Chapter Forty-Five - Gage

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Right away, Gage knew he was dreaming. Like before he was on the street, following his wife. His beautiful Majandra. She smiled as she passed a store selling something he couldn't make out, and then she stopped to wave to a little girl walking with her parents. Normal things he missed. She always noticed the moments of life that seemed to be ignored by others.

When she lifted her gaze, she glanced back at him and winked. "You'll be okay without me. You always were, but it's going to start getting easier."

"I'm not sure about that," he said, jogging to close the gap between them. Every step he took made no difference. They were still too far apart.

She let out a heavy sigh. "I'm not mad that you like her. She could be great for you. Just make sure you don't let yourself get caught up in hormones."

Gage felt his cheeks flush with heat. "I—"

"It's okay that you're attracted to her. You're not cheating on me. I'm dead."

I'm dead. Two words he hated hearing coming from her lips. It felt so final.

"Because it is final," she said. "I mean, it is in the sense that I don't walk on the earth anymore. My spirit is still alive and well and I'm having a great time in the afterlife waiting for you. When you get married again, I promise it won't be awkward. No one cares about that where I am now."

"Why are you telling me all of this?" He groaned. "You're breaking my heart!"

"Because if you don't hear it from me, I don't think you're going to ever move forward," she said. "All of that magic in you is allowing me to have this special moment with you. I can only share certain things. I've decided it most important that you know I'm okay, and we're okay, and we'll still be okay if you fall in love again. Just make it count. Make sure that whoever you choose is the right fit in all ways, or your heart is going to break even more."

Tears blurred Gage's vision. "Why? Why pick this message? Aren't there things way more pertinent to my life? What about Gus? What about the 'why' behind my being Touched? What mission is God trying to send me on?"

She lowered her gaze to her feet. "Gus is going to be fine as long as you take care of yourself. I'm confident you're not going to let him stray. Everything else is going to come together in that mind of yours. You're so much smarter than you give yourself credit for."

"I still have questions!" He clenched his hands into fists, desperate to find the right word or phrase to keep her at his side. If he could keep her talking, then she couldn't leave.

Maj lifted her head, faced him straight on, then blew him a kiss. "I love you, and I'm going to go now. A version of me is still going to be present in your dreams, but it won't be like this. We'll be together again soon enough."


When Gage woke, he clung to his bedsheets. His whole body felt hot, and his heart pounded in his chest. Despite the dream being more pleasant than usual, the panic of her still walking out of his life took over. She's not gone. Just waiting. The voice in his mind was like his own, yet different. It was a part of his soul he had disconnected from a long time again. The voice of his faith. Those five words were enough to calm him.

He closed his eyes and let out a heavy breath. "I won't let you down," he whispered.

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