The one harmed for blood

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Y/n pov

Waking up the next day I saw my wounds were healed  catching me off guard. 

Y/n:What the heck happened to my wounds?

Seeing the tent I was in open I saw Mothra exit it with a smile upon her face.

Mothra: Oh your awake Y/n sorry if I was interrupting something. 

Y/n; Your fine Mothra  but II do  have a question for you. 

Mothra: Of course ask away Y/n.

Y/n: What happened to my wounds? 

Mothra: Oh that's simple I helped heal you.

Y/n: Huh you can do that?

Mothra:  Yes Y/n you see us Mothra have a special connection to the cosmos around us. We  are all born with a link to our universe. It's because of this link that we can tap into the magical power of it all. For your body I gave it a little aid in the regenerating. 

Y/n: *chuckles* It's hard to think such a thing even exists. As a Scientist my job was to help humans make sense of our universe and even those beyond it. I used to think everything had a explanation that science could help apply logic too. What a waste when in the end such things like magic truly exist.

Mothra sat down next to me before she placed her hand on my right one.

Mothra:*Smiles* It was not the waste you think it was Y/n. Humans are not unlike children,they aren't experienced in a world bigger than themselves. So in order to avoid the fear of the unknown they create their own logic and reasoning for everything.

Y/n: Mothra?

Mothra: Your not completely wrong  but neither are you completely right.  You're race is still learning and as a Mothra it is my job to help them avoid calamity. 

Y/n: Mothra i've been meaning to ask you something about that. I know your a guardian but;why protect us humans? We have wronged you and the Kaiju countless times. We've taken things you're kind held sacred and we've broken it apart.

Mothra: It's because I love Earth...simple as that. It's true humans have done harm to not only the Kaiju; but the planet they live upon. Even that said I want to have hope for your future..The Shobijins and even Maina and Miana..they  feel the same way.

I looked on Mothra's face in disbelief,she couldn't be lying to me. Mothra's motherly and pure smile oozed out honesty. I couldn't understand just someone could exist. It seemed my heart felt at peace around her. 

Y/n;(Mind) Mothra...they give you such a cruel name as the Queen of Monsters. When in truth you are truly a angel.

Standing up Mothra and I walked out from the tent where I saw Mei  with things back up.

Y/n: Hey Mei what's going on?

Mei: I'm going out to try and get some supplies for food tonight.

Y/n: In that case let me come along. With my strength I can atleast get us some meat or higher reaching things.

Mei: If you think so Y/n then come on.

Walking away with Kamino I helped her get ingredients.  Punching out a Zilla that charged at us I clenched my fist.

Y/n:(mind) This strength is amazing. I can get used to this.



Y/n:What the hell is going on?!

Running over to see what was going on I saw a female kaiju being ganged up on.

3rd person pov

???: I-I Don't deserve any of this! Why should I be attacked for being born!?  especially  when a chunky bitch you you exist Ebirah!

Ebirah angered by the other woman's words transformed then went to crush her.


Y/n rushing over infront of Zilla stopped Ebirah's claw then smirked.

Zilla: W-Why are you..?

Y/n: Heh this all you losers can't do all day? Bully someone who's not fighting back?

Ebirah:(M) Who the hell are you?!

Y/n: Just a guy who hates bully bitches like you.

Ebirah's eyes widened when Y/n hoisted up then threw her far away. The other two transformed  then tried to attack Y/n;but were stopped by Leo.

Leo: Hmph don't you cowards have better places to be? I thought you'd have more pride in yoursleves

Kameobas  and especially you


Manda(M):Mothra  Leo why are you here?!

Leo: I came because I wanted to help aid Y/n and Mei Kamino. I wasn't expecting  to see see you of all people degrade yourself in this manner.

Manda(M): There is more to my involvement than you realize.


After the group ran off Mothra Leo scoffed.

Leo: Cowards....I don't understand how such a man like Manda would get involved with them.

Turning back to Mei who ran over to them then smiled.

Leo:Thank you Kamino for telling me what you saw. I wouldn't want Y/n to be bed driven again.

Walking over the girl named Zilla Y/n offered her his hand.

Y/n: Are you ok?

Zilla stared at him with suspicion  before she spoke.

Zilla: Why did you help me?

Y/n:Because I hate bullies simple as that. Do I need some grand reason to beat up a group of people ganging up on you?

Zilla: Kaiju don't care about me...i'm a freak to them.

Leo: I see Y/n she is a rare breed of Kaiju.

Y/n:What do you mean?

???:Hey what the hell happened to you babe?

Seeing  a new Kaiju staring her down Zilla spoke.

Zilla: G-Gabara?! I-It's nothing... I was just..

Gabara: You look like shit.

Y/n: Hey she looks just fine to me for someone who's been  attacked. Who are you anyways?

Gabara: I'm her Boyfriend you noisy prick.

Leo: That's enough! Gabara if Zilla is indeed your Girlfriend then you should treat her with more respect. The same could be said for Y/n after all he just helped her in YOUR place. 

Gabara: You sure think alot of yourselves huh?

