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"Shadowkit! Get off me you mouse-brain!"Birchkit squealed.
"Never, intruder!"Shadowkit squawked.
"Okay, okay, I surrender!"Birchkit sighed.
"Yay!"Shadowkit purred. As she turned her back away, Birchkit jump up and lept on her. She let out a yelp.
"Surprise is the warrior's greatest weapon!"he growled.
"Oh, I'll get you for that!"she hissed.
"Kits!"Wheatrye rasped,"Your sister is trying to sleep and so am I! Go to bed,"
The siblings shook their heads.
"Kits, bed,"
Amberkit sighed. I wish that my eyes were open, then I could see the world.
"Come on,"Wheatrye purred, settling into a comfortable sleeping position,"Good night,"

"Argh, why won't you open your eyes, we want to play with you!" Shadowkit moaned.
"I told you, I don't know how!" Amberkit sighed.
"You know, my child, they're right, you need to see the world at some point,"Wheatrye agreed.
"Again, I don't know how!"she groaned, "I can't!"
"Not can't, won't,"her mother purred, as if reviewing an old memory with those words.
Amberkit smiled, "Okay, I'll try,"
The brown kit stretched her eyelids wide and saw a blurry shape in front of her. As her eyes adjusted, she made out a black kit with a white splot above her nose and greyish-blue eyes.
She gasped,"Shadowkit!"she turned her gaze to a creamy, white tabby tom with green eyes, "Birchkit!"
"Yay! It worked!"
"Surprise attack!"Shadowkit purred from behind her and before Amberkit knew it, she was on the floor.
"You win!"she gulped.
"Nice try! I'm not falling for that again!"
"Are you falling for this again?" Birchkit lept at her, using the element of surprise.
"No!"she purred, braced for impact.
"Aww..."Birchkit sighed, then he perked up, "Let's play moss-ball!"
"Yes!"the sisters choroused.
"Hey! Not yet!"Wheatrye commanded.
"Why not?"she meowed.
"For two reasons. One:I want to see your eyes and two:Breezeshine is coming,"
"Breezeshine!"Shadowkit squeaked and licked herself clean as Birchkit straightened his whiskers.
Amberkit was alarmed, Breezeshine must be really important for Shadowkit to clean herself willingly!
"Breezeshine is your father, dear," Wheatrye purred, as if reading her thoughts.
"Wow! We're meeting our father!" she squeaked, nerve wracking through her.
"Don't worry, he's a kind, lovely cat,"
her mother soothed.
Amberkit exhaled, "Okay. EEEK!"she purred and began grooming herself.
As she sat up straight, a strangely familiar scent collided with her nose and a heartbeat later, a tom who looked like Birchkit entered.
"Hello?"he purred.
"Breezeshine!"Wheatrye meowed, "So... here they are,"
The tom gulped and glanced shyly at the litter. After a while, Shadowkit spoke," Hi!"she squeaked.
Breezeshine heaved a sigh of relief. "Hello, Shadowkit,"
"Hi,"Birchkit mewed, looking cute and tripping in the proccess. Breezeshine giggled, "Birchkit,"
"Hello..."Amberkit squawked.
"Amberkit!"he purred.
"So you're our father?" Shadowkit asked.
The littermates exchanged a glance, smiling mischieviously.
"One,"Birchkit whispered,"Tw-"
"Three!"Shadowkit interrupted loudly.
They charged onto the white warrior's flank and began tackling him with sheathed claws.
"You'll pay!"Breezeshine purred and lept up, gently pinning his childen to the floor.
"Ha! Admit defeat now and I won't eat you!"
This time Amberkit formed the idea, she stared at her siblings, they understood.
"We yield! We yield!"they wailed.
"Good!"he hissed playfully.
At the moment that he turned his back away, the three bobbed up, yowling "Surprise is the warrior's greatest weapon!" as they did. They bounced onto his back and clung.
Breezeshine attemped to shake them off, so she had to dig her claws in to stay on him.
"Ow!"he yelped and the siblings jumped off him.
"Are you okay, Breezeshine?" Wheatrye fretted.
"Yeah..."Breezeshine rasped," Those are some claws they've got there. They'll all be fine warriors some day,"
Amberkit's stomach churned with dread, If this is what hurting feels like, I want no part in it!

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