Part 1 : I need you

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It was due to Carlton Triangular Series that MS had return to Australia much sooner than expected. It was the first limited over match he would play after his test retirement.

"Can I sit here?" Virat asked Jinks gesturing towards the empty sit beside him in bus which Jinks had kept reserve for Rohit.

"Ro and Rahuliya are sitting at back." Virat added briskly as he noticed Jinks' eyes moving towards Rohit.

Jinks nodded quietly and Virat sat beside him. The test series was over and they had to stay in different hotel for the Tri Series where the team was heading to.

Virat tried several time to initiate a conversation but failed each time he saw the accusation in his best friend's eyes. I deserve it! Virat would say and refrain himself from talking to anyone. But today he wanted to try.

"Jinksy?" Virat said tentatively.

Jinks just looked at him without saying anything.

"Talk to me at least!" Virat said dejectedly. "You guys aren't talking to me properly since.."

"Since? Complete the sentence, Virat!" Jinks said lastly. "You don't want to, right? Because it hurts, isn't it, Virat?"

"Jinksy, I-" Virat looked helpless.

"I know you're guilty, Virat!" Jinks said.

"Don't look at me like that. I know you better!" Jinks said as he saw Virat's confused face. "It's written all over your face that you're guilty but the problem is your sorry can't mend the things this time probably."

"Don't say that, Jinksy." Virat said in a hoarse whisper.

"Why? Just imagine, Virat, if talking about his retirement is hurting you so much then how much it would have hurt us when he announced his retirement! Because we hadn't lost our senses like you then also!" Jinks said accusingly.

Virat was absolutely speechless.

"You lost him, Virat!" Jinks said disappointedly.

"You lost him and you lost us too!" Rohit said, coming towards them and Virat looked at him shocked.

In their conversation, Jinks and Virat didn't realise that they had reached the hotel and everyone else already started getting down from bus.

"Yes, Virat, you lost him and us too!" Rohit repeated without looking at him.

"Ro.." Virat felt he couldn't bring himself to say anything.

"You earn him back and you will earn us back too!" Rohit said, this time looking at Virat.

Rohit didn't know what he sounded like but from his side he knew it was a desperate request.

Virat got up and left the bus as soon as his legs could carry him.

Rohit sighed in helplessness as Virat left. Jinks looked as much crestfallen.

"I can't see him like this!" Rohit whispered to Jinks. Please, make things normal soon, Vi! I miss you! I miss my best friend! Rohit couldn't think beyond this.

Everyone entered the hotel and Virat went to reception for doing some formalities while everyone else stood in the hall.

"When will Mahi Bhai reach?" Rohit asked to no one in particular.

"Tomorrow probably." Ash replied.

"Excuse me, Sir, sorry to interrupt but he is already here. Sir reached here few hours back." The manager said as he heard Rohit.

"Bhai is already here? Why didn't he tell us?" Rohit asked.

"May be he thought he could directly meet us." Jinks said.

"Mahi Bhai!"

Everyone exclaimed as they spotted Mahi in his room. Rohit was the first one to rush to Mahi and hug followed by others.

"I missed you, Bhai!" Rohit said hugging Mahi Bhai.

"I left only few days ago, Ro!" Mahi replied with a chuckle while patting his back.

"Still we missed you, Mahi Bhai!" Jinks and Bhuvi and Ash said together.

"I missed you guys too!" Mahi felt compelled to say that seeing their faces which were so easy for Mahi to read.

They did miss their Mahi Bhai!

May be it was only few days ago that he had left them but things felt so different now.

Mahi patiently hugged back each one of them while suddenly his eyes turned towards the door and he found Virat staring at him with a smile.

Virat's smile vanished and he quickly looked away as he noticed Mahi Bhai looking at him. He abruptly took his bag and walked away.

For the first time, Mahi Bhai failed to read Virat's face. He couldn't see the visible guilt on Virat's face. His heart wrenched thinking that his Cheeku was still far away from him.

Was it his fault that he let his Cheeku go thinking that he would come back sooner or later?

Won't Cheeku come back?

Mahi felt chills running down his body even on the mere thought. He couldn't imagine Cheeku not coming back to him ever.

He couldn't imagine that his Cheeku didn't need him anymore!

He couldn't imagine that his Cheeku isn't going to rush to hug him all the time now!

He couldn't imagine that Cheeku won't turn to him for his every problem again!

He couldn't imagine that Cheeku won't come to sleep in his lap whenever he has headache!

He couldn't imagine that Cheeku won't be finding his shoulder whenever he is upset!

He couldn't imagine that Cheeku won't look up to him every time he achieves a milestone!

He couldn't imagine that Cheeku won't ever be the same little brother to him as he was!

Mahi Bhai couldn't imagine that his Cheeku...

He didn't feel he could think beyond this!

Yes, Virat did hurt him!

Yes, Virat did behave in the way he had never thought in his worst nightmare his Cheeku would!

Yes, Virat did play a role in the decision of his abrupt retirement.

But... Virat was, at the end, like a kid to him! And as much he never admits, his most favorite kid!

And Mahi Bhai missed him too! He missed his Cheeku! (As much his Cheeku did)

Cheeku really doesn't need me anymore? Mahi didn't think he could ever stand with this!

Virat entered his room and knelt down on floor against the door, tears streaming down his eyes.

Has he broken the things so much that he couldn't even go and hug his Mahi Bhai?

Could he even bring himself to meet his eyes?

I can't face you, Bhai! Virat thought miserably as he sobbed out.

"How will I ever meet your eyes again, Mahi Bhai? I'm such a idiotic jerk! I hurt you so much! I don't deserve you at all. When I should have been the one to stand by you, I was the one to drive you away. I- I'm so bad, Mahi Bhai!" Virat was ranting to himself tearfully.

"But I can't even stay without you, Bhai! I still need you! Your Cheeku will always need you! I know-" Virat sniffed, "- I know I can never rectify what I did- I still can't go away from you, Bhai. I'm your little brother, your Cheeku, right? Then whatever your Cheeku does, he will always come back to you! I will earn you back, Bhai! I promise!"

Virat didn't realise when he started crying while talking to himself. It felt he was talking to Mahi Bhai! He wiped away his tears and stood up slowly.

I will earn my Mahi Bhai back! Virat was determined or say Mahi Bhai's Cheeku was!


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Love ❤️

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