Chapter Forty-Three - Finn

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Finn watched the new Oceina Lord with complete awe and fascination.

Darien Oceina, son of the late Oceina Lord Orion, was chosen to take his father's place. A strange selection given that the Oceina line typically went to the oldest son. Orion's father had broken the tradition first, so perhaps a new one was starting. Darien is the youngest one of the bunch. That's an interesting choice. Probably because he's Touched. Hopefully, he won't be easily manipulated by the others. He glanced at the Aero lord. Because this is the stage in the game where he'll be most malleable.

Upon word of Orion's assassination, Finn knew the coucil would be chaotic, and that whatever new lord came in to take his place would act as a wild card. He had plenty of documentation on Brian, the eldest son in the line. The man was a hard dealing businessman, much like his father had been. Slow to anger, even slower to forgive. When he got mad, some said he held a grudge for life and acted rashly. A dangerous combination for a Great Lord. All the same, he'd been the Great Lord everyone expected.

Not Darien.

No one knew much about the guy, because he hadn't stepped foot into the world of adulthood. He didn't own a business, or have a vocation. He also seemed to make it a point to stay out of sight. Probably because he's Touched. That's how Gage acts too. Hides his magic and specialness from the world. And for Gage, that kind of a lifestyle made sense. Darien...not so much.

They say he killed his mother during childbirth. A piece of gossip which was both petty, yet fascinating at the same time. Since meeting Gage, Finn made it a point to understand the effects of being Touched. One of them seemed to involve the transition of magic in utero having a negative impact on the mother. The Aero mother was put into a coma. The Inero mother was rumored to have passed as well, but not much was known about her either. Another secret their Great Lord liked to keep under lock and key. Gage's mother was left infertile.

What made Finn most curious, was what factors impacted which mothers lived and which died? Did it mean Gage's magic was less strong than the Touched Oceina Great Lord sitting at the council? What about the Inero? The Inero Touched were supposedly twins, and if that was the case, did that mean one had more magic than the other? Or were both equally strong? Or equally weak?

There was no way he could test any of these ideas, so he relied on the gossip to provide him with data. Gage barely used his magic, but Finn could sense it surrounding his friend constantly like an aura. So many noticed it and didn't know what they were being drawn to. Soon, Gage isn't going to be able to run away from his gift. I wish I knew how to make him see that. I've tried every angle I can think of, and nothing is getting through to him. This is about so much more than politics.

He loathed the idea of giving the Inero any kind of help. Anyone could see the Great Lord of the fire dragons was using the famine of his nation to distract from the real issues at hand. Like how those in his inner circle were fed just fine, and production rates were abounding at the farms. Mix all of that with the rumors of missing Terran prisoners, the influx of slayers, and the way Lord Vincent favored the Inero causes even more than those of all added up quickly. The Inero Great Lord had plans, and he was conspiring with Lord Vincent. And he'll expect Garrison to follow suit. Garrison might have to. Unless I can find an easy way out of these commitments.

No, there would be no easy path to break away from those. Tapering off, fading into a new plan...that would be the best method to use so repercussions could be minimalized.

Finn gazed over at Sir Garrison, the man who might as well have been his father. They locked eyes, and Finn nodded, knowing he had to remain firm in getting Gage to accept his destiny as a Touched. Whether Gage liked it or not, he'd have to act behind the scenes.

The council broke for the remainder of the day shortly after. A bit earlier than normal, however, Finn suspected everyone needed a longer break to talk and decompress. They all had a lot to sift through. Finn himself was eager to get some time to himself to do so effectively. Most of his best thinking happened in private.

Sir Garrison walked over to Finn and whispered, "Try to talk with the Oceina Lord. Get me a meeting with him."

"Yes, Sir." That seemed easier said than done, of course. Darien was already making a beeline for the exit that led to the Oceina's private quarters.

His boss must have noticed Finn's distress. He smiled and said, "Don't feel like you have to do it right this second. Perhaps in a few hours when everyone is settled into their rooms. If you happen to be unable to organize this for me, that's all right too. I can make a few calls when we're home. You being my messenger will be a lot more discreet."

"I understand," Finn said softly. Sir Garrison wanted to keep outsiders from knowing about their conversation ever occurring.

"Relax," Sir Garrison said. "Everything is under control."

It didn't feel that way. In fact, it felt a lot like the world was being tipped upside down, and Finn was dangling from its edge. One strong jolt and he would plummet to his doom. I have to trust him. I have no reason not to. Sir Garrison had never let him down before. Too bad he couldn't get his brain on board enough to stop being a control-freak worry-wort.

Finn forced a smile. "Can I take a walk? Or do you need me for anything pressing?"

