The Second Interview

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Good morning, folks!

Trying to keep you all updated is turning out to be harder than we thought. The school administration refused to let us interview the teachers, but after some perseverance we were able to convince them otherwise.

First, we went to talk to history teacher Mrs. Lawrence but found out she had been off sick for a few weeks. She seemed quite affected by the events so we're not surprised she's taking some time for herself. We hope you get better soon, Mrs. Lawrence!

We were surprised to see Mr. Gandía's advancements on the case as he seems to be doing a lot of detective work.

"It's pretty obvious by now someone is trying to frame these kids for not so obvious reasons. The sooner we find the killer the sooner everything can get back to normal. The kids are stressed, they're not performing well in class, and it's completely understandable."

Chemistry teacher Mr. Wayne didn't seem to be too happy either.

"Those gangs had it coming. It was only a matter of time before someone got sick of their behaviour. I'm just sorry that this is affecting my class' performance to be honest, those kids should be arrested just for causing all this trouble."

Principal Mrs. Rowan apologised deeply for all the trouble and informed us that she has hired a new counsellor, available for students and teachers, as to relieve some of that negative energy. She reassured us that all we needed to worry about right now is staying sane and safe.

The police have also confirmed that the gangs are no longer their prime suspects as it has become clear to them that someone is trying to frame the gangs. They still fear for the student's safety as they have no indication of who could be behind this ordeal.

That's all for now folks.

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