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As she stalked, more cats emerged into camp. At first it was only Dandelionshade's main army, Ashwing, Violetslash, Hickorypelt and One-eye, and Amberfeather heard a puff of laughter from a cat whom according to their voice, was Mumblepaw. But the humour was killed when Clans of enemy cats approched.
I didn't know there were that many!
Suddenly, with a screech of fury, Dandelionshade launched herself into a battle with Badgerclaw.
And's begun.
A tortioshell tom lunged at her. Amberfeather let out a yowl of defence. She dodged, but he knew the trick. He veered off his route a moment before she moved and pinned her. Hardly ably to breathe, Amberfeather came in mind with something.
"We yield! We yield!"
"Surprise is the warrior's greatest weapon!"
So she did just that. Letting out a shaking breath, she went limp. The tom gave her one last scratch down her cheek, then turned away. She sprang up and held the warrior by his shoulders. She raked her claws over his nose bridge, but he was stronger. He lunged up, and aimed at her eyes. She ducked the second that the claws met where her eyes had been.
Great StarClan, that blow almost blinded me!
As she struggled with avoiding and hitting, Birchmask butted in her way.
"You help the others!"he yelled.
Giving a nod of acknowledgement and thanks, Amberfeather rushed towards the nursery. Birdfly was defending it.
"Oh, they aren't going to attack the nursery, they're not monsters,"she reassured. Just then, a black she-cat, who was dragging Whiteface using her claws, stomped towards the nursery, screaming,"Haha! Monsters!"
"Oh, they are!"Amberfeather took a space beside him and blocked every attempt.
Wildfern's wail echoed from her den, "Amberfeather! Help me!"
Shooting Birdfly a questioning stare, Amberfeather headed toward her daughter. Oddeye was sprawled out in front of her, bleeding near his blue eye and from a deep cut along his back.
"Marigold and cobwebs,"she ordered. As Wildfern fetched them she rasped, "Are the other Clans here yet?"
"No,"the two pressed the medicine to his bigger wound, and Oddeye sunk into unconsiousness for a few moments.
The yowl of SkyClan's arrival didn't wake him. Something else did.
"Squidflower!"he screeched.
Amberfeather gazed across to see the SkyClan she-cat struggling under the weight of a black-and-white tom. That's when she saw what had alarmed Oddeye. Squidflower was pregnant.
The sphynx lunged across to the tom, blowing him over. He inflicted a stomach wound that was almost lethal enough to kill him. Shrieking, he fled. Oddeye faced Cloudstar.
"Why would you bring her into battle when she's expecting my kits?"
His kits?
After a moment of staring at Squidflower, Cloudstar ordered Owlnose, who's shoulder was badly hurt, to escort her back to camp. They'd question her later.
Another howl. That's RiverClan!
For the first time in a while, Amberfeather remembered that she had many wounds. They began to sting.
"Hello!"she found herself facing Violetslash.
The white she-cat ducked under her belly and started clawing at her legs. She jumped away. Violetslash ducked away, beckoning with her tail, challenging her. I accept.
She lept and landed on top of her. She screamed. New scents wahed over her. ShadowClan and WindClan!
Violetslash took her surprise as an advantage. She dug her claws into Amberfeather's belly, so that while she threw her off it would cause a wound. She tried to stand up. She staggered.
"Pff...pathetic,"Violetslash snorted. Only then did Amberfeather realise that the clearing was silent.
"This battle has been won," Dandelionshade declared.
Amberfeather stared in horror. Redstar was cowering on the floor, obviously loosing a life.
"Unless,"Dandelionshade purred, glancing around smugly,"Someone will challenge me. If they can beat me, the Clans have won..."she paused dramatically,"But if they loose, the Clans must leave the forest,"
Gasps rose up from the Clans. Amberfeather, still on the floor, saw a glimmer of light. The amber feather drifted towards a single dandelion, casting a long shadow in the dawn light.
"I will,"Amberfeather's voice was hoarse,"I will challenge you,"

Dandelionshade didn't seem surprised.
"Very well then,"she gazed around the camp,"You better decide what you'll become. Kittypet or rogue,"
The enemies circled each other, they're hatred hanging like mist in the dawn breeze.
"Come on, Amberfeather," Dandeliomshade hissed,"I always knew that the amber feather would destroy me, ever since I killed Wheatrye,"
"And I knew that the shade of a dandelion would destroy me," Amberfeather growled,"But I'm willing to sacrifice myself to safe the Clans,"
"You idiot!"Dandelionshade lunged at her. She dodged with force. She unsheathed her claws and raked them through her shoulder fur whilst she got up.
The killer snarled. Blood splatted over the floor, decorating  it red.
"You'll never take me alive!"she shrieked.
She opened her jaws, teeth red with Redstar's blood. Dandelionshade lept at her, anger shining in the amber depths of her eyes. She struggled desperately. Don't let her get to your throat!
She swept a paw across her mouth. A small bit of blood splatted out of it, but it didn't matter to Dandelionshade. She came closer. She backed away, until she was against stone. I guess this is it...goodbye ThunderClan...hello StarClan!
She had just enough time to send her final prayer when Dandelionshade closed her jaws around her throat. Pain throbbed through Amberfeather, which slowly faded away.

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