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DVD: Digital Versatile Disc or Digital Video Disc

USB: Universal Serial Bus

CPU: Central Processing Unit

MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging

MRS: Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

PPE: Personal Protective Equipment

GP: General Practitioner

ROM Read Only Memory

RAM Random Access Memory

ECG Electrocardiogram

WLAN: Wireless Local Area Network

√64 + 12= 19

the square root of sixty-four plus twelve equals nineteen

46 (2a – 3b) / 4^-5

forty -six times left parenthesis two a minus three b right parenthesis all divided by four to the power of minus five

38^2 * 4 = x

thirty-eight squared times four equals x

f(x) = sin x + 1

the function of x equals the sine of x plus one


Six minus three all squared

chia ĐT

1 When did you ____ (submit) the report?


2 John works very ____ (skillful).


3 This task takes _____ (little OR few) time than expected.


4 It was the ______ (bad) case they have ever experienced.


5 The room is _____ (good) equipped.


6 Since when ______ you ______ (study) here?

have you been studying / have you studied

7 Have the students made _____ (progress)?


8 If you divide two negative numbers, the result ____ (be) positive.


9 Here is my paper. I ________ (already write) it.

have already written

10 I do not exactly know when they ______ (meet) again. May be tomorrow?

will meet

11 How many ______ (crisis) have they mastered?


12 The lesson ___ already ___ (start), when the last students arrived.

had already started

13 For sure I ________ (see) you tonight.

am seeing / am going to see

14 Yesterday John ________ (must not ) work in this lab.

was not allowed to

15 Last Sunday Bob ______ (prepare) the meal, while Susan _______ (read) the thriller.

was preparing

was reading

16 If Jim _____ (come ) earlier, he would have met you.

had come

điền từ

a place where students can get a cheap lunch at the campus, similar to a cafeteria or dining hall refectory nhà kho

a period of time spent outside the university where students can get practical experience

internship thực tập

a student who has completed his/her studies and is ready to leave university

graduate tốt nghiệp

sphygmomanometer máy đo huyết áp

the field of medicine that deals with heart diseases

cardiology tim mạch

otoscope kính soi tai

3 in 3/4 is the (a) ______, 4 is the (b) _______

a) numerator tử số b) denominator mẫu số

a material/ metal formerly used in thermometers

mercury thủy ngân

protective glasses

goggles kính bảo hộ

the current the changes directions several times a minute

AC dòng điện 2 chiều

materials that are harmful to somebody

hazardous vật liệu có hại

the SI unit for intensity of light

candela đơn vị ánh sáng

the process of changing units to reach other values

convert đổi

a diagram that shows values as columns.

column chart biểu đổ cột

An engineer that deals with the design of engines is a ...... engineer.

Mechanical engineers kỹ sư cơ khí

computer facility to store information

Storage / USB bộ lưu trữ

an organization unit of the computer where several files are stored in the current the changes directions several times a minute

RAM Random Access Memory bộ truy cập ngẫu nhiên

an electric component that reduces current in a circuit

resistor điện trở

a synonym for increase when describing diagrams

growth tăng trưởng

ống nghe stethoscope

hiệu chỉnh calibrate

đo huyết áp sphygmomanometer

soi thanh quản laryngoscope

soi mắt opthalmoscope

nhà giải phẫu pathologist

chỉnh hình xương khớp othopedist

da liễu dermatologist

bs nhi pediatrician

bs tim mạch cardiologist

anesthesia bs gây mê anesthesiologist

hiệu thuốc pharmacy

cấp cứu emergency

ống nội khí quản endotracheal tube

harmful chất độc poisonous

phương trình equation

xấp xỉ approximation

thay thế substitute

cái cân scales

dấu ngoặc brackets

số nhân với nó bằng chính nó root

nút vặn: knob

tỷ khối, tỷ trọng: density

định lượng có thể đo: quantity

dây cáp cable

tính toán calculate

thể tích (solid lỏng) volume

khoang (container) condartment

% percent

phân số fraction

mẫu số denominator

tử số numerator

số chẵn even numbers

số lẻ odd numbers

số nguyên tố prime numbers

sách hướng dẫn sử dụng manual

defibrillator máy khử rung tim

trừ đi subtract

công tắc switch

hệ số đếm 10 decimal

hệ mét metric

vòi nước hose

cổ tay áo cuff

dấu hiệu sống Vital signs

bơm không khí Insufflator

Kelvin đơn vị đo nhiệt độ

pascal đvị đo áp suất

joule đvị năng lượng

theo dõi thai nhi fetal monitor

mặt nạ phòng độc respirator

quần yếm coveralls

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