gear to take for her self.

Akeno: No it can't be.

???2: I'm sure you just connected the dots.

??? 1: *smirks* Yep in order for  Raynare to gain the brats sacred gear; it'll kill her.

Y/n: Then in that case we can't waste any more time.

Drawing my sword I slashed the tree in half causing the 3 fallen to jump to the ground.

Y/n: Get the hell out of our way before we force you!

Dohnaseek: Kalawarmer...Millet.. Let's take care of these pest.


A/n pov

 The groups clashed  as the battle to save Asia Argento begun. As the clock slowly ticks down her life hangs in the balance.

To be continued

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