The Forsaken

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A male walks by, stopping as he suddenly notices you in the hall.
"Oh, hello, are you the new recruit?" He asked, flicking the ash of his ciggarrete on the floor, stepping on the bud of it.
"I'm Julian Young, pleasure to meet you." He kindly smiled, nodding as he received your name.
"I know. So, you've decided to join the Forsaken?"
There was a pause, as someone ran by, whispering into Julian's ear and continuing on with their busy job. A look of concern crossed his face, but he smiled at you.
"You must know what we do here. But I'll go over it again, cause it's super freaking cool." He started walking down the hallway, expecting for you to follow.
"It's a strange name, but it's a fitting name. Our leader is Jax, and she runs this place, and is basically my boss though I'm not paid, I just deal with..." He trailed off, looking at you, and continuing on into the darkness.
"We came from Asia, and Europe and Africa, basically, five years ago. We are different then the people who originally lived in America. You know all of that part, the raditation, blah blah blah." He opened a door, gracefully letting you in first.
"Upon arriving, we learned of the-" he shuddered in fake disgust. "Puritans. It's a stupid name, right? They believe that we are -" he paused, tapping his chin. "Satanists, apparently." He smiled at someone who ran by, waving to them before continuing on. "Anyways, it's pretty busy around here. We mainly dabble in the territory business, but drugs and weapons too. We are here to make sure that the rest of our family's can come over here." He looked as you as you asked a question.
"Are we a gang? I guess... Okay, yes, we are. But we are also sort of a government. We are not afraid to hurt other to get what we want, either. In New York, it's rough or tough. Whenever we win over some territory, preferribly the less destroyed parts, the people in the area follow our rules. It's nessicary that we win." He stopped. "And that's where the tour ends, my friend." He said, pushing you towards a room. "Find out how to make yourself useful. I have a lot to do." He said, lighting another ciggarrete and walking back the way you came.

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