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"I'm sorry for what you're dealing with, Amberfeather,"a familiar voice sounded in her ear.
"Stonestar!"Amberfeather purred, choking back tears,"I miss you so much!"
"And I miss you,"Stonestar sighed, "How are the kits?"
"They are well. I bet that they'll be wonderful! But...what about seem...down,"
"Me?"Stonestar blinked at her affectionatally,"Oh I'm's just... SkyClan has refusen to forgive me for loving you,"
"What?"Amberfeather exclaimed, "Well then, your Clan isn't just part squirrel, they're part mouse as well. And the parts that are mouses are their brains!"
Stonestar purred.
"Now what can I do about revealing the murderer?" she asked.
"You must reveal it at the next Gathering. And then...and then..."his eyes clouded and he shut them,"And then not even StarClan knows your fate,"

Amberfeather and the others plodded back into camp. The sun was setting and the first of shades of a chill hung heavily in the air.
"Fine day for hunting!" Lakebreeze called sarcastically. She rolledger eyes.
"Okay, Shadowclaw and Birchmask, you're done, I'm going to check on Lakebreeze,"
Birchmask followed her over to his mate. Well, you can't blame him. I'd be anxious if it was Stonestar bearing these kits.
Amberfeather shook ger head, it wasn't a good time for her kits. As she examined Lakebreeze's belly, they began weighing her down, making her fight for breath. They seemed to jump against her flanks, and she stumbled, leading to awkward questions which she answered with the lie of an off sparrow. Though her stomach had swelled to a great size, no one seemed to notice. Oh, I know I have to reveal the murderer at the next Gathering but...I'm scared!

The sun seemed to take forever to set. It was full moon and Amberfeather knew what she had to do. The kits had grown, making her stay away from the rest of the Clan for as much time as posdible.
"Full moon tonight,"Dandelionshade commented,"I love watching the Clans at peace,"her mentor broke into a purr.
"Yeah,"Amberfeather let out a feeble agreement. Oh trust me, there'll be quite a show tonight.
"Amberfeather, I just wanted to say...I was scared. I forgot to tell you, but... I sometimes panic at the sight of blood,"Dandelionshade admitted.
She turned to her mentor,"Why didn't you tell me before?"
"Well, the whole Clan was dependant on me to train ThunderClan's next medicine cat. I couldn't let you know,"
"Umm..."she mumbled as her mentor turned away.

ThunderClan approached Fourtrees first. Amberfeather took her place beside Dandelionahade. The other cats fell into their positions and waited. Eventally, RiverClan arrived, and Jasminetail took a place beside them, looking worried.
"Where's Dragonflyheart?"she whispered.
"She's ill!"Jasminetail whimpered after a small hesitation.
Oh no.
"Let the Gathering begin!" Monarchstar yowled,"Mothstar, would you like to go first?"
Here it comes!
Her leader nodded and stepped forward,"We have three things to report. Number one is that Amberfeather earned her full medicine cat half moon. And number two is that Lakebreeze is expecting Birchmask's kits. Number three is the fact that Shadowclaw and Oddeye are mentoting Heartbrook's kits, Redpaw and Berrypaw,"
He dipped his head at Cloudstar, gesturing for him to speak. That's when Amberfeather stood up.
"Wait!"she shot an appoligetic glance at Cloudstar, who's mouth was open to speak,"I know who the killer is,"
Amberfeather ignored all of the eyes that bored into her as she sought out the ones that she was searching for. Brown, green, blue, amber.
"And the murderer is,"


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