Prologue: The call to service

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Y/n pov

Gods... many of us humans throw out that word over the course our lifetimes. In the past it was our means of finding solace in what we never understood. Here in the modern day we have plenty of technologies  to explain;what never could've been  at that time. As a man of science myself I wanted to believe that within this multidimensional universe of ours;that all can be explained. We all did but some things are beyond the rules or reality we've grown reliant on. It all started when years ago we learned that the monsters we all feared; were the gods our ancestors all praised. We were never the top of the food chain;we were always holding second  place.  I woke up  next to one of my girlfriends and co-workers of Otaki Factory; Satomi Kanahara.  Our group  were researchers and engineers who's main work was in electronics. Every now and again though we investigated into unknown phenomenon.  After Satomi and I put on our outfits she yawned with a grin.

Satomi: Man old man  Otaki seems really fired up about this new project.

Y/n:*chuckles* Well can you blame Goro after all we've got a chance to rebuild Jet Jaguar again. Ever since it was destroyed in that battle a year ago it's been stuck as a AI.

Satomi: Man it's so hard to believe that  a singularity like that could ever happen. I hear the world governments have labeled the whole thing as the Red Dust incident. 

I sighed throwing on our company jacket and spoke.

Y/n: Red's terrifying to imagine other dimensions hold such a source of power. I'm so glad we'll never have to endure that again.

As memories of what happened coursed through my mind Satomi  wrapped her arms around me. Turning to her I saw her smile before  kissing me while we hugged.

Satomi; Look I know you've gone through alot during that whole ordeal Y/n. But for now we need to try and move on alright?  We've got the funding to make Jet Jaguar and if we do;no one will have to endure that kind of hell.

Y/n;*smiles* Yeah your right Jet Jaguar comes first. Thanks Satomi... I really needed that.

Satomi: Don't mention it what kind of girlfriend would I didn't?

Y/n:*Smirks* And what a sweet girl you are my sexy Kana~ 

While I said that I moved my hands down towards her ass causing her to giggle at me.

Satomi: Easy there king tiger save this for after work yeah?

After we separated and left our apartment I threw Satomi my keys.

Y/n: You can take my bike to work Satomi. I got a stop to make first so go on ahead.

Satomi: You going to get Kamino?

Y/n:*nods* Of course she'll be a great help during this whole thing. I'll be taking my car so tell the others to not wait up.

Satomi:*nods* Ok got it i'll let the others know the deal,see ya there Y/n.

After I got into my car I smirked then spoke with a chuckle.

Y/n: I'm glad this thing came our alright. It was a bitch to pay for but hey it got me out of hell during Collage.

After I drove off to Mei's apartment I  went up then knocked on her door.

Y/n: Oi Mei it's me Y/n there Goro's  Jet Jaguar project is gonna start soon. I was hoping if it wasn't too much trouble you'd come and give us  a hand baby.

After a few seconds Mei opened the door clearly having just woke up a  minute or 2 ago.

Mei: S-Sorry about that Y/n just give a minute to get into some new clothes

Y/n:  It's cool take your time Mei  I had Satomi let the others know.

Mei: Thank you Y/n I shouldn't take very long.  You want to come in for a minute?

Y/n:*grins* Oh what the hell sure.

After I came in I saw things were a bit of a mess until I saw Pelo 2 on her computer screen. 

Y/n: Hey there Pelo how are ya today? I take it Mei was running you ragged last night?

Pelo 2: Yes Ms. Kamino  was up  researching  last night.

Y/n: Really what kind of research was it?

Pelo 2: Energy waves!

Y/n: Energy waves..Electromagnetic or Sound waves?

After Mei came out a minute later she spoke while I handed her a coffee.

Mei: It's something else be honest trying to identify where it is has been more of a problem.

Y/n: I see well maybe  the others and I could give ya a hand at Otaki Factory.

Mei: You mean it that would be great Y/n. I don't know why but something about it doesn't sit well with me.

Y/n: It's nothing Kamino so then let's head out shall we?

Mei: Yeah!

Gathering our stuff we headed out  to the factory where everyone was hard at work.

Y/n: Yo guys I brought Mei with me i'm sure her and Pelo should be some great help.

Yun:*smiles* Good Y/n thanks for coming Kamino. Your doing Goro a huge favor with this.

Mei: Oh it's nothing if  Y/n asked for some help then I don't mind at all.

Yun: Ever since Jet Jaguar sacrificed itself a year ago our boss hasn't been the same.

I turned seeing Haberu doing pull ups until he spoke while listening to rock music.

Haberu: Yeah he was  locked away for months,only really coming out when things called for it. The recent weeks  though the guy is all pumped.

