4. Attention

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As soon as I arrived at school, I was hit with sudden drowsiness. The thought of learning all day made me tired.

I hadn't even noticed the number of stares I was receiving until this 'Mr. Worldwide Handsome' nudged my shoulder, all because of the new transfer student, something I should be used to. When I was new, I also received stares, it was even worse that I embarrassed myself not knowing how to talk to anyone and cling to my stepbrother. Still, even though I was only a few months into school, I had already acquired a generous amount of friends. There were also some bullies who I'd been able to avoid, luckily.

"Who is that?"

"Is he with her?"

"Are they together?"

"How does she know him?"

All the whispers made me scared to move and I frantically searched the crowd for a familiar face.

"Hey," the person standing next me said as I glanced up, "Maybe, I should go to the principal's office and find out my classes and all the information I need. I'll see you around." He winked and ran, hiding from all the students who swooned over him, including males surprisingly.

Despite the absence of the male, stares enveloped me. It was scary but normal, I was still new anyways. I parked my bike and headed inside.


The first four classes were normal except one girl who asked me who "he" was and I just told her a short summary of the story.

"I met him on my way to school when I crashed into him and guided him to school as repayment that's all." She left satisfied knowing I was no one important and she went to tell her friends.

Walking to lunch my friends, Park Idaliz and Hua Xi, found me. The reason we hit it off so easily was because they were once in a similar situation. One being half Hispanic and Korean and the other is Chinese.

Together they told me all the information they gathered on the new kid, apparently his name is Jin. We sat together as they fangirled and I stared out into space wondering what would happen with Jin.

" Why aren't you eating better. You will become weak if you only eat a little, what if you faint?"

I jumped from shock as someone dramatically yelled, not super loud but loud enough for my table to hear.

"Yah! What do you - oh, Jin. Hello." My heartbeat suddenly increased as my face heated up.

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