Knocking At His Door

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Here's the first chapter...........


I knew at a young age of five that I was a boy, because I always picked boyish toys, like action figures, dinosaurs, and I loved wearing dark clothing.
My grandpa Erik was in our lives from the very beginning, and he adored me, however when he found out I was a mutant, he began to become very protective, since he had enemies, who wanted him dead.

I found out at thirteen I could learn any powers from television shows, including anime, which made me ranked as the first ever level eight mutant, making me even more powerful than any mutant in existence.
Because I was so powerful; my grandpa swore to my Mom that he would protect me, and though he was old, like very old, and a World War Two veteran, however we didn't know which side he was on, because he would not tell us.

My grandpa was a mutant who was very powerful like me, who could control metal, and technically was a villain, which gave him alot of enemies, but he had one friend Charles Xavier.
When I was thirteen my grandpa begged Charles Xavier to take me into his school, to help me learn to control my powers that I learned from anime and television shows, and Charles Xavier agreed, and decided to study my powers, as well as teach me to control the powers I accumulated over watching anime and television shows.

While staying in the Xavier Mansion; I met Logan at age fourteen, and immediately he became protective of me, including Rogue, and my name was indeed Raiden at that age too, since Mom named me after a literal Chinese Lightning God.
It was a male name, though I was born a girl, but I think she felt she wanted a boy instead, and I felt I was born a boy too at a young age.

I always felt a freak; because I was a really powerful mutant, and I felt I was a boy, and wanted to be born a boy.
At eighteen I finally transitioned, however taking testosterone was rejected by my body, making me extremely ill, and I could only have top surgery.
The scars are still there, but light scars, though I used a cream for the scars after I fully healed, and I dyed my hair teal blue, and kept it long, and wavy.
After I transitioned was when I heard Charles Xavier was murdered by Jean Gray, and Logan came to my old address at the time, him slumping to his knees, and told me he had to kill Jean.
I couldn't blame him; because Jean was not herself, and he had to stop her, is what he told me.
Though Logan and I are best friends, he always came to me when he was in great pain, and he allowed me to hear his woes, and only he trusted me with letting out his feelings, and nobody else.

After he stayed at my old address; I woke up that morning, to find him gone, and my pot of coffee made up, and still warm, and I have not seen him since then.
My heart weeped for him, because he had to murder the woman he loved dearly.

And years eventually passed; and my powers I learned progressed as I watched more fictional television shows, and watched anime.
I watched Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball Super, Yu Yu Hakusho, Bleach, Naruto, and even some of Seven Deadly Sins.
Those kind of animes, including Inuyasha.
I have many powers of many characters, including rapid regenerative powers, healing others, and use my energy however I wished.

The government was also aware of me; including SHIELD has stopped by several times to check on if I'm causing any trouble like my grandfather Magneto has done, but my grandfather has not done anything in years, because he's getting too old, and frail.
And right now; he's in an old folks home due to his frailty, and Mom put him there.
He's in a high security old folks home designed for elderly mutants.
I visit him now and again though, and he often enjoys spending time with me, until visiting hours are over with.

I live in Hells Kitchen New York, and my grandfather lives in that old folks home away from Hells Kitchen New York, but somewhere else in New York.
I'm not really from New York though, but after Charles Xavier died, I moved out of the mansion, and moved here.
My job is I deliver pizzas; and I quite enjoy my job....well when clients give me tips that is.
I just wish my job paid more, but what can you do?
My apartment is in a part of town that's nice, and hardly any crime, and I like feeling safe where I live, but still, I always keep my doors locked, including my windows.
Grandpa taught me even mutants commit heinous crimes just like humans do...well yeah, he would know, since he committed alot of crimes years ago when I was little.
I'm now twenty-nine, and live alone.
I am enjoying being single for now, but one of these days I do want to date though.
I just cannot find anyone who accepts me for me.
Grandpa accepts me for me, so does my Mom, but I'm afraid no man will accept me for me sadly enough.

Today I was off work; well because I took my vacation time actually, and I was relaxing on my long leather couch, laying upon it, me watching a random movie, me wearing a gray tank top, black and red sports shorts, including my bikini underwear, and my black socks, since my feet get cold easily.
I was all ready for the day today.