"I'm going to a meeting with Lord Vincent in regards to finalizing numbers for the Inero problem." He sighed. "The paperwork part."

Three out of the four signatures were needed from the top officials of the Terran Council delegates. All four would sign the document declaring Terran's role in assisting the Inero. If they declined after Lord Vincent made such a public declaration, things would become even messier. And Sir Garrison is the only one against the idea anyway. Even if he chose not to sign out of principle, the motion would still pass...and with evidence that Garrison was against the "best interests" of the people. No matter what he chose, he was stuck.

The only way Finn could help his boss was to secure the meeting with Darien. Like most of his best ideas, the exact and perfect way for him to do so struck his brain like a bolt of lightning. Darien is the new Great Lord. Why didn't I think of it before! He hurried out of the council hall and followed the stone path that was the fastest way to the Oceina housing compound. Or...he thought that had been the right pathway. Upon further inspection, he saw the red flowers of the Inero territory decorating the landscape and the small flame engraved in all of the lamps.

Duh, Finn, the Oceina are on the East trail. This is the South one. He'd always been a bit directionally challenged. Just as he was about to turn on his heel and start again, he heard a familiar voice up ahead.

"I'm aware you need more prisoners, Matteo. Your superiors have already communicated that to me," Frank said in a hushed tone. "Yelling about it here is not smart."

"I am the superior," another man, presumably Matteo, snapped. He sounded younger, though not by much. "The only person above me is my father. Making me mad is the fastest way to get on his bad side. Also, watch me not care about how loud I chew you out. Do you think it makes a difference to anyone else?"

"It should," Frank seethed. "If we're caught."

Matteo laughed. "This is all smoke and mirrors right now. In a handful of months, our true feelings will be known. Lines will be drawn. They already have been. We're prepared to fulfill our destiny. The only reason we included you in these plans is because it makes things a little less bloody. My hope was to minimize human casualties. However, they seem to reproduce quickly. I'm not concerned."

"The only thing they're good for is making women anyway," Frank grumbled.

"There are some other things to add to the list, but generally, I concur." There was an edge in Matteo's voice, and Finn wasn't sure he believed him. Then again, he was overhearing a lot of things he struggled with.

And I'm standing in the middle of the path where anyone could stumble upon me! He finally did turn back toward the council hall, his feet swift but silent. Or he hoped so. The last thing he needed was for them to hear him fleeing. Conversations like the kind he'd just witnessed were the type that lead to rather convenient disappearances.

Finn's heart raced as he found the correct path for the Oceina. He jogged until he found himself deep in the blue flowered trails. Even though he felt safer, he still couldn't fully shake the shock and horror of it all. Frank is conspiring with someone else. An Inero? Matteo? Who is the son of someone important. The Inero Great Lord perhaps? Or a different high ranking official. Or is Matteo a rogue and they chose the Inero grounds to throw everyone off of their scent? They'd certainly said a lot that lined up with what the rogue factions believed.

It solidified one fact for him: Frank is bad. Very, very bad. I have to get him away from Sir Garrison.

The fact he chose to ignore was that Frank was also connected to Martie. His heart wasn't ready to accept that coincidence, or the way he recognized Frank's smell on her.

By the time he reached the Oceina housing complex, he'd almost forgotten why he'd ventured out in the first place. He stood in front of the door, desperate to shake the swirl of thoughts pouring through his brain. The rug had been pulled out from under him. I feel like I need a plan. Now. If he had any hope of stopping things before they started, he'd have to act fast.

"Uh, can I help you?" a young man asked from behind him.

Finn jumped and spun around. One of the Oceina brothers stood there. He recognized the man as being Darien's First Council.

Clearing his throat, Finn regained his composure. He was getting better at pushing things aside for the sake of the job. "I'm here acting as a representative for Sir Garrison of the Terran Council. He has asked me to arrange for a meeting with Lord Oceina. If possible, at some point before we leave the island. However, he also knows that the Great Lord's time is precious and divided by many things."

The First Council nodded slowly, and took a long time to answer. "I will let him know and have someone reach out to you once he's made a decision."

"Thank you." Finn hesitated before adding. "Please pass along our condolences as well. What happened to Orion was a tragedy, and let him know that not all Terran hold the same convictions as Lord Vincent."

"All right."

Two words, and they were stiff and emotionless. What did that mean? Did he not believe Finn? Did he suspect something was amiss in the Terran ranks? Had Finn said the absolute wrong thing and only made everything worse? It's too late. I can't take it back.

"Thank you," Finn said again before bowing and heading back to Terran. He took the long way, his mind going back to the problem of Frank. This is why I'm supposed to watch the new guy. For now, he'd keep the issue to himself. Sir Garrison had enough on his plate as it was. First thing when we get back. Then we'll talk.

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