Chapter 19- Ryan

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Trigger warnings-  Blackmailing mention, pregnancy mention, drug dealing mention, steroid mention, tobacco mention and cheating mention.

Thursday before school, we are waiting outside the staff room. Thanks to a helpfully forged note from Laura that Rogers will think is from Harris, he should be here any second to meet Harris in the staff room.

As usual I was the last to arrive, excluding Rogers of course but the way Jess went on at me you'd think they'd already confronted him without me.

At last Rogers arrives and we watch as he goes into the staff room. I quickly follow pushing the door open again just before it was about to close.

I just catch Rogers first sentence "you wished to speak to me about something" he says.

"No," I say behind him "we wanted to speak to you about something."

Rogers jumps in surprise "what on earth are you four doing? Students are not permitted to enter the staff room without permission."

I give a sly smile "oh but we do have permission," I reply "you received our note I presume."

Rogers looks confused "your note?" He says before he realises "oh you sent the note. HOW DARE YOU FORGE A NOTE FROM A TEACHER!" He shouts that last bit.

"Well we needed to speak with you somehow," I say "and I don't think requesting a meeting to discuss how you killed Mr Grey would have been something you would have wanted to discuss."

The other staff members gasp. "You are accusing me of murdering one of the members of my staff," he says "that is a very serious accusation to make Mr Jamison. If you don't have sufficient evidence to prove this ridiculous suggestion I will see to it that you are expelled."

I am unafraid of his threats "fine," I reply. The others gather around me as all the staff watch on.

"Mr Rogers you claimed that you were in your office when Mr Grey was killed last Monday. Is that correct?" I ask.

"Certainly," Rogers replies "I was filing some paperwork."

"But that's a lie isn't it," I reply "according to your secretary you were in a meeting with Mr Harris from 4:15."

Harris interrupts "I was sorting out the gym cupboard. You never said anything to me about a meeting."

Mr Rogers looks a little sheepish but he coughs "very well my secretary was misinformed. I was in my office at 4:30."

"That's another lie," I respond "anyway we also know that you are behind the secret notes all four of us received in the days after the murder."


Greenwood stands up "Mr Rogers I can imagine Mr Jamison inventing such fantasies but my Jessica would never participate in accusing someone without evidence."

She looks at Jessica "go on sweetheart" she continues. I turn and give Jess a small nod and she takes over.

"Well we also discovered that Mr Rogers had engaged in an email exchange with Mr Grey" she explains.

Rogers interrupts "oh you found out I'm engaging in an email exchange with a member of my staff. How peculiar?" He says it very sarcastically.

Jess ignores him "we also discovered from that exchange that Mr Grey had already informed Mr Rogers of all of our secrets" she continues.

"What secrets?" Rogers asks, he clearly knows exactly what Jess is talking about. Jess sighs before she answers "I didn't want to have to tell you like this," she says looking at Greenwood "I'm pregnant."

Greenwood looks happy "do you know who the dad is?" Jess nods. "Have you told him? Does he want to support you?" Greenwood asks.

"Yes," Jess replies "and he's willing to support me."

Greenwood looks at me and James.

"It's not them" Jess assures her.

Greenwood smiles "we'll discuss it later," she says then to the rest of us she says "what about the rest of you?"

Laura and James step forward.

"I have been dealing drugs since the start of the year" James says.

Laura now takes her turn "I cheated on the maths entrance exam so that I could get into the top class."

Now I guess it's my turn. I step forward "I've been selling drugs, steroids and tobacco since year 9." The teachers all gasp.

"They should all be expelled," Rogers says "they have no evidence that I was aware of those things."

"Actually we do," Laura says "we have screenshots of all the emails that Mr Grey sent to Mr Rogers telling him our secrets and even emails with the notes which were used to blackmail us attached." The other teachers look horrified.

Rogers looks at if he wants to die right where he's standing. "What motive would I have for killing Mr Grey?" He asks.

I answer this one "because you were in love with Mrs Greenwood. You sent her an email asking her to go out with you and when she rejected Mr Grey offered to talk to her about it. You didn't want to seem too pushy or incapable so you asked him not to but he insisted. The only way to stop him doing that was to get rid of him. So that's exactly what you did. You even left a note at the crime scene to spell out Mrs Greenwood's name to frame her as you wanted to get revenge on her for rejecting you." The whole room goes silent. The only sound that can be heard is the slightest squeak of the staff room door opening again.

"I think I've heard enough," DCI Clifton says "just one final thing. Mr Harris you received a key from Mr Rogers to the CCTV room. It is engraved with his initials. May I have it please?"

Harris hands over the key.

"I believe that Mr Harris was in on this operation. I believe he removed the video tape from the CCTV room and Mr Harris was the one who placed all of the notes for you four to find." DCI Clifton says.

"He...he threatened me. He told me that he killed Mr Grey. I was scared for my own life." Harris says shakily.

"Yes but you still hid evidence from the police and helped frame a 15 year old boy for murder" DCI Clifton says. Harris looks very ashamed.

"My sergeant will come back for you in a moment," Clifton says to Harris. He turns back to Rogers before he continues "as for you. Mr Andrew Rogers I am arresting you for the murder of Edward Grey. You don't not have to say anything, anything you do say can be given as evidence in court. Do you understand?"

"Yes" Rogers replies sharply as he is led out of the room.  

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