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I went to visit Molly the next morning because I was bored and didn't have a case. I entered the lab to see Molly putting things away,"hello Molly how was your date?"I asked and she blushed."It was good,thanks."she replies and I stand on the other side of the table."I finished the series of the show Sherlock Holmes on Netfix but they never put the forth season yet.On the last episode they put a cliffhanger,gosh I hate cliffhangers."I say starting a conversation.she choked on her coffee a little after I said that?"Did you say SHERLOCK HOLMES?"she asks shocked."yeah and there were character s that have the exact same name and looked exactly like you all."I added slightly smiling."what was the first episode?"she asks interested."A Study in Pink."I say and she looked shocked even more.

Suddenly I heard yelling of Greg and a voice that I knew but not in real life.The three entered and I was shocked to see who it was,Molly went in font of me blocking their and my view."Molly!"I slightly shouted and covered my emotions. I pushed her gently out of the way and saw Sherlock and John themselves.Molly walked up to Greg and whispered something in his ear. "Dynasty this is-"I cut him off,"Sherlock Holmes and Doctor John Watson,nice to meet you,the names Dynasty Overlord,"I say shaking their hands."how do you bloody know them?you don't read the papers,you don't read blogs you write fan fiction,and you started to watch TV two days ago!"he asks and Molly whispers something in his ear again."oh um never mind."he says and walks out the door,"Interesting."Sherlock says and I nodded while John looked a little confused."well I'm not really as bored anymore."I state and Molly look at me shocked.

"Not THAT bored?!Dynasty you said you were a fan of Sherlock and you don't get effected as normal fans would!"Molly exclaims then quickly covered her mouth as I face palm my head."sorry."she says and walks out as well leave me alone with Sherlock and John."well that was-"Sherlock interrupted,"interesting?"he slightly asks,"slightly but I was going to say I had a bad first impression,"I state and I got out my iPhone checking the time."well I have to go home,good day."I say and exit the building.

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