I heard a knock at the door; and I was not expecting company at all to be honest, and curious I was, I get up, shut my television off, and walk to my door, and I peep through the peep hole, seeing Agent Coulson at my door, and usually once a month he comes here to check on me, to make sure I'm not getting into trouble, since they know I'm the grandson of Magneto, and I'm a powerful level eight mutant.

I open the door, me saying to Agent Coulson.
"You are too early to check up on me."

"Can we talk inside?"
He asked me, and I rose a brow.

"Come in."
I motion him to walk in, and he does, and he turns to face me as I shut the door.
"Why have you come so soon?"
I ask him next.

"We want you to help us with a problem."
Agent Coulson says to me, him giving me a serious look.
"It involves the world being in great danger, and because your grandfather caused such trouble years ago; you doing this can repay all debts, and you can have freedom without us checking on you every month, but we will check on you once a year instead."

"How bad is the situation?"
I fold my arms to my chest, me asking him this.

"It is a grave situation."
Agent Coulson says to me, and I sigh in an annoyed fashion.

"I see; and you want me to help?
Will I be paid?
Because I only have two weeks of vacation, and if I'm gone too long; I'll be fired, you know."
I say very much sarcastically to Agent Coulson.

"Yes; we can arrange that."
Agent Coulson replied to me, then asked me.
"Will you help us?"
He gave me a look to accept the mission.

"I'll help.
As long as you pay me, because my services aren't free."
I sass him once more.

"The mission is you must retrieve a device called the Tesseract, and bring it back to us."
Agent Coulson says to me, and I narrow my brown eyes at him, me rather suspicious.

"This Tesseract; is it a weapon?"
I ask him.

"Let's just say it's really powerful; and dangerous in the wrong hands, and it has fallen in the wrong hands."
Agent Coulson says to me, and I put one hand on my slim hip, and the other hand of mine upon my chin, me rubbing my chin.

"I'll help."
I tell him.
"As long as you guys keep your end of the bargain."

"You will be working with other people.
Tony Stark, Captain America, and Natasha.
You've met Natasha before."
Agent Coulson says to me.
"You will also be working with Bruce, who is a scientist.
Just don't make him angry, because he turns green, and destructive when angry."
Agent Coulson handed me files on each of the other people besides Natasha, and I look them over.

"So Captain America was born in 1918?"
I ask him.

"Yes; and was frozen for awhile, until he was unfroze during World War Two.
He's literally a super soldier.
His real name is Steve Rogers."
Agent Coulson says to me, and I could sense he was excited to meet Steve Rogers.

"You're a fan of him ain't ya?"
I ask Agent Coulson.

"Actually I am."
Agent Coulson says to me, him giving me a nervous smile.

"So that makes him over about one hundred years old."
I say to Agent Coulson as I'm looking over Tony Stark's paperwork.
"Stark; I thought I heard of that name.
He's a billionaire and he is an inventor if I remember right.
So he uses a suit with his technology he invented to fight it seems."
I look to Agent Coulson.

"Yes he uses a suit to fight.
He's a normal human, except a power source in his chest keeps him alive."
Agent Coulson says to me, making me look at him weird, because I was confused that technology invented could do that.

"So do you have information on the guy who took this Tesseract thingy?"
I hand him the files back.

"All we know is his name is Loki, and he bewitched Clint.
You've met Clint before remember."
Agent Coulson says to me, and I look at him with a shocked look.

"Bewitched Clint?
Now that's unheard of.
He may be a normal human, but he's a soldier, which I know it takes alot to sway him to do anything he does not want to do."
I say to Agent Coulson.

"Loki isn't really human either, but a God."
Agent Coulson says to me, and I tilt my head in confusion.

"Explain that to me."
I tell him.

"Awhile back we found out we aren't the only creatures out there, and Thor, who's a Thunder God, came to Earth, and he helped destroy an alien robot.
Loki is related to him.
His brother actually."
Agent Coulson says to me, and I nod.

"I remember reading about Thor and Loki as a kid, and they were worshipped as gods by Norwegians or should I say Vikings, who were in fact pagan.
Loki is The God Of Mischief if I remember right."
I say to Agent Coulson.

"You know more than we do at this point and time."
Agent Coulson says to me honestly his thoughts.

"Am I to come with you?"
I ask Agent Coulson.

"Yes; to our base in the sky."
Agent Coulson says to me.

Lead the way.
Let me lock up my home."
I tell him as I grab my keys, and I follow him out of my apartment, and I use my key to lock my apartment up.


To be continued.......

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