Chapter 7- Ryan

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Trigger warnings- swearing, drinking mention, smoking mention, drug mention and blackmail.

I want to believe that James wouldn't have killed Mr Grey but he has a reason to. I mean damn for all I know he could have killed Mr Grey in the hopes that Jess would consider having a relationship with him again. Though he'd have to be pretty desperate for that to be the case. Jess has been flirting with me for a while and I'm not sure if Mr Grey was a sort of temporary boyfriend while she tried to win me over instead. She's a bitch though so I am most definitely not interested.

7pm and I'm in the boys dorm for year 11. Our common room to be exact. I'm scrolling through my phone, my real phone that is, looking at the texts I've got from my dad.


The first message reads. He's drunk again. He only calls me Rye when he's drunk off his head.


I most definitely do not want to give him a ring later. He drives me mental when he's sober. All he talks about when he's not drunk is his new girlfriend. His 7th one since mum died 8 years ago. This new girlfriend of his is called Gabrielle. She's a model in all the big fashion magazines apparently. She's also rolling in money. She has shit tons of the stuff. Could be the reason dad likes her. Free drinks. It's also thanks to her that I'm here at Oakwood still. I was made to come to this dump in year 10 by dad's last girlfriend Michaela. She didn't like me and I didn't like her, she was an ugly cow. Dad must have been extremely drunk on the day he met her. Michaela paid for me to come to Oakwood for a year so she and dad could have some time to "work things out" whatever that meant. When I went back home for the summer dad said Michaela had left him in March. 3 months ago. He never told me. He kept that a secret for 3 whole months. Then he met Gabrielle in July and she persuaded him to make me come back to Oakwood. Much to my disappointment. So yeah I'm pretty pissed at my dad.

Oh well. There are plenty of customers at Oakwood. Not like my last school. Yeah that one was shit too. Willow Academy where every student learns how to shine like a star. Or in my case where every student learns how to roll a cigarette and how to make tons of cash. I learned how to sell all of the drugs I sell now from a mate of mine at Willow Academy called Ollie. Ollie taught me everything. He was also my supplier for a bit. Now I have other ways to get hold of my gear. Still it's thanks to him I can do what I like over the holidays. My dad doesn't send me shit.

2 days later. Thursday morning. Assembly. 9 am. It's also post day. At the end of the assemblies on Thursdays Mr Rogers reads off a list of everyone who's received a letter that week. Each student who has a letter goes up to the front and Mr Rogers hands them the letter. Each and every letter that comes in and out of Oakwood is read by Rogers himself. It's probably the reason why I've never got a letter off my dad. He spends 98% of his life drunk. Anything he writes when he's like that is never gonna make it past Rogers.

Rogers reads off the list starting with year 7. I slump in my chair waiting for the long list to end. Shit this is boring. I usually skip assembly and hide in one of the classrooms but after this week's events I thought it might look suspicious. Year 8, 9 , 10. Finally he reaches year 11, just a few minutes and I can go and have a smoke.

"...Mr Hamah and finally Mr Jamison." What? There must be another Mr Jamison. I watch as everyone goes up to collect their letters. "Ryan Jamison" Rogers calls out. Fuck. I can't believe he's actually let a letter from my dad get to me. Holy shit.

I pretty much run to the front of the room and snatch the brown envelope off him. "Thanks" I say and quickly return to my seat.

"Oakwood dismissed" Rogers says. I push past a whole ton of year 10s to get to the door. I push open the door to the nearest classroom and rip open the envelope.

Dear Ryan

Shit it's formal for dad. He must have stayed sober for 5 minutes.

I am writing to you to express some concerns I have over the discovery of Tobacco on your person on the date of the 20th of September. This is a serious breach of the school rules and could lead to permanent expulsion if any other rules as serious as this one are found to be broken.

If this event or any similar event occurs before Christmas you will be expelled without warning from Oakwood.

Please ensure that this does not happen.


Miss Fisher secretary to Mr Rogers

Signed. G.Rogers

THAT'S IT. He sent me a goddamn warning. I throw the envelope on the table angrily when I notice that something else falls out. A small white envelope. I pick it up and turn it over. It has Rogers APPROVED stamp on it which he uses to prove he's read your letter, but this envelope has no signs of being opened.

I gingerly open the second letter, but there is no letter in sight. Inside of the white envelope are two things. All I can think is thank god Rogers didn't open this. The two things are a picture and a note. The picture is off my locker. The inside of it. Two shelves with large brown paper bags, each labelled with the drug within. On the bottom shelf are the zip lock bags and my scales. Plus a large stash of the cash I haven't dropped into the bank yet. If Rogers saw this I'd be thrown out in a second, if not worse.

The other thing is a note. I read it and even though I'm not a wimp I am slightly afraid of the sentences that are written on the page.


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