A Pilgrim In Vale

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Third Person View

A person was seen walking on a sidewalk with raggy clothing with his hood up, holding his satchel. People that were walking by him, were talking that he's an outsider from outside the walls, who travel the world by themselves. They are known as Pilgrims.

A Pilgrim was inside the walls of the city of Vale walking on the sidewalk. The Pilgrim then heard a woman calling out to him.

Woman: Excuse me, sir?! I need your help!

The Pilgrim then walked to the woman that was calling out him to talk to her.

Pilgrim: (pulls hood back) What's the matter?

Woman: Please, sir, I need your help.

Pilgrim: What seems to be the problem?

Woman: You see, I'm a caretaker in an orphanage, just around the block. One of the little boys left without saying anything.

Pilgrim: What's his name?

Woman: His name is Y/n. He's only 12 years old. If anything happens to him... then... I don't know what I will do...

Pilgrim: It's alright, I'll find him. As a Pilgrim, I did plenty of tracking.

Woman: You're a Pilgrim? I never saw you here before. If you are looking for Y/n, he's somewhere North West of 140th Street. If you find him, tell him Bethany sent you.

Pilgrim: Okay. I'll look for him.

Bethany: Thank you, Pilgrim.

The Pilgrim walk off to do his search of the missing child that ran away from the orphanage.

After a few minutes, the Pilgrim found the location where Y/n is while he was tracking him down. The Pilgrim went into an alley way where he saw a child that Bethany mentioned, sitting on the floor with his arms crossed on his knees.

The Pilgrim then went up to the missing child who is Y/n to talk to him.

Pilgrim: (kneels down) Hey, there. What's your name?

Young Y/n: Y/n.

Pilgrim: I was asked to bring you back to Bethany.

Young Y/n: You mean back to the orphanage? Forget it. I'm not going back there. I'm better off on my own than being in a place like that.

Pilgrim: Why are you mad?

Young Y/n: Because I'm tired of being in that shit-hole, okay?!

Pilgrim: Woah. Strong language you just said.

Young Y/n: I don't care what I say! I can't do what I want!

Pilgrim: Wait, if you're in an orphanage, where are your parents?

Young Y/n: ......... I don't wanna talk about it...

Pilgrim: It's okay you can-

Young Y/n: I said I don't wanna talk about it, okay?!

Pilgrim: Okay, okay. Why don't you wanna head back to the orphanage?

Young Y/n: I already said it to you, I'm tired of living in that place. I don't wanna be in an orphanage anymore. I want to be free.

Pilgrim: Free from what?

Young Y/n: Free from everything, of course! I want to explore the city. Heck, I want to travel across the world if I want to, even outside of the walls.

Pilgrim: Look, Y/n, I've been outside the walls. And it's dangerous out there.

Young Y/n: Why?

Pilgrim: Out there, it's filled with infected. And you can't handle them for a kid like you. You're too young.

Young Y/n: I'm not that young.

Pilgrim: Y/n, you're only 12 years old. There's no way you can take on the infected with your age.

Young Y/n: Okay, fine.

Pilgrim: What else do you have in mind?

Young Y/n: Well... When I grow up, I want to be just like you. You're a Pilgrim right? You said you came from outside the walls. I want to be just like you one day. Travel, explore, I can on. I've always wanted to be Pilgrim, but I guess I have to wait for that one day.

Pilgrim: That sounds good.

Young Y/n: Thank you... uh, who are you?

Aiden: I'm Aiden.

Young Y/n: I want to be just like you someday, Aiden. Thank you.

Aiden: No problem. Come on, let's get you back to Bethany.

Young Y/n: Okay.

Aiden and Y/n stand up to walk back to the orphanage where Bethany was waiting for them.

After a few walks, Bethany saw Aiden with Y/n walking towards her.

Bethany: You found him! (walks to Y/n) Y/n, what were you thinking? You had me worried.

Young Y/n: I don't want to spend my life in an orphanage for a long time, Bethany. I just want to explore the city.

Bethany: Y/n, you could have just asked.

Young Y/n: I know, but sometimes, I don't need to ask. I can do things on my own.

Aiden: Hold on. Bethany, can I have a talk with Y/n?

Bethany: Of course, but not too long.

Aiden and Y/n saw Bethany going inside the orphanage building to have their conversation.

Aiden: Y/n, listen carefully, okay?

Young Y/n: Okay, I'm listening.

Aiden: You're gonna go far, one day. When you grow up, you will have to make your own choices.

Young Y/n: My own choices? What does that have to do with me?

Aiden: Because the choices you make will have consequences, and it will affect the people around you that you will meet one day. And every choice you make, shapes the future. Irreversibly.

Young Y/n: Okay. I won't forget this. I hope to see you again soon, Aiden.

Aiden: Well, I won't be in the city for long. The road's calling for me out there. But, in time, we will see each other again, one day.

Young Y/n: I hope so.

Bethany: Y/n! It's time to come back inside!

Young Y/n: Coming! (to Aiden) It was nice meeting you, Aiden. Bye.

Aiden: Take care, kid.

Aiden watches Y/n go back to Bethany and went inside the orphanage to smile at the sight that he is going to be growing up soon. Aiden then turns around and put his hood back up and started walking away from the orphanage and continue on with his day, as Pilgrim.


First Person View

Your Point Of View

You woke up in your room in the Fish Eye, with UV lights shining on you as you sat on the edge of the bed to think about the person you remember who helped you back when you were young.

You: ... Aiden... I hope you're still alive...

To be continued


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