Leo:I I don't think higher of myself  because of my achievements.  For being a Mothra who personally helps humankind I have pride in myself. Could you say the same?

Gabara: Tch whatever i'm out of here. You'll know where to find me Zilla.

After Gabara walked away Y/n stared at him with suspicion. 

Timeskip brought to you by these

Y/n pov

After returning back to Mothra's village Zilla stared around at everything.

Zilla: So this is what the Mothra clan live.

Leo:Well we prefer our clan be known as the Mosura but yes this is our home. 

Satomi:: Welcome back you guys

Goro:*grins* Hehe just in time kiddos WE'VE GOT HIM BACK!

Mothra: A friend of mine dropped off Jet Jaguar earlier today.

Rodrick:So your the guy that Goja went and gave her energy life to huh? Well then the names Rodrick but everyone calls me the Fire Demon Rodan. Nice to meet ya man.

Mothra: Rodrick here used to be our enemy but proved to be a good friend over time.

Rodrick: Goja and I might not have  seen eye to eye but I respected her as a fighter.

Y/n; Well i just hope I can live up to her legacy.

Rodrick: Heh only time will tell right.

Mothra looked behind me seeing Zilla standing awkwardly behind me.

Mothra: Oh I see you've guys brought a friend here-oh my  Zilla?! What happened to you.

Zilla:*blushes* O-Oh uh Hi Mothra..i-it's nothing really.

Mothra: Why are you so embarrassed? 

Leo:  Sister we found her attacked by a group with Ebirah.

Rodrick: Tch Ebirah why can't that crabby bitch just be like the rest of her kind.

Mothra: Zilla why didn't you try to find us before? You know we'd give you sanction.

Zilla: I've tried but I couldn't ever locate you.

Yun: How do you know her Mothra?

Mothra: Shortly after Goja and I gained our titles as Legendary Kaiju I found her. She was injured on the shore of Infant island until I  brought her to a cave.  After I healed her we spent sometime  together.

Zilla: I've been grateful for her kindness to me ever since.

Leo: Y/n as I was telling you and Mei earlier. Zilla here is one of the few of her species to evolve into a form of their own Gojira clan type. As far as I've encountered she is the only one i've seen before.

Zilla: Yeah but it's because of that people hate me so much. In turns of blood i'm not apart of any Clan. I'm just a Kaiju born from an animal one.

Satomi: That's a bunch of B.S that they attack you for such  a minor reason.

Haberu: What a bunch of dicks.

Y/n: Well you can atleast rest easy knowing you'll have none here.

Mothra: Y/n is right why don't you join us for a feast? 

Zilla: A-are you guys sure you want me around? I don't wanna be a nuisance. 

Mothra: *smiles* Oh Zilla you'll be far from it your a friend hehe!

I watched Zilla look around before she smiled then bowed respectfully to us.


Mei: Oh I know Y/n how about we all try and have a beach party?

Zilla: Huh what' s a beach party?

Y/n: It's just as the name implies. We have a party put on  a beach. we enjoy the things on by the sea and eat our fill.

Mothra:*Grins* That sounds like fun.

Rodrick; *smirks* Count me in I got nothing better to do.

Leo: It should atleast be interesting.

Satomi: Heh i'll get my swimsuit.

Haberu: I'll get some food cooking!

Gathering things we all prepared for the party. While we did I noticed Biollante in a sitting in a bush. 

Y/n: Biollante what are you doing here?

Biollante: I overheard everything you were doing. So I was gonna sit here and watch sis Mothra have fun.

Y/n:huh but why?

Biollante: I...I almost killed you...I was deceived into thinking you were a heartless demon that murdered Goja. But I was wrong...I couldn't  forgive myself for what I would've done to a man;who Mothra trusts so much.

Y/n: Well it's true you did almost kill me  but just as you said you were deceived. How can I hold you accountable for something you had no idea the full story behind?

Biollante: But I- 

Y/n: Looks Mothra vouches for you so why should I hate  you?

Biollante looked at me in awe then I helped her up.

Y/n: Now come on the worst person to be is the one who exiles themselves from a party. I know from experience.

After Biollante hugged me then smiled we joined everyone for the party when nightfall came. Walking out I saw Mei in her suit as she smiled at me.

Mei: There you are Y/n about time you showed up.

Y/n: Sorry to be late but I just had to make sure we didn't leave out a guest.

Biollante: Hi big sis Mothra.

Mothra: I'm glad to see you' two together Biollante. I know Y/n isn't Goja but I-

Leo:Sister you should probably give him the gift before you forget.

Mothra: O-OH RIGHT Hehe! Here Y/n this outfit is for you. I crafted it myself I hope you enjoy.

Curious by it I  put it on  then whistled while Mothra giggled.

Mothra: Well how is it Y/n?

Y/n: It looks badass Mothra I love it.

3rd person pov

while they all partied at the beach Gabara stood on the top of the cliff watching.

Gabara:(Mind) Those bastards think they can take what's mine? Heh I'll show Zilla who owns her.

To be continued

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