Chapter 1

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"SHADOW! TIME TO GET UP OR YOU'LL BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!" her father called. Shadow huffed as she forced herself out of bed, and stretched. "You may want to hurry ya know" her sister, Scarlet, told her. "You've missed the bus for the past week and have had to fly to school". 

Shadow rolled her eyes before she threw her blanket off, quickly regretting the decision as cooled air hit her warm body. "BURR!" Shadow exclaimed, "Why does Fall have to be cooler than summer? Or spring for the matter? I never have a problem getting outa bed when it's summer or spring, because the air is fine without a blanket!" Her sister rolled her eyes as she threw clothing onto her sister. 

"Stop complaining and get ready for school! Do you want to fly to school again?" Scarlet replied, slightly annoyed about her sister's inability to handle the cold. "It's not like your a lizard! You have fur and feathers to keep you warm!" Shadow snorted as she finished getting her shorts on. Scarlet sighed as she stopped brushing her bangs. 

"Why are you like this?" Scarlet questioned. 

Shadow looked to her sister confused, "What cha mean?" 

"I MEAN why are you so rude and sarcastic?" 

"Don't know. Why are you acting like your a few years older than me, when we're twins, and I was born first?" Shadow snapped back as she put on her boots. "Maybe your the reason why I'm so rude, sarcastic and pessimistic. I have to live with a younger sibling outdoing me in almost every way, AND she keeps trying to get me to put on dresses and other 'girly' things when she KNOWS I have my own style!" 

Tears stared to prick the sides of Scarlet's face. This wasn't the first time her sister had said something like this, but that didn't matter, it still hurt. Scarlet wouldn't tell her sister that she was the reason she would out do her on things, she wanted to make Shadow proud, because when they were kids Shadow always did everything better, but now she tuned into a competition. Almost bursting into tears Scarlet put her text books into her bag and left, slamming the door. "Hurry up BLUE!" Scarlet called up to her sister when she was about to leave. 

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" Shadow barked back at her sister, who had already left. Shadow sighed as she held her head up with her paw. Had she hurt her sister's feelings? This was a question Shadow would often ask herself after one of her outbursts. Shadow sighed, she had made such a hard outer shell for herself that she couldn't even tell how others around her felt, not easily at least. Shadow if anything had lost touch with her true emotions, normally only feeling angry, frustrated, annoyed, bored, and, when around friends, happy. She had tried for so long to numb out all emotion, to become a hallow shell of a once emotional animal, but everyone has to feel something. Even if most of it is negative. Again Shadow sighed as she slung her bag over her right shoulder and headed out her bedroom door to the front door, not feeling hungry enough to eat breakfast, but grabbing a banana for a snack later.

Slowly Shadow walked, to her bus stop, but quickly picking up the pace when she herd her bus pull up around the corner. No way was she going to miss it again, sure she loved flying, but she didn't like looking like a lazy sloth! Even if she sometimes acted like one. She rounded the corner just in time to see a crocodile get on. "Wait!" Shadow shouted at the bus driver. The bus driver looked up to see the young owlox rushing up to the bus doors, he grunted as Shadow made it to the doors. "Hurry it up, owlox" the bus driver growled, "Find a place to sit before I start movin'". 

"Species-ist" Shadow mumbled to herself as she walked over to where her sister sat. Scarlet looked up seeing her twin, but didn't move her bag, and just crossed her arms. Shadow rolled her eyes as she walked to the back where an empty set was up for grabs. Shadow huffed as she sat down and the bus lurched forwards. Soon the bus stopped again for the forth and finale stop. Two rabbits twins, one boy one girl walked on first, fallowed by a fox and squirrel talking about last nights baseball game, then by a lesbian mouse couple, finely fallowed by a new barn owl. They quickly found sets next to their friends. Scarlet moved her bag for the female rabbit twin to sit, Shadow sat alone staring out the window, till a quit hoot interrupted her thoughts. In front of Shadow the new barn owl stood, shyly looking at Shadow. 

"Do you- want to sit?" Shadow asked, raising an eyebrow. 

"I-if it's not to much to ask." the barn owl replied sweetly, in an almost inaudible voice. 

Shadow sighed as she moved her bag for the barn owl to sit. Happily the barn owl sat herself down. "So, what's your name?" Shadow asked well looking out the window as the bus started to move. 

"My names Sora. But lots a animals call me Feather, don't know why but they do" Sora replied, "What's your name?" 

"I'm Shadow." Shadow replied bluntly. 

"Oh, I thought most owlox's names where colors." Sora replied looking at the ceiling thoughtfully.

"Ugh huh. That's true, and my first name IS a color, I just don't like the color name, not to say I don't like the color though, I do, it's one of my favorites." 

"Oh? What color?" Sora asked, fully listening.

"Blue." Shadow mumbled. 

"Blue? Why don't you like that name? I think it sounds nice, much less sinister than Shadow."

"Because," Shadow started, "That makes my full name Blue Shadow Moon. Have you ever herd of a blue moon blacked out partly? No, no one has! It makes no sense, but Shadow Moon makes sense." 

"I think it sounds cool." Sora sighed. 

Shadow rolled her eyes, the bus ride was silent between the two for the rest of the time. 


Shadow hummed to herself as she walked to her finale and favorite period of the day, history. Quickly Shadow sat down in her set, getting her history book out of her bag, flipping the pages open and started reading. 'New Earth, is the plant we live on. It was renamed New Earth after animals found out that long ago a race called 'Humans' lived on the plant. They had called it 'Earth'. Humans seemed to have been wiped out after the second big bang, because after that all traces of them stop.' Shadow stopped reading that part of the book, flipping through the pages she went to the chapter called 'Owlox and Fowl's Part in History'. Shadow had to stop herself from rolling her eyes, fowl where, in the eyes of owlox, horrible animals that's existence hurts the species reputation as a whole. Shadow started to look over the chapter, the were supposed to read it anyways, as soon as she finished the bell rang, signaling that school was over for the day. She sighed, grateful to be heading home. That is before she remembered that she's meeting her friends Rover, Cloud, and Tiga by the river. Small bits of happiness fluttered inside Shadow, for today was the day the friends where going to cosplay for the first time in months!

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