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I woke up in an unfamiliar room,I sit up a little worried and got out my Samarri sword from my coat. I quietly and slowly exit the room going into the living room to see nobody was there but I knew the room all to well.I was in Sherlocks did I get here?Suddenly someone grabs my sword out of my hands and hold my arms down,"HEY!" I yelled and struggled to break free.He covers my mouth and holds me tighter,"shut up you going to wake up John."a familiar voice whispered in my ear and I froze."shevmuph! Wmmh gef!"I muffled in his hand and I struggle to break free but he never lets go. I soon give up and stand with my arms crossed like a child would if he/she doesn't get what he/she wants.He leads me to his chair and sets me on his lap still holding me still covering my mouth waiting for John to wake up."whmph mh m dofmhph memph?"I try to ask but he ignores me,John soon wakes up walking out to the living room.

"Jmph!phem bmph ph meph oh of meph!"I muffle yelled and I could hardly breathe.John sits in his usual chair and sips his tea,"I camph meamp!"I muffled struggling to break free again,"not again!you failed the first attempt why try again?"Sherlock sarcastically asks and I bite his hand and backflip grabbing my sword standing in battle mode."BECAUSE NINJA NEVER QUIT!"I shout and they both get up."why am I here?"I ask and Mrs.Hudson walks in with tea.She sees me with a sword and drops the tray,"DYNASTY WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH A SWORD!?"she asks and I sigh putting my sword down."like I told you before it PROTECTS ME!"I yelled and I sighed again at her shocked face."I'm sorry Mrs.Hudson it's just that they kidnapped me."I sighed putting my sword away."How do you know Mrs.Hudson?"John asks,"Isn't it obvious,I live in the flat above you!"I growled and he looked at me shocked. I helped Mrs.Hudson with the mess of the broken glass then went back to my flat.what a day!

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