Under The Weather

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Over the course of two weeks, the strange clouds that lined the skyline had darkened and they seemed to have become more dense than before to the point where it was still dark even during daylight hours.

Eventually, it started raining. It started raining a lot. It was pouring. Nothing new about a little rain, the weather seemed to always be bad out in the school. But this rain, this rain had a strange colour, almost as dark and green toned as the clouds they fell from.

The raining lasted for almost three full days non-stop and when it finally stopped raining the sun came out. The sun came out and the clouds began to dissipate without a trace. In what were only a mere couple of hours it was as if they were never there.

People were starting to feel a little under the weather, probably because of a cold that seems to be going around caused by the awful weather.



1_ Just hang out with your friends! Although... You may be feeling a bit... Sick?

Depending on your upcoming abilities (not in use yet) your character may have different symptoms and depending on how their ability affects them physically they may have stronger or lighter symptoms. For example, say your character is going to be able to read minds, maybe they have a headache. Say they turn into a mermaid, maybe their legs hurt. Not sure if I'm explaining this properly so I'm gonna leave a few examples of my characters' symptoms.

Marco: Since he will be able to shift into a full wolf form his whole body is feeling quite sore and heavy so he's tired

Angela: Since she's going to be able to control fire, she has a very high fever.


Last chance to change your character's ability! Those who are unknown can add one later on but abilities that have been chosen will remain the same! x

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