000- Prequel

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"You're ugly" a brunette boy said to Sophie, snarling at her.

Sophie looked down and tried to walk past. He blocked her way. "Where do you think you're going? You're just weak aren't you?"

They were only 6 year olds, and Sophie wasn't sure what to do. Suddenly a taller boy came along. Sophie was sure he was going to pass. She wasn't sure of his name but knew he was in her grade.

When the brunette boy named John thought the tall boy had passed, he grabbed Sophie's shirt and threw her against the wall. Sophie cried out, and he kicked her in the stomach.

Sophie closed her eyes, preparing for another blow to her abdomen, but it never came. When she opened her eyes, she saw the taller boy punching John. When he was 50% sure John wouldn't get up, he went over to Sophie.

"Are you ok?" He asked. Sophie tried to speak, but couldn't. He picked her up off the floor and put her arm over his shoulders. "My name is Keefe" He said, walking her to the nurse.

"Sophie" she managed to cough out. Keefe and Sophie arrived at the nurse and went inside. Sophie told her parents about Keefe, and her mom went to Keefes house to give him and his parents cookies.

Sophie's mom and Keefes mom became good friends, causing Sophie and Keefe to become good friends.

*4 years later*

"You have to...leave?" Keefe asked as Sophie packed her bags. Sophie nodded.

"For how long?" He asked.

"Forever" Sophie sniffed.

She looked up at Keefe and tackle hugged him, starting to cry. Keefe hugged her back, and they sat there for around 2 hours until Keefe had to go home for dinner.

(6 days later)

Sophie cried on Keefes shoulder. Keefe and his family were driving them to the airport. They had let Keefe and Sophie sit in the third row, where there were only two seats. Sophie's hand was in Keefes.

Keefes thumb drew circles on the back of Sophie's hand. Sophie had no more tears left, and they were replaced with silent dryness.

Sophie was numb. As was Keefe.

They pulled up at the airport. they got out of the car to get their luggage. Keefe hugged Sophie.

The Foster family started walking inside, when Sophie ditched her luggage and ran back to Keefe.

They hugged, and as a simple goodbye Keefe kissed her on the cheek.

But one thing Keefe always regretted, was not asking where she was moving to.

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