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"Dandelionshade!"Birdfly yelled.
"Softheart's kits are being born!"
Amberkit's head jerked up. She'd been in the medicine cat den, helping Dandelionshade. She'd been so focoused that she'd only just realized the comotion.
"Okay, I'm coming,"she paused, "Amberkit, want to help me?"
She nodded and followed her future mentor to the nursery. It was sunhigh.
"Alright, Amberkit get me a solid stick and some wet moss,"
"Got it!"
A few seconds later, she reappeared with some soaking moss. She left again and returned with a stick.
"Perfect,"Dandelionshade praised and shoved it into the shrieking queen's mouth, "Now, we wait for the kits, comforting the que-"
"What is Amberkit doing here?" Softheart snapped.
"She'll soon be my apprentice so I thought she could use the experience,"Dandelionshade defended her.
Amberkit blinked gratefully and moved closer to the kitting queen, "Hmm..."she meowed.
"What?"Softheart asked.
"I reckon... you'll have four kits, I feel five heartbeats so one must be yours,"
Dandelionshade nodded,"Let's find out!"
After a while of drama, four kits were born.
"Wow..."Amberkit gasped,"That felt... great!"
"Birdfly!"Dandelionshade called, smiling.
"Softheart... I...I woah..."Birdfly stammered.
"I know, right..." the queen rasped, "Argh, I could sleep until these kits are elders. What should we name them?"
"Well... that tortoiseshell tom could be... Squirrelkit and the siamese tom can be Ivykit,"Birdfly suggested.
"Oh and I'd like the siamese she-kit to be Patchkit... and the light tortoiseshell tom can be...Polarkit," Softheart purred.
"Wonderful!"Birdfly whispered,"I'll leave you to sleep,"
"You do that!"Softheart yawned.
Amberkit backed out of the den instinctively.
"Amberkit,"Softheart rasped, "Thank you, your going to be a great medicine cat,"
"Thank you!"

"Let's play moss-ball!" Polarkit squeaked.
"Yeah!"Patchkit agreed.
"Okay, I'll start!" Birchkit meowed.
The tom lept into the air and hurdled it at Amberkit.
"Hey!"she snapped as it hit her in the back.
"Amberkit! You never pay attention to our games,"Shadowkit moaned.
"I do, I'm just busy, we're being apprenticed in a quarter moon and I'm trying to remember the appearance, scent, name and use of every herb," she protested.
"Blah blah blah," Squirrelkit sighed, "Boring medicine cat stuff,"
Amberkit glared at him. She had to say, Ivykit was her favourite of the new litter, he was the only one who didn't laugh at her role in life and didn't throw moss at her.
"Okay, Squirrelkit without medicine cats you, your siblings and your mother could have died during your kitting,"she pointed out.
Shadowkit, Birchkit and Ivykit nodded.
Amberkit sighed, "At the moment I can't wait to be apprenticed,"she glanced at Squirrelkit, Polarkit and Patchkit,"Then I can get away from you three!"

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