Satomi: The only thing I want to know is who were the guys to fund this? 

Y/n: Same here even if they are anonymous the truth is they can't just be some big company.


Haberu: I guess ya got a  point there boss.

Goro: You got that right you youngsters don't know just all the Jet Jaguar can do.

Satomi: True but still aren't ya at the very least curious who it was that sent us the money?

Goro: Well of course but  why should I kick a gift horse in the mouth on this?

Y/n:*smirks* Aye fair enough boss. So then shall we try to start him up or what?

Yun: We can have Pelo 2 help go inside and try to jump start it's old systems. With the repairs done that should definitely help get things started. 

Mei: Well can you do that for us Pelo?

Pelo 2: Yes mam just leave it to me Woof!

While we watched  Pelo insert itself into Jet Jaguar's body we waited;until it finally started up. After Pelo 2 returned to Mei's computer I grinned at Jet Jaguar.

Y/n:Welcome back Jet Jaguar we've missed you. Tell me are all your features functional yet?

Jet Jaguar: Preforming self diagnostics now........ it appears over 90% of all features are at full power.  


Haberu:*Grins* Heh after all those nights of hard work I sure as hell worked up a appetite!

Satomi: If your paying boss then who am I to turn that offer down?

Y/n: Sounds good to me what about you Mei?

Mei: Sure thing to be honest I haven't eaten yet today.

Yun: Alright then guess we're all in agreement.

Y/n: Let's head out guys. Jet Jaguar will you and Pelo 2 keep this place safe until we return?

Jet jaguar/Pelo 2: Affirmative/ I'll message you the moment something happens!

Timeskip brought to by these

 3rd person pov

2 hours  Y/n and others enjoyed their food Mei let out a content sigh.

Mei: I can't eat another bite.

Satomi: Damn we haven't eaten this good in a while huh Y/n?

Y/n: Oh you have no fucking idea how long I've wanted to go to a buffet. With the amount of work that has gone into Jet Jaguar; I've been forced to revert to the American collage kid diet.

Haberu:*grins* What no way man your joking!

Y/n: Oho you think so Haberu well feast your eyes! I've bought enough packaged Ramen to feed a small army.

Y/n showed off pictures causing Haberu to laugh.


Satomi; *grins*  Hehe it's almost  a nightmare to look at sometimes. Honestly I  think i've started getting tired of Ramen as  whole cuz of it. 

Yun: Is that really all you've been eating?

Y/n: Nah we've delivered every now and again. It's just alot of the places are pricey as all hell.

Mei: Pelo has been helping me with the cooking back home.If things are that bad I don't mind bringing over some food for you two.

Satomi: You sure about that Mei?

Mei: Yeah of course!

Y/n; Heh well we might just take you up on that.


Waiter: Coming right up sir!

Goro laughed while he  raised his drink and cheered.



While the group drank a group of vehicles appeared outside the restaurant. As a small group came out of the vehicles. 

???: So this is where the Otaki Factory are?

??? 2: Yes mam.

??? 3: What are our orders?

???: You two come with me the rest of you stay outside.

As the 3 moved out of the way of the door a certain logo shined on it.

???:We'll need their expertise and Jet Jaguar. 

As the group went inside they approached Y/n and the others; gaining their attention.

Y/n: Um can we help you?

Yumi: Your are the group called Otaki factory correct? My name is Yumi Hisako and we must ask that you all come with us.

Mei: Huh where to exactly?

Yumi: To our headquarters the home of the G-Force.

Everyone:(mind) G-FORCE?!

Goro: Now hang on just a sec Missy why exactly does G-force need us huh!?

Yumi: Well mister Otaki  they've acknowledged your skills during the course of the Red Dust incident. After knowing you could rebuild Jet Jaguar who do you think gave you the funding?

Y/n:*Sighs* So my hunch was right after all.

Satomi: What do you think we should do boss?

Goro: Well it ain't we got any other choice.

Yumi: We're afraid you must come as well Miss Mei Kamino.

Mei: B-but why me?

Yumi: It seems  our boss thinks you and Pelo 2 maybe of assistance.

Mei: *sighs* I understand Mam.

Yumi: Very good well then we already have a convoy ready to take you all there. 

Y/n:(mind)  I don't know  what the hell is going to happen. But if I can say anything for certain is that it can't be anything good. What could be so big they need us and Jet Jaguar?

??? pov

Damn  what do those human bastards think their doing? I'll  need to do something about it quick.

3rd person pov

When Y/n and the others got to the  G-force  base an hour later they were guided around. While they were Y/n and the others stared in awe;until one thing stood out to them.

Y/n:What the hell is that?

Yumi:  One of our greatest weapon against the Kaijus


To be continued

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